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ICMAG Administration endorses The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010

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never said you were smoking in the car.

ill say it yet again...

if marijuana possession is legal (as in after 19 passes) the smell of fresh marijuana is not probable cause to believe one is breaking the law.

how do you not understand probable cause?

the fact that he can smell it will lead him to check regardless as only certain amounts are legal and he will be sure to make sure you are within limits. Why do you think they just do not stop with looking at your rec... they make sure you are within limits. Also LE will use the smell to make sure you were not smoking it. A smell is a smell is a smell. Especially when the federal government is handing out money for marijuana busts.

If it was fully decriminalized... then he would not have probable cause. and only then.


Game Bred
I do not see it that way. I have a bad back and the meds they had me on are bad for my liver not to mension scerosis of the liver runs in the family... Apache blood. Hence the use of Marijuana to ease the pain and help me function thoughout my day.

sorry again not buying it.

not selling it....

you have repeatedly encouraged the abuse of the medical system on these forums.

every time you have said "get a medical card".


Game Bred
the fact that he can smell it will lead him to check regardless as only certain amounts are legal and he will be sure to make sure you are within limits. Also LE will use the smell to make sure you were not smoking it. A smell is a smell is a smell.

your ignorance of the law explains ALOT.

probable cause means that the officer has reasonable cause to believe a crime is being committed.

after passage of TC2010 possession will not be a crime therefore the smell alone will not qualify as reasonable suspicion that a crime is being committed.

it would be illegal for him to "just check" to see if you were within limits.


not selling it....

you have repeatedly encouraged the abuse of the medical system on these forums.

every time you have said "get a medical card".

How... most of the people I know that abuse alcohol abuse it as a stress reliever. Why would that not constitute as need for a rec. Meds are horrible and why not use the safest med on the planet.


ICMag Donor
How about get your rec which is more laxed than prop 19! Why give the people who are for prohibition power to tax and regulate our marijuana.

It is desperation based on fear and it not moving fast enough for some... so vote for anything that will wink its eye at you.

Not everyone wants to sell out to Government control. Some want to be legal with no paperwork connecting them to anything.....

You keep your cert.


I love my life
please stop lying?

Dude what the hell I posted the link to NORML. The numbers I typed up are straight from their site, and are the same as the stuff you linked to.

It appears that Prop 19's 7 years is more than the current penalties is this a lie?



your ignorance of the law explains ALOT.

probable cause means that the officer has reasonable cause to believe a crimeis being committed.

after passage of TC2010 possession will not be a crime therefore the smell alone will not qualify as reasonable suspicion that a crime is being committed.

it would be illegal for him to "just check" to see if you were within limits.

Sorry but if he smells it in your car he has probable cause to search such vehicle to be sure you are not UI. And in that fact he I am sure will check to see if you are within limits. Buddy is a cop and it is up to them as they make the rules not us. Remember.. it is the good ol' boy club. Let me know how that goes when prop 19 goes into effect.


Game Bred
Dude what the hell I posted the link to NORML. The numbers I typed up are straight from their site, and are the same as the stuff you linked to.

It appears that Prop 19's 7 years is more than the current penalties is this a lie?


no where in 19 is there 7 years for cultivation like you stated...
It is especially troubling that cultivation goes from 16 months to 7 years?
stop lying?


you wont go look at it here it is for you

I’ve spent the weekend reading various blogs that have sprouted up in opposition to Proposition 19, California’s effort to legalize marijuana this November. These “Stoners Against Legalization” blogs confound me; they remind me of Sam Kinison’s line comparing “Rock Against Drugs” to “Christians Against Christ”.

Some of these blogs are based on the notion that legalization would be worse than “what we have now”. The assumption there is that if you smoke marijuana in California, you must already have your Prop 215 recommendation from a doctor, and you’d be losing your rights under Prop 19.

Most marijuana smokers, believe it or not, are healthy and aren’t comfortable spending money for a doctor to give them permission to use cannabis. Currently we face a ticket, fine, and misdemeanor drug conviction record for possession an ounce or less of cannabis. That record prevents us from getting student aid and can cost us our jobs, child custody, and housing, or if we’re on probation, our freedom. (Even if California succeeds at downgrading possession to an infraction from a misdemeanor, a $100 ticket is a lot of money to some people!) We face a felony charge if we grow even one plant at home. For us, Prop 19 is much better than “what we have now”.

