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question for sam the skunkman on the original haze


Well-known member
She makes velvety purple buds, super spacey up high. Euphoric.

beautifu pic

which skunk/haze is this ?

or is it SAMS CC original haze X skunk #1 ?

id love to hear about the taste/aromas of this purple pheno

very interesting there is a purple pheno this might be the first report i recall, im not sure of a purple skunk pheno in sams sk#1 ,soo it seems this comes from the original haze side

if this is from SAMS CC stock id love to hear his thoughts on this pheno

this season ive got 2 stanky hillbillyhaze that recently showed pistils and a nev's im not 100% on yet ,hopin we hav another indian summer carring over into november



If you weren't here you really don't know how it was then in S.C.
I met R.L. in the early 70's and shared a log with him and as you said he was pretty cocky.
After smoking a thai x afghani x punta roja joint he got a bit quiet.
Been here since 1955.
Not many of us left standing.

Peace Bro


Originally Posted by bushweed
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 1

Fact vs. Fiction
Read Sam the Skunkman's posting about the Haze Brothers with great interest and wanted to clear up a few things. First, I was there in Santa Cruz in the Seventies when it was all happening and never heard the original growers refer to themselves as the Haze Brothers. The infamous Haze Brothers did actually exist, but they were consumers, not growers.

How do I know? I was one of those three brothers and we bought, smoked and shared as much Haze as probably anyone on the planet. We were originally herb connoisseurs from back east who had grown up on the best Columbian, Jamaican, Panama Red, Thai Stick, etc. But even with our backgrounds, we had never seen, smelled or smoked anything like the Haze. The first time we saw those dark purple buds, we could hardly believe it (nor the price, which was $250 per ounce). From that point on, it became the Dom Perignon of our stashes.

So as far as the tasting test with R from High Times Magazine in New York, it did happen and we roasted, toasted and basted him with three varieties of Haze. He was kind of cocky when we got there and more like cold-cocked when we left. Even with all the high quality weed out there today, I don't think any of it is better or more exotic than the first Purple Haze, which was so dark and delicious, we called it the Root Beer.

Two last notes. First, there was a band, The Original Haze, that played in clubs around Santa Cruz in the Seventies that was part of the story. Second, for those rare few who were lucky enough to own one, there was a beautiful, limited edition grower's poster, that listed the soil ingredients, directions and Haze philosophy, In Haze We Trust. The last line of the poster read "Enjoy!" and we lived by that motto.

So that's the story behind the story.

Nice to hear some old Santa Cruz who ha.
I am still here and burned a few fattys with R.L.
Still some of the finest and a very good cross.


In Nature We Trust
Spirit of 76

Patience is the real secret and the true test.......

Don't know who Hooteroll is, except I don't think they post here on IC.
I am glad you three were the Haze Brothers, and you are just smokers, and I am sure you did get "R" toasted for the High Times article. And I am the first to admit that the two real Haze Bros "the growers" did not call them selves Haze Bros until long after the High Times article came out, so what does that mean?
First of all if you were just a Haze smoker and seller when was the first year you saw and smoked the Original Haze? I saw a lot, all of each seasons grows, and had my choice if I wanted it, but I did not sell herb, I did have a few friends that only sold Original Haze from the two Haze growers and they did move a lot, a real lot, Lb's or more every week, if it was available. If you were smoking Thai back east before you saw the Original Haze then it was a bit later then the Original Haze was first available.
The $250 an ounce price was I bet from R.L. around 1976-1977 that was when prices were the highest due to low stock to sell. The Oz's were in antique redwood fruit boxes with a poster cut up and stuck to the outside of the box and two 1 OZ stickers sealing the box sides shut. I remember Root Beer very well it was around for maybe 10 years before it just disappeared from the Haze genepool, like most of the Purple Haze genes. I helped save the Original Haze from extinction, with the blessing of R.L. and the other Haze Brother, the 2 Original Haze growers. We were next door neighbors, friends, and more. Glad you enjoyed the Original Haze, shame we did not make clones back then....
But the best Original Haze plants were before I saw clones a few years later.
PS I do have an Original Haze poster signed by R.L. he gave it to me in 1976, we, the three of us had been growing and smoking Original Haze for years already.

