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This Week I Will Be Mostly Planting.......2010 UK Auto Greenhouse/Great Outdoors Grow


thanks :)

I found the oposite branch to the plant thats growing out the 2nd internode. her width is amazing, im going to have to get the tape messure out!



lovely how long do they take to turn red or yellow and do you have to pick them green or do they change color on the plant?
Growing conditios etc..same as your tomatoes..
ripen on the plant.
Green goes to red..but you will be able to buy green to yellow.
Got my seed from Lidl.

Hope tha Mi5 tastes as good as she looks..
you will be Happy all winter...:smokeit:

That first BB looks like a Red..what colour do you have to eye..?
Sometimes they look purple fromthe top..
but if you look at her from the bottom up..the calyx holds loads of red.

Fingers crossed you get what you seek first time in. :tiphat:

Super Bad Betty (in the making)....:

Whats the cross...?


That last lady is going to be one frosty gal!!!! Looks like it could catch flies allready

Do you mean the very last photos? thats the nirvana sky I chuck the bb pollen on


Growing conditios etc..same as your tomatoes..
ripen on the plant.
Green goes to red..but you will be able to buy green to yellow.
Got my seed from Lidl.

Hope tha Mi5 tastes as good as she looks..
you will be Happy all winter...:smokeit:

That first BB looks like a Red..what colour do you have to eye..?
Sometimes they look purple fromthe top..
but if you look at her from the bottom up..the calyx holds loads of red.

Fingers crossed you get what you seek first time in. :tiphat:


Whats the cross...?

I cut the smallest big outdoor Mi5 down today, im still trimming her hours later!! the resin on the scissors is like BHO!!

They do look purple from above, il have to look under them tommorrow. I got 2 red's, 1 white? 1 green? and the dude whos pollen i saved and also used on the lower branches of the best looking red and the white, also I used it for the cross Bad Betty x Nirvana Sky. Il only get about 10 beans from the cross but its just some fun for next year


bighill how are your outdoor Mi5 doing? they looked good in the lasts pic you showed me nearly ready for that mad Mi5 growth spurt!


dargo have you ever got that purple trait from any of the mi5's you have grown???

obviously im shooting to get the purple trait from my l.e.d grow with these beans and i hope i can pull it off as it would be a nice sight to see me thinks



I think the purple comes out when the temps drop, ive never seen a purple one indoors or mid summer. im hoping to see some nice purples later in the year. my amnesia x blue cheese went a nice color last year so hopefully my auto cross will aswell


I think the purple comes out when the temps drop, ive never seen a purple one indoors or mid summer. im hoping to see some nice purples later in the year. my amnesia x blue cheese went a nice color last year so hopefully my auto cross will aswell

so its triggered by the drop in temps and not a natural trait in the plant. i thought it might of been related to it having copious amounts of proper sunlight from being grown outdoors.

ill have to pm stitch and see what he says about triggering it off, if it is a case of temp drops ill need to know the best time in the plants cycle for the drop in temps to occur .

would big drops in night time temps trigger it you think??

cheers dargo



bighill how are your outdoor Mi5 doing? they looked good in the lasts pic you showed me nearly ready for that mad Mi5 growth spurt!

Gutted mate thanks for askin, I had a good hail storm rip through my mi5 plot. They were indeed about to burst into action. We'll see what happens of them.. I have a few seedlings that were left in the outdoor compo pile that i might transplant.

Before the hail

After (poor ICU)

There are some that might do some thing, but for the most part this plot is a loss.

These made it though.. I think i will move them into the sun, the compo pile isn't exactly great for sun...

Oh well.. i'll just move some jems in to fill the gaps.. :D

Good'ol mother nature.



cold nights yes :)

shame bighill :( I was hoping to see some more monsters! good karma sent for the jems.
im going to check on my other outdoor ones today, the slugs moved in and ate almost everything last time i checked on them.


Señor Member
Hi Dargo...

I was thinking about your big lady during the week end (I hope you are not jealous!!!ahahah) and I suppose she found a lot of good food near the garbage bin and maybe also for that reason she grown so huge (good genetic good grower and lot of food).....what you think about that my friend?



I think the compost bin has definetly helped, I said near the beggining of the thread I hoped the nutes running out the bottom of the compost bin will feed the girls. all I fed them was some nettle tea and some comfrey tea so there 100% organic. im definetly planting in the same spot next year, I might even have to set up a few more compost bins in other locations


the other outdoor ones.....



some trimmed outdoor Mi5 and the outdoor patch by the compost bin with the short one down and a psiren in her place.




Box Party Mi5


2 of the female auto flowering F2 psirens at the box party



20 psirens yet to show sex, still in 0.4l pots



I dont know how I was missing this thread Dargo. Plants are looking nice and lush over there. Your seedlings look very uniform in that last pic. Keep up the good work.


I dont know how I was missing this thread Dargo. Plants are looking nice and lush over there. Your seedlings look very uniform in that last pic. Keep up the good work.

thanks and welcome :)

You have been missing this? whaaaat?


It's been great in here for months.:plant grow::bigeye:


lol thanks dude

Had to cut down the box party mi5, she had water dripping on her and her top started to mold. she was a beautiful girl and im sad to see her go. I only lost about a gram to mold so its not a big problem. shes COVERED!!! in crystals

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