Another thing that appears in some of these blogs is outright misinformation, such as talk of a $50/ounce state tax (it’s not in the initiative; that was Ammiano’s bill) or that it would supersede Prop 215 (it wouldn’t, and Prop 19 even references Prop 215 in its language, so it couldn’t). Others play up the “millionaires”, “big corporations”, and “monopolies” that would be created and the earnest Emerald Triangle family growers who’d be put out of business (which amuses me: Prop 19 allows localities to regulate sales, so why wouldn’t Humboldt, Trinity, and Mendocino county residents whose economy depends on pot sales lobby really hard to get legalized pot sales OK’d in those counties and cities within, and regulated in a way that protects the small grower?)

Two notable sticking points have to do with minors below 21: Prop 19 creates a new crime in being an adult over 21 who gives marijuana to adults aged 18-20 and Prop 19 forbids adults over 21 from smoking where minors are present. Prop 19’s penalties in the first situation mirror the penalties for giving alcohol to 18-20-year-olds; but, yes, it is disturbing to create a new statute that calls for jail time over marijuana. It’s also questionable whether an adult should be punished for smoking pot if their child can see them – we don’t even require that of alcohol and tobacco.

But are these reason enough to continue ruining the lives of people 21 and older? Besides, if you’re over 21 smoking with some 18-year-olds or in front of some minors, and you’re doing it inside your home, who is to know? And if you’re 18-20, wouldn’t you love being legal in 1 to 3 years?

Because the biggest thing Prop 19 does, the forest that these blogs are missing for the trees, is LEGALIZE ADULT MARIJUANA CULTIVATION AND POSSESSION.

Even under Prop 215, the adult cannabis consumer is guilty of being a criminal unless proven innocent as a patient. When Prop 19 passes, the adult cannabis consumer is considered innocent until proven guilty. It is a complete game changer for law enforcement, because:

•the smell of marijuana on your person is no longer probable cause to search you;
•that joint in your pocket means nothing;
•the seizure of stems, leaves, and seeds from your trash is irrelevant;
•a couple of baggies with weed residue in them are just garbage;
•the sight of that bong on your table visible through the kitchen window isn’t a “welcome” mat for a police search;
•your utility bills raising a bit for water and lights don’t matter;
•your neighbors smelling skunky plants is just a nuisance, not the source for an “anonymous tip”;
•receipts for lights, soil, fertilizer, ballasts, trimmers, and stuff are meaningless;
•infrared signatures of your home aren’t evidence of anything;
•marijuana sniffing K-9 units are out of a job; and
•pre-employment drug testing programs become harder for businesses to maintain for cannabis.
Basically, one of the simplest tools law enforcement has for harassing cannabis consumers – the sight and smell of cannabis and paraphernalia – is no longer in the tool belt. As long as you’re an adult, keep your grow in a 5′x5′ area, don’t smoke in front of kids, and don’t leave the house with over an ounce, you are free from police harassment.

And even if you don’t follow the law perfectly, who’s to know? If you’re pulled over and there’s an ounce and a half in your backpack, how does that cop know? Does it “smell heavy” in your car? So long as you refuse a search, how will he know? The smell of pot isn’t cause for a search; you’re allowed to have an ounce of it.

If you have a 10′x10′ garden, who’s to know? Is the electric bill that much higher? Does the garden smell more (probably not at all if you build a good grow room)? Plus don’t forget that you’re allowed to have more than one ounce, namely, any amount that you grow within your 5′x5′ garden, at the location of the garden. I think by the time law enforcement came back with a warrant to investigate how big my garden is, three-fourths of it would be cut down and I would suddenly have my 5′x5′ garden and my hanging plants from the last 5′x5′ area I harvested.

Suppose there is four pounds of marijuana at my house. Why, officer, that’s the results from my last legal 5′x5′ personal garden harvest. What, you don’t see any 5′x5′ growing space? Well, I used to grow, but I took down my garden and sold my equipment after my last harvest. Why, yes, they were some pretty big plants. No, I didn’t take any pictures, because what I was doing was perfectly legal. (Prop 19 also has a nice affirmative defense to claim the marijuana in your home was for your personal use. These blogs never seem to notice that.)