Last edited:


Well-known member
Sam, here's the latest post from hooteroll via MNS forums

Sam, here's the latest post from hooteroll via MNS forums

Actually 2 short posts in a row:


Junior Member

Will the Real R Please Stand Up?
Just to make it clear, R from High Times was a well known writer with the initials RR, who used his pseudonym to protect his legit career. And he was a very good writer!


Junior Member

The Truth, All the Truth and Nothing But the Truth
Don't ask me why, but out of curiosity I just read the entire thread about the origins of Purple Haze. Man, you all take this very seriously! Like any story, there is no such thing as the truth, just the truth as each of us sees it. And who, what, where, when and why someone got a seed or grew what strain, there is no need to claim ownership of the Haze. Back in the Seventies, it was a cannabis phenomenon and four decades later, Haze still carries a mythical aura.

The bottom line is that anyone who had the opportunity to smoke the Original Haze, especially the Purple, was very fortunate. And anyone who got to smoke the next few generations was lucky, too. And if those same strains have carried on into new modern varieties, then, it's a blessing for all involved. Life (and progress) marches on.

So rather than arguing about who made history, why not go out and make some more today?

Peace Out!


Well-known member
Don't know who Hooteroll is, except I don't think they post here on IC.
I am glad you three were the Haze Brothers, and you are just smokers, and I am sure you did get "R" toasted for the High Times article. And I am the first to admit that the two real Haze Bros "the growers" did not call them selves Haze Bros until long after the High Times article came out, so what does that mean?
First of all if you were just a Haze smoker and seller when was the first year you saw and smoked the Original Haze? I saw a lot, all of each seasons grows, and had my choice if I wanted it, but I did not sell herb, I did have a few friends that only sold Original Haze from the two Haze growers and they did move a lot, a real lot, Lb's or more every week, if it was available. If you were smoking Thai back east before you saw the Original Haze then it was a bit later then the Original Haze was first available.
The $250 an ounce price was I bet from R.L. around 1976-1977 that was when prices were the highest due to low stock to sell. The Oz's were in antique redwood fruit boxes with a poster cut up and stuck to the outside of the box and two 1 OZ stickers sealing the box sides shut. I remember Root Beer very well it was around for maybe 10 years before it just disappeared from the Haze genepool, like most of the Purple Haze genes. I helped save the Original Haze from extinction, with the blessing of R.L. and the other Haze Brother, the 2 Original Haze growers. We were next door neighbors, friends, and more. Glad you enjoyed the Original Haze, shame we did not make clones back then....
But the best Original Haze plants were before I saw clones a few years later.
PS I do have an Original Haze poster signed by R.L. he gave it to me in 1976, we, the three of us had been growing and smoking Original Haze for years already.


apologies if the quotes arent regular i had to sav the post in my mail box as my computer is acting funny all quotes are from your words sams except 1 i believe from hooteroll

its been a while since we got into some real haze talk,im honored for you sharing your knowledge/experience also you answering some questions but still left pondering as too my many unanswered questions

id first like to thankyou for preserving and spreading without you the OHAZE might have been close too impossible to taste

im glad you finally decided to respond too hooteroll's post im more curious as to your thoughts of happyhi's post but it seems clear

much respect always maybe you can clear a few things up

Don't know who Hooteroll is, except I don't think they post here on IC

surprisingly hooteroll post at mns site ,im curious at too his intention ,his first post was above which you hav quoted which he states he would like to clear up a few things as too your claims,then if you read his lates post only 2 others he said somthin which IMO is the total opposite direction and almost contardicting his first post
quoted hooteroll
Like any story, there is no such thing as the truth, just the truth as each of us sees it

And I am the first to admit that the two real Haze Bros "the growers" did not call them selves Haze Bros until long after the High Times article came out, so what does that mean?

first would actually be happhi ,from wat im told the original grower never did nor does he now call himself a haze brother
so what does that mean?

we hav been in som ways misinformed

from the story that is told by you and wat has been implied or thought for all this time becaz i specifically asked with no response ,but atleast not in this thread do i find you mention the order in which you say the ohaze was created but you speak of the haze wit thai bloodline and south indian you gifted the brothers

we hav thought to haze brothers too be the growers all this time

First of all if you were just a Haze smoker and seller when was the first year you saw and smoked the Original Haze? I saw a lot, all of each seasons grows, and had my choice if I wanted it

Yes Purple Original haze was absolutely a reality. It was around for more then a decade in the late 60's , 70's, and from then on in the form of hybrids. It came in silver, blue, reddish, as well as purple, and almost black. I grew, smoked, saw them all. They were real.


