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SG's Hempy Grow Show - Satori, Double Bubble, PRxPK, Skunk #1

Good evening everyone :wave:

I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July! I know I sure did. I had some time to care for the girls and get some things in order. I also chopped the q-balls and one of the pr x pk. It may not have been completely ready, but there was some weird thing happening on the tips of some of the tops, so I figured it was better to be safe and take her down.

Both girls were VERY heavy and I think this will be a pretty good haul. Extremely thick and dense buds which I am very pleased with.

I also rolled myself a little J this evening of the Happy Chem. Great buzz. Felt like I was vibrating. A pleasent afternoon indeed. :dance013:

Well, I'm tired, so here are some pics.

Take care people -

peace, sg

The church @ 3 weeks. Always a solid girl.

Satori @ 3 weeks. Hoping she gets real frosty like my first run with her.


Skunk# 1 @ 6 weeks. Tough to stop runnig this smell and taste even though I am starting to see that the yield just isn't there.


PR x PK #5 @ 6 weeks. This girl is even frostier than the other pheno, I REALLY like her. The other pheno is almost a bright pink, this is a dark purple.




Chop pics @ 9 weeks:

Q-Balls & PR x PK #4

PR x PK#4
Photo Drop.

Things are going well. Been pretty busy. Think I got the clone thing figured out so that is a good thing. Been debating what seeds I want to run next and if I should look to pick up some more. Exciting things :D

Enjoy the photos.

Peace, sg

Satori pheno #2 @ 4 weeks. The keeper thus far.


The Church @ 4 weeks. Great girl. Real frosty, real tight. A+.


PR x PK #5 @ 1 week. This is the super purple pheno. Already changing a bit.


Pr x PK #4 @ 7 weeks. She may be the keeper. She is strong and heavy and of course very dense purple buds.


Skunk #1 @ 7 weeks. This one in particular is a mess. she gets too heavy for herself and falls all over the place and this round I didn't take care of her in time. Bleh. Great smoke with an awesome smell and taste, so it's tough to let go of.

Hola everyone :wave:

Apparently this place has died. No replies since July 1. I am going to just keep drop this set of pics and I guess that's that. I'll be lurking though, that's for sure.

Thanks for watching! Stay safe everyone.


PR x PK #5 @ 2 weeks. She got trimmed up after this pictures. No more popcorn. Also, she is already changing a bit.


Satori @ 5 weeks. Getting fatter!


The Church @ 5 weeks. Top shelf smoke. Also, she and the Satori got trimmed up as well.


PR X PK #4 @ 8 weeks. This is her right before the lights came on, still in the tent. She's getting a little large to move around easily :D



Hope you enjoy, keep it real out there people.

Peace, sg


love machine
ICMag Donor
:wave: SG,

Been a while since i check in this page, every thing looks great my friend,
i love how that dark pk turn out, looks quite yummy
keep up the great work bud:)
and keep on posting, we're always lurking if not posting m8 ;)



in the thick of it
SG! hey man, glad to see things are still jamming along nicely for you. I've been battling heat issues lately, so I've had no time to be online.
That pk is just nuts!
:wave: SG,

Been a while since i check in this page, every thing looks great my friend,
i love how that dark pk turn out, looks quite yummy
keep up the great work bud:)
and keep on posting, we're always lurking if not posting m8 ;)


Thanks red - I appreciate the kind words. The PK is pretty awesome. Makes me eyelid seal shut :D.

I think I'll keep posting ... going to have some new genetics in the garden soon. Just won some Sour Jack freebies from Karma. Should be fun :D

peace, sg

SG! hey man, glad to see things are still jamming along nicely for you. I've been battling heat issues lately, so I've had no time to be online.
That pk is just nuts!

Thanks buddy, glad to see you here. Sorry to hear about the heat issues :comfort: . I have been dealing with similar but i seem to have the temps under control now.

Thanks everyone for stopping in!!

peace, sg


Active member
Yeah....the heat issues this summer are crazy......last grow my temps suffered because i didnt have a thermometer in my tent for the last two years......bought a new thermometer....found my temps where spiking at 87F........

Increased the speed a bit on the fan controllers, lowered the A/C from 78F to 75F and the temps are back below 78F.....

Looking good SG.....yeah the reason for the lack of the update, cause there is really no porn to show off......most of the plants are like a week to 2 weeks in.....the camera is at the grow so, i will be taking some pics soon as we have some porn to show off!


in the thick of it
Man we spiked out at 90 the other day....switched the lighting timer and dropped the heat at the location. We're looking into adding a seperate system just for the op. The spot seems to be great except for in the dead of summer. It's supposed to get to 103 here today (w/ heat index) so everything has kind of slowed down in terms of plant growth. We just pulled a couple of very decent hauls to hold us over for the next month. it really stinks b/c we just started running a couple new genes.
@killa-If I increased my fan speed, wouldn't it just stir up the hot air more? My exhaust fan is not as strong as my intake fan. Would this increase in fan speed aid the removal of heat?
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Active member
Man we spiked out at 90 the other day....switched the lighting timer and dropped the heat at the location. We're looking into adding a seperate system just for the op. The spot seems to be great except for in the dead of summer. It's supposed to get to 103 here today (w/ heat index) so everything has kind of slowed down in terms of plant growth. We just pulled a couple of very decent hauls to hold us over for the next month. it really stinks b/c we just started running a couple new genes.
@killa-If I increased my fan speed, wouldn't it just stir up the hot air more? My exhaust fan is not as strong as my intake fan. Would this increase in fan speed aid the removal of heat?