So on The NORML Stash Blog I’ve decided to write a word-for-word analysis of Prop 19, mainly because it seems like many of the people against it have never read it. Standard disclaimer: I am no lawyer… hell, I’m not even a college graduate. Click here to read my Word-for-Word Analysis of Prop 19.
It will not destroy the black market as it is not Decriminalized. It is still against the law for 20 and under and opens up a whole new push... for them to make money... and the ones who suffer are the kids as they will recieve harsher penalties under prop19 as I had seen no provision protecting them when it concerns sales.

ahhhh..i can only have a oz on me at a time..hell i can live with that
people under 21 cant smoke..i can live with that, life sucks at times, get used to it
and my all time favorite..oohhhh lets do it for the kids, even though none of this applys to "the kids" unless a kid can carry an oz at any time. and for the last time, parents are here to protect their "kids", not this prop.


Not everyone wants to sell out to Government control. Some want to be legal with no paperwork connecting them to anything.....

You keep your cert.

Tell me who the sell out is... compromise with the very government that seeks to tax and regulate as they see fit. Wow.


Game Bred
Sorry but if he smells it in your car he has probable cause to search such vehicle to be sure you are not UI. And in that fact he I am sure will check to see if you are within limits. Buddy is a cop and it is up to them as they make the rules not us. Remember.. it is the good ol' boy club. Let me know how that goes when prop 19 goes into effect.


you dont understand probable cause at all...
ill not be explaining it again.
suffice it to say you are completely incorrect about who makes the rules,how they are made and enforced.


ahhhh..i can only have a oz on me at a time..hell i can live with that
people under 21 cant smoke..i can live with that, life sucks at times, get used to it
and my all time favorite..oohhhh lets do it for the kids, even though none of this applys to "the kids" unless a kid can carry an oz at any time. and for the last time, parents are here to protect their "kids", not this prop.

LOL... yea lets see how that goes when an adult robs your house because he can't find a job because prop19 turned a simple infraction into 3-7 years when he was a kid...ahahahahaha.



you dont understand probable cause at all...
ill not be explaining it again.
suffice it to say you are completely incorrect about who makes the rules,how they are made and enforced.

I guess you have not heard about San Diego and SB as well as other counties that could care less what the laws on the books are and want to enforce federal law.

sorry again not buying it and I do understand probable cause.


Game Bred
I guess you have not heard about San Diego and SB as well as other counties that could care less what the laws on the books are and want to enforce federal law.

sorry again not buying it and I do understand probable cause.

again not selling it

and if you understand so well here is a simple question

probable cause of what?


Game Bred
ok ill do it once more...i know i said i wouldn't

A reasonable belief that a crime has occurred, is occurring, or will occur, which is sufficient to justify an arrest of a person, a search, or a seizure of property. It is often described as more than a mere suspicion.

in the aforementioned scenario what what is the crime?


again not selling it

and if you understand so well here is a simple question

probable cause of what?

To search for evidence of smoking while driving(comitting a crime). He will not try and distiguish between fresh flowers and smoke riddled apolstry. When he cant find it... he will then seach to see if you are within limits as I can see him justifiying it by the punjent oder.


ICMag Donor
LOL... yea lets see how that goes when an adult robs your house because he can't find a job because prop19 turned a simple infraction into 3-7 years when he was a kid...ahahahahaha.

I hate to be this way, but are you really this confused? I haven't read anything that you've wrote that makes any sense.

This isn't about 215. This is about a Bill that will let adults aged 21 and over legally grow and smoke their own Cannabis. No paperwork. No selling out by lying to a doctor to pay for a cert. No personal information in God knows how many dispensories. Completely legal if you follow the rules. It's that simple. This isn't about selling commercial and carrying more than an ounce. It's for people that want to be self sufficient and keep their business to themselves....

Do you get it?


I hate to be this way, but are you really this confused? I haven't read anything that you've wrote that makes any sense.

This isn't about 215. This is about a Bill that will let adults aged 21 and over legally grow and smoke their own Cannabis. No paperwork. No selling out by lying to a doctor to pay for a cert. No personal information in God knows how many dispensories. Completely legal if you follow the rules. It's that simple. This isn't about selling commercial and carrying more than an ounce. It's for people that want to be self sufficient and keep their business to themselves....

Do you get it?

You still can... grow one plant or three even in your own home as long as you are not out and about who will care. Again this is not the case with what is happening to people who are being arrested in record numbers. They are out and about with more than an oz on their person which is not protected under prop 19.
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