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ICMAG Administration endorses The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010

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Sorcerer's Apprentice
just make sure your 30 min from your supply then it is just a hope skip and a jump away for the hard core smokers.

I just got back from a two day trip today. I took less than an ounce with me... and I came back home with herb left over. I also smoked out with 5-6 people at a time throughout the weekend.

I'm sure we COULD'VE smoked an ounce if we really put our minds to it... but there was no need. The better the herb, the less you need to smoke.

If you need to carry more than an oz of bud with you for personal use that day... you need to read more of the threads here and learn to grow better herb.


Active member
The reason I joined this site is because I thought it was a site for small time user/growers. There sure seem to be a lot of commercial types in here.

I will probably catch hell for saying that.

I would say most here supply more than themselves. And that's a good thing. If it wasn't for commercial growers, there would be no weed:wave:


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
There are some that dont smoke it they ingest so it takes 3x? the same ammont to make there meds then us smokers. Im not a super toker I smoke and half in a month


Active member
They could still get ya for DUI no?

Sure..if your impaired...but I fully expect this below to happen here...just a matter of time


The Paper

A ruling by the Michigan Supreme Court has police officers scratching their heads in confusion over motorists driving while under the influence of marijuana. The court ruled June 8 that it's not illegal for motorists to drive with metabolites -- a derivative of THC, the substance that gives smokers a high -- in their system.
Story Cont here...


Well-known member
Sure..if your impaired...but I fully expect this below to happen here...just a matter of time

interesting, this must have been a state that had treated metabolites as evidence of DUI, some states hardass on this
some other states don't do this, they rely on roadside sobriety(such as NY), unless there was a serious accident
in which case blood tests are in play


Active member
I wounder how Leo would Handel the garbage from a harvest?. The stocks and roots that kind of shit. I take all the stuff to a landfill but if I got pulled over and they found it what would they do?

(ii) “One ounce” means 28.5 grams.
(iii) For purposes of section 11300(a)(ii) “cannabis plant” means all parts of a living Cannabis plant.

should be just fine :dance013:

Oh...and it's cool how the law just us and extra half gram. make sure when your at 7/11 your getting the whole 28.5 lol


I love my life
19 doesn't supercede 215.

So under 19 the (local) cops would have less reason to even go looking in his trunk because of the busted tail light.

And I didn't ask it in his thread, but couldn't his patient have bought 1 ounce at a time instead of 2 lbs all at once? That must be a SERIOUS disease. I'm not saying the 1 ounce limit is AWESOME.. but I am saying... 2 lbs?!?!?

That really means that the krunch is un-fun. Don't want ICmager's imprisoned LEGALIZE IT.

Oh yeah, 19 doesn't change it so his life is still up for grabs over 2#; good that the prison industrial complex doesn't lose out (even if he is med, fuck him steal his shit :D).



Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
If this is so true... why is it that in California that is the leading reason people are being arrested and thrown in jail???? They are not being arrested for intent to sell but having more than an oz on them at a time.

Hey Al - you have been flogging this unmercifully since you started posting on this thread, and if you have given a citation for your data, I didn't see it. I would be very interested to see the source for this. If I recall correctly, you have stated that this not only wasn't for sale (as above), but was also not in their residence or grow op. If I understand you correctly, you are saying that we not only have record numbers of people walking around with more than an ounce in their possession, but that these record numbers of people are somehow running afoul of the law while carrying (apparently no 215 rec and being remarkably indiscreet?). I am having a little trouble wrapping my head around this.


From my experiences, ID say yes, very few cops view mj negatively. I once had a few officers called to my dispensary when we were doing constuction as we were smoking and a neighbor in the business complex reported the smell.

I let them in and they looked around. Once they realized we were medical their demeanor changed immediatly. They were cracking jokes about how we got our meds from humboldt. Then they were laughing about all the names for the pot. Now they have been here fir a few hours and started cracking jokes about how it was"almost 420". Which left us a bit perplexed as it seemed like they wanted to get high. Of course we did not offer, but before they left they were tellin us how sometimes they pull a car over that smells of weed and well say " oh it smells like mj....you have a med card?? Right?? "" pretty much instigating the driver to say yes and don't even bother checking the car...

If 19 were passed, Id expect many more beat cops and chp to adopt this mentality...

it's cool to hear those kind of stories about police being reasonable human beings with cannabis users on the medical level. it means that there is hope that this law will be interpreted in the most positive way and end up causing positive changes on the front lines. it's nice to see folks being optimistic about this.