I exhaust both my light and my carbon filter to another room otherwise my grow would be in the 100's......The room where my grow is in usually stays around 76F MAX.....I run a passive intake.....so for me.....i needed to get the colder air over my light and recycling threw my grow faster!

SG.....i took pictures yesterday......i left the camera in my car overnight.....someone broke into my car and stole my camera with my little secret on the memory stick.....im shitting bricks right now......i just took everything outta my house and took it to my other grow house! Man im fuckin scared right now! My secret is no longer a secret!
Man we spiked out at 90 the other day....switched the lighting timer and dropped the heat at the location. We're looking into adding a seperate system just for the op. The spot seems to be great except for in the dead of summer. It's supposed to get to 103 here today (w/ heat index) so everything has kind of slowed down in terms of plant growth. We just pulled a couple of very decent hauls to hold us over for the next month. it really stinks b/c we just started running a couple new genes.
@killa-If I increased my fan speed, wouldn't it just stir up the hot air more? My exhaust fan is not as strong as my intake fan. Would this increase in fan speed aid the removal of heat?

Yikes man, sounds like that heat is really getting you bad! That's the worst part of indoor for most of the world ... summer heat is always tough to beat!

Glad to hear about the strong hauls though ... running anything fun? :D

peace buddy, sg

I exhaust both my light and my carbon filter to another room otherwise my grow would be in the 100's......The room where my grow is in usually stays around 76F MAX.....I run a passive intake.....so for me.....i needed to get the colder air over my light and recycling threw my grow faster!

SG.....i took pictures yesterday......i left the camera in my car overnight.....someone broke into my car and stole my camera with my little secret on the memory stick.....im shitting bricks right now......i just took everything outta my house and took it to my other grow house! Man im fuckin scared right now! My secret is no longer a secret!

Holy shit bro ... I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope there was nothing else on that camera that would reveal too much. Good move getting everything out of the house though ... I hate getting all paranoid when its probably no big deal, it sucks.

I feel ya bro, goodluck with that ! Stay safe man,

peace, sg


in the thick of it
Killa-thanks for the ventillation tips. That sucks about the robbery! I'm praying for you. If that thief remembers where the camera came from, they could get your address from your license plate. Any chance you can get a new plate? It would totally suck to get robbed twice.

SG-I'm running our "house blend" afghani x chronic as well as some aurora indica, safari mix and some kind of mexican sativa a buddy gave me. Both rooms are full and am anticipating harvesting about three or four lush ladies this week. We are working on bringing in a new air line to both rooms and redcuting our exhaust to get things back under control. That budder looks great! I hope to make another batch in a few weeks. That stuff is great!
how did you make your butter?

Ive seen a few different methods...

Hey 12and12, my butter process is actually quite simple. I have a nice little crock pot that I use for constant heat for a 18-24 hours. Basically these are my steps:

1. Get an zip/zip and a half of trim (I use all trim since I have a ton of frosty trim and nothing better to do with it) and about 2 sticks of butter.

2. I put the 2 sticks of butter and about a cup of water into the crock pot and let it all melt/heat up.

3. Add my trim. In all honesty, now a days I just take a couple handfuls, I don't actually measure. Cover and leave on low overnight.

4. After 12-24 (no more than 24) hours I turn off the crockpot and let things cool down just a bit (maybe half an hour?). I've done it hot before and it just sucks a little because you can easily burn your fingers.

5. Next I take a rubber band and cover the top of a tupperware with cheesecloth. Dump the crockpot mixture over the cheesecloth, catching all the trim and allowing the hot/warm butter to seep through into the cheesecloth.

6. Remove the cheesecloth and put the tupperware in the fridge for a while.

7. When the butter has solidified, simply dump out the waste water and BAM, you now have budder.

Edibles are a great and much healthier way to take medicine. I certainly enjoy them if I want a great night sleep or if I'm going to an all day event that is not conducive to smoking (certain concert locations, hiking on popular trails, etc etc)

You should make some and enjoy!

Killa-thanks for the ventillation tips. That sucks about the robbery! I'm praying for you. If that thief remembers where the camera came from, they could get your address from your license plate. Any chance you can get a new plate? It would totally suck to get robbed twice.

SG-I'm running our "house blend" afghani x chronic as well as some aurora indica, safari mix and some kind of mexican sativa a buddy gave me. Both rooms are full and am anticipating harvesting about three or four lush ladies this week. We are working on bringing in a new air line to both rooms and redcuting our exhaust to get things back under control. That budder looks great! I hope to make another batch in a few weeks. That stuff is great!

Sounds like you a running some nice plants ... How's that mexican sativa turning out? I personally suck at growing sativas ... For some reason it is difficult for me to keep a finicky sativa going for 12, 14, 16 weeks, ya know? I feel like if I had more time, space and patience I could probably put together a proper regiment for sativas, so perhaps in the future. There really are some amazing hybrids out there now so I'll be ok for now :D

Enjoy that harvest and good luck with the airline changes. Stay safe buddy ...



hey thanks for the budder rec

it seems this method is easy

i've been wanting to make some cookies for a while for fun
thanks again

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