an old post of yours above that always had me curious

happyhi has given us the best description of the four varieties to date ,ive always wanted to know exactly the full description ,wen you first responded to me it was a mix of the tast/aromas ,considering you have a great recollection ,id truly appreciate if you could give a breakdown of the four varieties ,silver /blue/magneta aka purple which youve always stated was the rootber pheno and/ GOLD which is wat i link too happyhi's fourth variety that he reports to hav the incense trait ,ive always asked you about the incense trait but you,ve had no comment id greatly appreciate any thoughts on this trait that is soo dear to my heart ,also very interesting was happyhi's claim of being gifted your stock via a generous ic member and finding somthing very close to the fourth variety with catpiss and sandlewood traits

The $250 an ounce price was I bet from R.L. around 1976-1977 that was when prices were the highest due to low stock to sell

from wat i was told the outcome of the crops of 76 was just the opposite of wat you say extremely plentiful and enormous,unless you referring to R.L's seperate harvest

your use of the date of 76 has alway's intrigued me 2 post below

it's said the accident happened in 69 ,your ohaze was first sold supposedly in 81 the first seed catalouge ,whats the significance in this 76 date?were you gifted the ohaze stock from the brothers ?

Bottom line is if you want an almost Haze line that is stong and popular get Nevilles Haze, SSH, Kali Mist, Sage, or a dozen other Haze Hybrids that mostly used my Original Haze as a parent, directly or through a Haze Hybrid based on my Haze genetics available from 1976 from me
for anyone (if I got this right) implying that Original Haze clones from 1969 are used, and alive, that is plain insane, there are no Cannabis clones from 1969, that is for sure. But maybe he meant seeds from 1969? And not grown until the 80's? To be honest I do not know, except the only Original Haze seeds sold prior to the 80's were mine, That I made after 1976. One way or another something is not correct about the 1969 date, and that is what you are going on

I helped save the Original Haze from extinction, with the blessing of R.L. and the other Haze Brother, the 2 Original Haze growers.

i for one am most thankful for that ,and becaz of that she is the most famous strain in history

im also quite interested to kno is R.L who you hav referred to as R all this time ?:jump: it seems to make sense

I remember Root Beer very well it was around for maybe 10 years before it just disappeared from the Haze genepool, like most of the Purple Haze genes.

well he doesnt report the rootbeer trait mr tomhill nor spicy pheno's as you dont report the incense or catpiss trait but ,its clear purple haze has survivde in som way threw your spreading and his preserving

always appreciated


Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Hey Skunkster, Im glad You responded to that too.
This must be the Magenta plant? It finishes purple. It doesnt taste like root beer though. Tom Hill talked about a metalshop flavor. It might be that.This is a Skunk1/ O Haze, but there isnt any skunk in this pheno. Pure rocket fuel.


Hey Skunkster, Im glad You responded to that too.
This must be the Magenta plant? It finishes purple. It doesnt taste like root beer though. Tom Hill talked about a metalshop flavor. It might be that.This is a Skunk1/ O Haze, but there isnt any skunk in this pheno. Pure rocket fuel.

You sure it is not a O Haze X Skunk#1? I did make a few Sk1 X O Haze a while ago but not many. They perform much the same either way. Real happy you love it. They can be great in my opinion.
But it is all about what YOU like.



Tnx for preserving the OriHaze Sam, it is really a amazing strain. I've got two of them in my Micro/Midi-Cab for 141 days (since germination on 12/12, since a while on 10/14) now. I recently made some (unpure) hash of the dried leafs they dropped, and it was an amazing experience, can't wait for the finished real product :D



O Haze

O Haze

You sure it is not a O Haze X Skunk#1? I did make a few Sk1 X O Haze a while ago but not many. They perform much the same either way. Real happy you love it. They can be great in my opinion.
But it is all about what YOU like.



Where can I get your seed?
Still here in S.C.


Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
You sure it is not a O Haze X Skunk#1? I did make a few Sk1 X O Haze a while ago but not many. They perform much the same either way. Real happy you love it. They can be great in my opinion.
But it is all about what YOU like.


No Your correct, O Haze X Skunk#1.


ICMag Donor
hay sam,,,any chance you could discribe the parents of the O`Haze x SK1,,,,,im guessing the male Sk1 was your recessive skunk daddy clone?,,,,was the O`Haze an old fave clone of yours too?

i have a 10pack of your O`Haze x Sk1 and ive got alot of hope for them...