I wounder how Leo would Handel the garbage from a harvest?. The stocks and roots that kind of shit. I take all the stuff to a landfill but if I got pulled over and they found it what would they do?

that's a pretty good question, i hope you don't have to throw away your fan leaves and stems and ounce per garbage day, lol. to be honest i would imagine after allowing 25sf gardens, trash would be considered just that, trash. that's what i read on the norml take of prop 19 and it makes sense.

i'd like to see some actual documentation on this as
to me it just sounds like fear mongering bullshit!

fact is, when Prop 19 passes the cops will lose all
interest in busting people for weed, period.

as has already been said, most cops are pragmatic
and will only persue a bust if they think it will make
them look good and how much time do you think their
bosses are gonna allow for them to waste trying to bust
people for having grows that are oversized? ...or for
weighing sacs to check that it's no more than an ounce?

come on people, when this passes it will be the
beginning of the end of cannabis prohibition.

peace, and stay safe, it ain't legal yet, SOG

i so hope you are right, you very well could be, passing 19 might just be like the first cracks in the dam of cannabis prohibition, which will cause the whole thing to collapse with time. while letting this bill get defeated will do the opposite, it will empower the cannabis opposition and make any new legalization bills that much harder to pass in future.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Yes I do chuck the fan leaves there are really not that many anyway. There is not enough thc in them for me to process them. I only keep the suger leaves and trimmings for hash/oil making.


i'd like to see some actual documentation on this as
to me it just sounds like fear mongering bullshit!

fact is, when Prop 19 passes the cops will lose all
interest in busting people for weed, period.

as has already been said, most cops are pragmatic
and will only persue a bust if they think it will make
them look good and how much time do you think their
bosses are gonna allow for them to waste trying to bust
people for having grows that are oversized? ...or for
weighing sacs to check that it's no more than an ounce?

come on people, when this passes it will be the
beginning of the end of cannabis prohibition.

peace, and stay safe, it ain't legal yet, SOG



Stats above are for possesion and not for intent to sell. Big difference.

Also if you want to mosy on over the norml sight for cali you will see that you are not arrested for oz of less but for more than an oz where you face up to 6mo in jail and a 500.00 fine.

Here you can plainly see no one... I repeat... NO ONE is being arressted for a little over an oz but for having more than an oz.


Funny how people in california are jumping for this law and do not relize it will not stop what is happening now.

Now I hope people realize that prop19 will do nothing to curb this. Yea I know... they will increase amounts you can carry on hand...LOL. Do you think the very same people who are for prohibition that you are giving the power too, are going to just let you carry more??? Keep dreaming.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
When you get busted there are numerous things that happen money in fines,possible rehab,revocation of DL. There are other things but im not a lawyer. Then you have a record that could prevent you from getting a job or getting loans. Just a bunch of bullshit hoops you have to go through that is absolutely unnecessary.


Yea but that is not what is happening at oz or less. It is a ticket and with the new deal that was passed at the state level you can now mail it in, instead of going to court. It was their way of cutting court cost's for non-violent offenses.


Active member


Stats above are for possesion and not for intent to sell. Big difference.

Also if you want to mosy on over the norml sight for cali you will see that you are not arrested for oz of less but for more than an oz where you face up to 6mo in jail and a 500.00 fine.

Here you can plainly see no one... I repeat... NO ONE is being arressted for a little over an oz but for having more than an oz.


Funny how people in california are jumping for this law and do not relize it will not stop what is happening now.

Now I hope people realize that prop19 will do nothing to curb this. Yea I know... they will increase amounts you can carry on hand...LOL. Do you think the very same people who are for prohibition that you are giving the power too, are going to just let you carry more??? Keep dreaming.

Originally Posted by GanjaAL
If this is so true... why is it that in California that is the leading reason people are being arrested and thrown in jail???? They are not being arrested for intent to sell but having more than an oz on them at a time.

