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cloning...I give up.


I've tried just about everything. A bubbler, rapid rooters, rockwool, with and without a dome, clonex, superthrive.....even tried putting clones in a cup of water. I've waited 3 weeks trying every method......and no roots. nothing. nada zilch.
the only other thing I can think of is temps might be a touch cool sometimes.....but I have used a heat mat with a thermostat and that didn't work either.

I've only used tap water, could it be so simple that I need to use distilled water or something like that? I'm not sure what the sodium ppm is in my tap water...could this or anything else be the culprit?!
Thanks in advance.


Active member
I'm not gonna do a whole write-up and details and all (as all the relevant info is on here anyway,) BUT, I will tell you that I was exactly where you are now before - cloning was driving me crazy, I too wanted to give up.

Don't give up. You'll get it eventually, just keep trying and trying - before you know it you'll have more clones than you even know what to do with...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
this is just a glass of tap water with a single drop of bio roots from general organics...



heres one of the same clones a weekor so later after being transferred to a rapid rooter when it showed root nubs


this one took about 3 weeks to root,but it did root,just change the glass of water every few days


my tap water in very low in ppms,so that does help,try distilled...


it takes time, clonex, rockwoll with a dome, heatpad and some moisture.


Active member
hey dude. il bet i know the 2 reasons why they arent taking.

1- too wet

2- too stale.(need fresh air)

you want you medium moist, not wet. so if you can squeeze out any excess water.

use as little hormone as possible, especially gels. make sure to just get a skin of gel on the cut end. too much can and will wilt the stalck at the soil line.

just get a tray with a dome for now, crawl before you walk. get a dome with vents on the top and this is what you do:

take cuts and leave in dome for 24 hours, then remove dome fan with dome, and open 1 vent half way, blow your breath(co2) into the dome and repeat daily until both vents are both open 100%. this should get you to day 5 in total. after day 5, remove dome for an hour to 12 hours at a time, watch for wilting. if they wilt fast replace dome with vents open and blow more c02. try again the next day. by day 7 you should refeed the medium and just leave the dome off. wait to see the roots in 1-7 more days.

fanning fresh air and c02 are very important. wet dank enviroments cause rot and wilt disease fast, il also recommend addind 2ml/litre 35%h2o2 to all your rooting nutes. it will help them erupt with thick white root balls, peace, d

ps root with 500-1000 ppm as well to avoid deficiencies ph 5.5-5.8 for hydro 6.0 for coco and 6.0-6.6 for soil and soiless mediums


Active member
hey man, take a look through the link in my sig,
in the first post you will find a link to the easiest
cloning method i've ever seen.

i used to use a bubble cloner for nearly a year and
with good results but this was so simple and easy
i had to give it a try and i'm glad i did.

here's a couple pics of some clones i just potted up
the other day.

btw, this will cost you about $10.00 to try.

good luck, SOG
The key is consistency. Keep it right at 80 degrees, always. Any of those methods should work just fine once you get temp and humidity dialed in. Keep trying!
If your plants are dying/turning to mush before growing roots, then it means the clones don't have enough nutrient stores to survive long enough to grow roots. I was failing to clone because of this and remedied it by giving plants a good feeding before taking cuts. Feed your plants before cutting and the cuts will survive long enough to grow roots.

Tap water should be fine but make sure there's no light leaks. I know some guides say it doesn't matter but to me it does.
#1 Make sure your mothers are healthy. I had a cut that wouldnt clone for anything when I first got it, after a few generations of cloning it roots very easy now. I got the vigor to come back.


Is your tap water city water or well? What are the total dissolved solids reading?


Get a heated poropagator a flouressent lamp razor blade a tray of jiffy 7's some clonex and some canna rhizatonic 6ml per ltr of tap water ph 5.9/6.2 and a motherplant. chop bracches and leave in water put clonex on mothers wounds, get the jiffi's soaked in the water and feed and poke a hole in each peat pot,, find a nice stem from the clippings and find a node with a thick steam and a fan leaf and another bit in a inch and use these bits sometimes if you know where to look you can get all the same!!! then just 45% dip and press into the jiffy cube firmly making sure all the sumerged stem and its slices are under the surface and no air gaps are between the peat and the stem.. put in a heated propagator and be done wit it ,, 24hrs light till roots show and repeat the water and riz. If they need it.. And repot when roots have been there for 2/3 days after you realize you have them,,


good luck!!

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
I think the key to any successful clone run is healthy mums and a stable environment. My temps remain at a constant 24C or 75F. I use warm water instead of a heat mat. Above all, don't prod, poke or pull the little things. You don't have to touch them at all. I recently tried sphagnum moss as the clone medium and got a 92% strike rate first trial.




We use ezcloners. All or nearly all generally root. The only problem is when they get bigger and some crowd others out. :) We're adding another 1k light in veg soon to alleviate that problem.

We just use our tap water with hydrobact (or aquashield) and power clone liquid mixed in. We don't use a gel. I know that recently, our veg bulb burned out and it took a few days to get a replacement and some of our clones didn't have as great of stems as usual. So I wonder if your clones aren't getting enough light.

I think you could really make yourself an ez cloners if you wanted. I am sure there are threads here. Basically, it holds 60 clones in neoprene collars that are placed in round holes on a domed top that fits over a reservoir. you could probably take any diy model and cut the holes, buy the collars at aladdin's or wherever, and the pump is a 350 gph pump that you can get at any pond supply store or pet store that carries stuff for ponds or fish. the power clone is pricy, i'm not going to lie, but it REALLY works.

i would use a clean scissors to cut the clones from your mothers, and a clean razor to cut the ends of them (underwater like you do with flowers), but really that's about it. and no you don't have to clean scissors/razor between each clone.

another thought is are your mothers happy and getting enough light, the right nutrients?

those are really the things i'm thinking are lights and mothers.

good luck!


Try coco, and rooting solution. Easiest time I've ever had.

I've tried Rapid Rooters, peat pucks, rockwool, and promix with fair success.

Coco kicks their ass IME


Active member
This is cool

This is cool

I think Cloning skills make or break your grow if its from clones. I love the interest in cloning better, Im on board with this thread :)