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Lawn weed spray ripper

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Well-known member
Sorry about your loss, I know how you feel....I'd be digging a hole....

Mule is right...they almost always comeback. I'm sure you know but cameras a real cheap these days, hell I just saw a real cheap one at harbor freight.

All this is why I have an 130lbs American Bulldog, haven't lock my door in years.


New member
it was electric! i knew no lady has ever started a gas powered weed whacker haha ;D

yeah dude! if you like animals get a dog! My little terrier Brutus barks if anything enters my yard!
Final note:

Ripper lost his job, I got written apology from lawn spray company. Plants were not recovered, but ripper got termination due to theft on his record. I got freebie lawn service for balance of this year, and next season as part of apology. Company would not give me rippers last name.

To the haters, of whom there are a couple - being a victim of a crime does not make us losers, or whiners, and our loss was not our fault. I stood up for my rights, and prevailed (mostly). Think otherwise - suck my balls, losers.
A thief is the lowest form of life.. Crop theives were hung in the olden golden days. You are not a hater or the agressor... rather the VICTIM.

I am glad to see that you got compensation, but where is the justice or the lesson to be learned by the perpetrator. He lost his job but there is no other social consequences. This person owes you a debt of gratitude that you did not have him charged as I am certain that would have led to a drug trafficking or possession charge on top of theft.

In a way, if legalized, this may end up being a common occurence. How would you feel if your prized tomato plants were damaged or stolen! It's the same deal here..

A theif is still a theif no matter what they have stolen..

karma I hope will ballance the equation which was left unballanced.


The cat that loves cannabis
Weed spraying guy accidentally sprayed my neighbors tomato plants, they're all stunted and twisted up now.
Apparently you don't have to be to bright to be a lawn sprayer.


May your race always be in your favor
MandB Good for you, now the asshole might think the next time he wants to rip someone off. I whole hearted agree what you did and holding the company responsible for their employee. Again right on!!!:tiphat:


The cat that loves cannabis
Final note:

Ripper lost his job, I got written apology from lawn spray company. Plants were not recovered, but ripper got termination due to theft on his record. I got freebie lawn service for balance of this year, and next season as part of apology. Company would not give me rippers last name.

To the haters, of whom there are a couple - being a victim of a crime does not make us losers, or whiners, and our loss was not our fault. I stood up for my rights, and prevailed (mostly). Think otherwise - suck my balls, losers.

Hmmm, I would think you could take that written apology and go to small claims court and sue for your $2000, and win pretty easy, since they have admitted responsibility basically.
Unless your accepting the free service negates further claims, but it's not like you cashed a check from them.
Something to think about.


cant stop wont stop
Good to hear there's some justice left in usa.. good 4 u bro.. hope u got some cuttings taking their places


Active member
ICMag Donor

Great to hear things worked out for you!...kinda! I'm glad you at least got justice and that the ripper got fired. I honestly thought he was going to deny and get away with it! Congrats and great little story! VICTORY!



Active member
I know this is old, but i'm glad it worked out in your favor!

And free lawn service for the rest of the year? thats pretty cool!

I hope you didn't lose any strains tho..
Final note:

Ripper lost his job, I got written apology from lawn spray company. Plants were not recovered, but ripper got termination due to theft on his record. I got freebie lawn service for balance of this year, and next season as part of apology. Company would not give me rippers last name.

To the haters, of whom there are a couple - being a victim of a crime does not make us losers, or whiners, and our loss was not our fault. I stood up for my rights, and prevailed (mostly). Think otherwise - suck my balls, losers.

I dont get how you knew it was the lawn guy that took your weed and not someone else.
Did the guy admit to it or something?


Trying to have a good day
Final note:

Ripper lost his job, I got written apology from lawn spray company. Plants were not recovered, but ripper got termination due to theft on his record. I got freebie lawn service for balance of this year, and next season as part of apology. Company would not give me rippers last name.

To the haters, of whom there are a couple - being a victim of a crime does not make us losers, or whiners, and our loss was not our fault. I stood up for my rights, and prevailed (mostly). Think otherwise - suck my balls, losers.

LOLs.........Im glad they worked something out for you.What you did was right.:tiphat:
I dont get how you knew it was the lawn guy that took your weed and not someone else.
Did the guy admit to it or something?
There is zero traffic on my property other than family, and lawn guy. More than a few plants had been in their hidey hole under stairs, invisible to anyone other than someone walking from the back of my yard forward. For weeks before, a dozen or so seedlings unmolested. Put away at night, brought out for sun in a.m.

They were there at 6:00 a.m., I put them out. I was home when everyone from my family was home, and when they left. Napped for couple hours, lawn guy came, no vehicle in driveway, he figgers no-one home, and spots plants. He was in such a hurry to leave he didn't put up the spray warning notice (a tip off for his boss, so he said). Ripper also deviated from his normal rounds by signif time that a.m. (dropped plants off somewhere, as they weren't there later when his boss physically checked).

They took me very seriously, and he couldn't, or wouldn't, explain his side of the story. It was obvious to them he had done it, and they took the steps they did.

Lesson: Steal from me, better hope I don't have a clue who you are. I gave up anonymity to make sure thief got punished.
Final note:

Ripper lost his job, I got written apology from lawn spray company. Plants were not recovered, but ripper got termination due to theft on his record. I got freebie lawn service for balance of this year, and next season as part of apology. Company would not give me rippers last name.

To the haters, of whom there are a couple - being a victim of a crime does not make us losers, or whiners, and our loss was not our fault. I stood up for my rights, and prevailed (mostly). Think otherwise - suck my balls, losers.

Take the company to small claims court.


Wow I stumbled on a real masterpiece here..
Before all the sweaty ball sucking toward the end.

Hope you're satisfied now.
Karma can be tricky..

But we'll find out sooner or later if you were right.
Hope you're satisfied now.
Karma can be tricky..

But we'll find out sooner or later if you were right.
I am satisfied w/ the outcome - most of my karmic ducks are in a row, fed and well watered, so I have no fears in that department.

We already know I was correct - some others will disagree (vociferously), hence the offer of the salty nuts. If the taste of justice is not to ones liking, there is an alternate taste available. Always knew some haters were gonna hate, but to hate a brother for putting the screws to a ripper, that gives me pause.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

fuck that ripper, as soon as you let his company know what was going on his days were numbered, who the fuck wants a thief AND stoner working/driving for them anyways.......

you reap what you sow

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