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Boleman is back with his brand new edition... 150watt CMH! 24"x24"x28"H under fishtnk


Boleman is back with his brand new edition... 150watt CMH! 24"x24"x28"H under fishtnk

I have started my new micro grow area. Sorry I have been gone for so long. I haven't decided what strain to grow yet. I still have Mary Purpins. I am thinking of adding some new strains this time. Any suggestions?

Also, I am looking for some ideas on what to use for sumps. I know that I put the sump building guide on here, but I don't know if an acrylic sump will hold up right under a 150w CMH bulb. Any insight would be grand.

I am thinking of going with 5-9 plants with a goal of 1.5 grams per watt.

You heard it right, this grow is under a 65 gallon cube fish tank. So, I was thinking of a freshwater fish tank sump. I don't know how to do that. If someone does, give me some ideas please. I was also thinking about ventilation, and am coming up with blanks.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Here are some pics for you to mull it over with.

Feel Free to click the picture, to view the much larger size.



Hey Boleman.

I build fresh and saltwater setups, both filter systems and fishtanks.

Just want to make sure I understand:
You want to build an aquaponics system, where you grow in the integrated filter for both fish and plants?


Active member
Hey man - 'sup?

Good to see you back, rockin a 150 CMH - no less. :dance013:

(Hope Aero is well too.)



Hey Boleman.

I build fresh and saltwater setups, both filter systems and fishtanks.

Just want to make sure I understand:
You want to build an aquaponics system, where you grow in the integrated filter for both fish and plants?

I am sorry, no. I am building a seperate grow under my current reef tank. I do not plan to incorporate them. I have never done aquaponics so I don't know how. I know DWC and AERO. That's it.


DWC i think

DWC i think

OK, so I have constructed a sump. It is 20" x 8 5/8". I am going to run 5 net pots in the lid in a pyramid format along the long side. I am thinking of two options based on the following pictures:

Click to enlarge:

One is that I am thinking of running the sump as shown. Growing the plants from right to left over the side of the sump and under a lowered screen on the other side. I was thinking of mounting the light on the other side as the sump to adequately siphon heat away from the sump. Also, this would make very tall spears of fruity nugg-dookies.

Click to Enlarge:

The second is to put the sump into the room vertically as shown. This would allow me to put a screen above the whole unit. This would make it easy to fill a full screen. and take up all the cupboards volume with flowers. The alternate version of this puts the sump horizontally. with the same effect, but with less possible air flow.

I have not constructed the lid for my sump yet, as this will need a thicker sheet of acrylic. Now do you get a better picture of what I am talking about? I have finished painting the grow area white and have re-installed the light in the center because I am undecided on what to do.

You're idea could be my winning solution, and I have already completed 2 grows on this site successfully, so I am confident that I will do it again. This is what I came out with last time. I got about 2 oz. out of 1 sq foot and 48 watts of light.

Click to enlarge

A slightly immature Mary Purpins, that was not flushed at all. Got your head off like a mo fo, but tasted like a 50 year old donkey colon.

Anyway, hook me up with your knowledge peeps! Rock on.:laughing:


I am sorry, no. I am building a seperate grow under my current reef tank. I do not plan to incorporate them. I have never done aquaponics so I don't know how. I know DWC and AERO. That's it.

Ok - thats cool.

What glue do you use for acryl? Just curious:tiphat:

Looking great, I'm looking forward.


Ok - thats cool.

What glue do you use for acryl? Just curious:tiphat:

Looking great, I'm looking forward.

I use IPS brand Weld-On number 3 for Acrylic. This makes it one piece.

I have now also made a lid for my sump with five holes for net pots. Here is a pic.

Click to enlarge!



OK, now, I have put in all the air pumps and net pots and water. What do you think now?

Remember, click to make much bigger.

Also I drilled holes in the front door for a cool air intake, I designed it like the tail lights of a corvette.

Click to make much bigger.

All in all it took 4 days of working for 1.5 hrs each day. The cost was very low as well. This is running less than 200 watts total, and I should get more than 200 grams out of the grow based on previous smaller grows numbers.

This might be all I show you of this grow, Just trying to show people, you can make a grow area out of just about any empty space/drawer/cabinet in your house. And it is stealth. No one knows it's more than a cupboard or cabinet, and that is the beauty of it.


So the blue light is not in vein. I just went to the local Legal Collective and picked up the five babies who will now call home my hydro box. All five are Blue Dream all will be female, so there is no chance of second guessing.

Here are the pictures, remember if you click them they get much bigger.

And here, you can see that they are already heavily rooted and rearing to go. I will add nutrients next week.



Does anyone have more information on CMH bulbs? I don't know much about em, but it seems to be warping my sump way faster than usual. I added a second fan and filters to the vents in the front of the cab to prevent dust circulation. It's not hot in my box, but the plants seemed to be roasted. Are they too close to the light? My ph is 5.5.


Blue Dream first Root Porn

Blue Dream first Root Porn

Here are some new pics of the plants and the roots from yesterday.

I don't know if any of you remember the lungs from my first project, but they don't seem to be present here.

Here is a pic of the set up with the second fan and the flanged light hood.

Here is some pictures of the roots from today. A vast improvement since yesterday where there was only one root. Now there are twenty.



Does anyone have more information on CMH bulbs? I don't know much about em, but it seems to be warping my sump way faster than usual.

it could be the added uv from the cmh. maybe you could filter the bulb with glass to block out some of the uv, then remove it later when the foliage covers the rez more, or just cover the rez with foil tape or something might work/help too.

The clones could be stressed from too much light -?

looking good man, nice work.


Roots; Roots; Roots; New Growth and Roots!

Roots; Roots; Roots; New Growth and Roots!

Here is an update on the blue dream field of dreams under my reef tank. Some major root porn at 1 week old. These ladies are said to produce mad weight, so now that they have all taken, and I love the flavor anyway.

Thank you for stopping by. Please let me know what you think. Again, click the images please, as ICMag has made changes and you can not view whole size pics on my post any longer. What's up with that anyway?


they r looking great but how r u liking the led light?

I am sorry for the misunderstanding. I am using a CMH light this round. It is a compact metal halide light. I am sorry if i had said that it was an LED.

In any case, the light is working out great. As you can see, I am going with the same method as I did in my fridge. Only much bigger and starting with 5 plants instead of two. My next grow will be ten plants or more, depending on how many I can fit in the new sump I have designed for the next round.

I am going for a small bath for the first run, I'd like to get two ounces. Then I will upgrade my system to the many more plants and a fogger and a new specially designed sump I have concocted..... You will see... You will see...