Marijuana arrests in California are increasing faster than the nationwide rate, and African Americans are being booked for pot-related crimes much more often than whites, a new report says.
But despite the rise in arrests and in the seizure of marijuana plants, use of pot in California has increased slightly, said the report, part of a nationwide study released Thursday by a Virginia researcher.
In both California and the United States as a whole, "we keep arresting more and more people, but it's not having a deterrent effect," said Jon Gettman, an adjunct assistant professor of criminal justice at Shenandoah University in Winchester, Va.
Nationally, Gettman said, marijuana arrests have doubled since 1991,but marijuana use is unchanged.
Gettman is a former director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. He said he favors the legalization of marijuana.
Gettman's report came a day after state officials announced that the state-federal Campaign Against Marijuana Planting had seized a record 4.4 million pot plants in California this year, up from 2.9 million in 2008.
Gettman's study is based on state and FBI arrest records and other government data from 2003 through 2007. It said California officers arrested 61,375 people on marijuana charges in 2003 and 74,024 in 2007, an average increase of more than 5 percent per year. Eighty percent of the arrests in 2007 were for marijuana possession, the report said.
Nationwide, the annual increase during the same period was just under 4 percent, the report said, although California's marijuana arrest rate, compared to its population, remained among the nation's lowest.
The report also found a large racial discrepancy in arrests.
African Americans were about 20 percent more likely than whites to use marijuana in 2007, but the arrest rate for blacks on marijuana charges was nearly 270 percent of whites' arrest rate, the report said.
Gettman said he found similar disparities nationwide and in most major cities, including San Francisco.
"I don't believe it's racially motivated," he said. Among the possible contributing factors, he said, are "more intensive patrolling" by police in minority neighborhoods, and the presence of marijuana when people are arrested for other crimes.
Overall, the report said, marijuana use increased in California by 0.73 percent a year in the four-year period, while nationwide use declined by 0.21 percent a year.
By geographic zone, the state's northernmost counties, which include the prime marijuana-growing areas of Humboldt and Mendocino counties, ranked 12th out of 350 regions in the nation in pot use by their residents. A region consisting of San Francisco, Marin and San Mateo counties ranked 15th.
Read the report

The report on marijuana use and arrests can be found at links.sfgate.com/ZIOW.

this is the article you linked to and i can't for the life
of me find any language that supports your original
bullshit post!

sounds to me like you're just a greedy fuck who
want's to remain in the dark making money off
the backs of all those still being arrested.




Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
what if you have been busted numerous times you still get a ticket and sent on your way. I doubt it. Why even have to pay for the ticket there should not be any fines if 19 passes and you have an oz or less you wont get any ticket.

You have seen these # before but you still keep coming back with the same question are you having a hard time reading


Active member
Yea but that is not what is happening at oz or less. It is a ticket and with the new deal that was passed at the state level you can now mail it in, instead of going to court. It was their way of cutting court cost's for non-violent offenses.

you still don't get it dude! it isn't freedom you have,
it's the illusion of freedom!

and it really sounds like you are only concerned with
you and fuck everybody else!



Game Bred
i am coming out in favor of a two state solution.

the prohibitionists can have san jose and everything south.


LOL... yea I am not voting for prop19 because I do not want people to continue to go to jail for marijuana. I am sorry that you want to be able to commercially sell to anyone so that you sir can make a profit while people are still going to jail. Also I do not have time for reading comprehention classes for you. It is there if you would take the time to read that people are going to jail and the numbers are increasing yearly. It may not say record numbers but I will try and find it for you so you can sleep well at night. what you need to do is your own homework and know what you are voting on and find out how it will effect your decision. You should quit being selfish and not possibly hinder the mmj by your uninformed decision to vote yes on the first taxation bill that comes along because you are so desperate to smoke and sell your weed to rec users.

Again I am a Californian, Apache indian and a veteran. I am voting NO because arrests will not go away nor the release of prisoners of war will come from prop 19!


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor


Stats above are for possesion and not for intent to sell. Big difference.

Also if you want to mosy on over the norml sight for cali you will see that you are not arrested for oz of less but for more than an oz where you face up to 6mo in jail and a 500.00 fine.

Here you can plainly see no one... I repeat... NO ONE is being arressted for a little over an oz but for having more than an oz.


Funny how people in california are jumping for this law and do not relize it will not stop what is happening now.

Now I hope people realize that prop19 will do nothing to curb this. Yea I know... they will increase amounts you can carry on hand...LOL. Do you think the very same people who are for prohibition that you are giving the power too, are going to just let you carry more??? Keep dreaming.

Al - I've read your citations twice, and find absolutely no basis for your premise that these arrests are for people walking around with more than an ounce. If you are putting 2+2 together, then my math says that there are more people growing and selling than ever before. If inner city blacks are being arrested for over an ounce at 2.7 times the rate of whites, it sounds like they are packing it for sales to me. I have a hard time featuring some inner city folks just cruising around with several hundred dollars worth of smoke just in case someone wants to party a little.
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