Dave Coulier

Active member
hay sam,,,any chance you could discribe the parents of the O`Haze x SK1,,,,,im guessing the male Sk1 was your recessive skunk daddy clone?,,,,was the O`Haze an old fave clone of yours too?

i have a 10pack of your O`Haze x Sk1 and ive got alot of hope for them...

I second that. Ive got another ten to pop, and Im going to do the same with alot of F2's Ill be making soon, and would love more information about the parents of this cross.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
and this evening

and this evening

Here She is , Sam the SkunkMans Original Haze/Skunk. She will be redish purple by winter and covered by a tempory greenhouse


Well-known member
Today's post from Neville Schoenmaker at MNS

Today's post from Neville Schoenmaker at MNS

"The subject of Haze keeps coming up.
I got mine from Sam the Skunkman in the 80's. I bought a couple of thousand of old stock late 60s/ 70. The first batch that I planted produced one plant, a female. It was the slowest to flower I'd ever come across and flowered for longer. I got 3 different crops of seed of it and it had still not finished. It was huge and filled a quarter of the room, it had wispy buds and when you smoked it, other people complained about the smell. It didn't have much resin and after 9 months flowering, with no end in sight, I chopped it. It seem the most impractical plant I'd ever grown. I didn't keep a cutting.

One of the males I crossed it with was Ruderalis x NL1 X NL1. I was testing a 25% Ruderalis male on the most difficult plant I'd come across to see what it would do. I used all the seed I had to find the earliest male for the next generation. I grew the females out and because it was so resinous, I made hash out of it. To this day it was the best hash I've ever smoked, and I've been privileged to have smoked the best.
I truly regret not having made a cutting of that plant. I didn't make that mistake with the 6 that followed."


Well-known member
Another Neville Schoenmaker Haze post from MNS forums

Another Neville Schoenmaker Haze post from MNS forums

"The Haze seeds I got from Sam were grown in America in 69/70. I got them in the mid 80's. All of my Haze came from these seeds of which I was saying I got 7 plants. I was hoping that Sam would come out with something good from his remaining seeds, he never did and to my knowledge, nor did anyone else. The only good haze that hit the market was from two males A and C.
Hz C male produced 5Hz1 which won a Cup or 2, this was a daughter of NL5 which won a cup. 5Hz1 when crossed with Sk1x HzC produced Silver Haze which won a Cup. Ben renamed it Jack Herrer. Somebody else renamed it Diesel. 5HzC X Sk1Hz C was not as good as 5Hz1. Mango Haze (5Hz122)is a full sister to 5Hz1 and these two were the best out of tens of thousands.
Haze A produced 5HzA2 (5A2) and was featured on the cover of the 1990 catalogue and is the mother of Nevil's Haze, the father being HzC.
If you are smoking any good Haze, I'll bet you London to a brick that it comes from Haze A or Hz C or both"

Later post:

"Super Silver Haze, Jack Herrer and Diesel are not different lineages, they are the same cutting!

Sam would have had the same problem as me. The seeds were very old, either nothing of consequence came up or he didn't keep cuttings of what came up."

Later again:

"After the first batch of '69 Haze seeds only produced 1 plant, I decided to plant the rest. This produced 5 plants A,B,C,D and E.
Plants B,D and E were females, of which B was the best. I tried all possible combinations and the best was B x C. BC was actually grown commercially alongside 5HzC1, so it was a 10/11 week plant. This fact alone indicated that HzB was a Haze Hybrid to something early. I suspect that most of BC's quality came from Dad.
I planted the rest of the old seeds. One came out. O for Omega. It was a 1970 seed. I suspected that it was only 25% Haze with one parent being Indica. It too did not really pan out.
The males were the "goods". Without those two plants, I think that all would have been lost. If I'd only kept a cutting of the first female, whose genotype was closer to male A. I'm start to get that sad feeling again.

Ah well, you can be thankful that the seeds fell into my hands, otherwise you wouldn't know what I'm talking about.
N. "


Well-known member

the info is great ,im sure many are very excited as myself

neville has been very upfront and quite honest i love his approach ,the fact he's admitted his haze stock comes from SAMS says it all about his character

but i think the cats out the bag if anyone wishes to view the post of neville they can check mns site ,or it might be best posted in mns forums here

much love ,im sure ya understand
