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Los Angeles Times: "California Can't Legalize Marijuana"


Well-known member
The reality is the LA Times is right as much as I hate to agree with them. Technically, the entire single narcotics convention will collapse if any country legalizes cannabis so there's much bigger interests at work here. I sure as hell know that I wouldn't be going public and starting a massive grow in Oakland until things are clearer from a legal perspective.

no question that federal legalization has a ways to go before even being considered
60 votes in the senate? that's got to be a ways off
but what are federal options if prop 19 passes?
massive DEA enforcement? that doesn't sound too likely
probably just pop the largest violators, like any bold enough to think they can do legal commercial grows
but the 1st prosecutions would have to be the legal equivalent of Disney-world as they roll through the court systems
Agreed, and how many busts/raids can they do before other parties get involved. There already is a growing number of MMJ states and a growing populous of both recreational and medical users. The federal government will either have to stand or submit. And frankly folks we outnumber and overpower the feds 1000's to 1.


no question that federal legalization has a ways to go before even being considered
60 votes in the senate? that's got to be a ways off
but what are federal options if prop 19 passes?
massive DEA enforcement? that doesn't sound too likely
probably just pop the largest violators, like any bold enough to think they can do legal commercial grows
but the 1st prosecutions would have to be the legal equivalent of Disney-world as they roll through the court systems


:dance013: I'm so excited after reading this post. In my opinion this would be that one badly needed stepping stone towards more rational drug and ganja laws. :greenstars:

I do agree with most of the LA times post. We gotta be patient, the change won't and it can't come over night.
In Finland where i'm from the influence of US is actually quite drastic. What happens in the US, doesn't stay in the US. :santa1: *random rambling* But vote YES, for Finland if nothing else.:thank you:

Even medical in here is under the rock. Atm we've only got (not really sure about the number atm) around 5 max. 10 Patients in the country with legal MMJ.
I'm in desperate need for the legalization or MMJ law reform. I'm on 9, yes nine, different chemical drugs for various different reasons.

From these only one (melatonin) is normally occurring in the body, others are quite strong painkillers, relaxants, AntiDepression, schizophrenia etc meds. I could drop all these chemical bs compounds if only i could smoke the "DEMON WEED". And yes Cannabis has provided a huge help with my schizophrenia and with severe psychosis.
Possibly went a little off topic but excuse me i just medicated. :smokeit:

PS. Looks like this was my first post in here so Hi Equitably for everyone! :wave:

Welcom EL toro, hope you enjoy your stay. It's funny because in UK, where I'm from, the government say that cannabis is a cause of psychosis and in other places they use it as a treatment. I suppose it depends on what you are smoking and how much.


Umm.. the USA isn't bound by international law.
When we were tried in the ICC for war crimes we simply withdrew from the treaty.
We have veto power at the UNSC so we can just veto any resolutions against us..
The UN is not a world body. Its a body to secure Chinese, American, Russian, UK and French interests
at the expense of "lesser"countries.


Active member
but perhaps you may be overlooking the fact that God played a major role in the lives of the men who created these laws, and by "the men" i mean our forefathers and the like, not these douch bags that run the country now.

our founding fathers wrote the Constitution, not the
laws we live under, they gave us a philosophy and
we have elected politicians over the years who have bastardized and corrupted that philosophy for personal
gain and slowly created a system of government that
promotes ignorance and intolerance to keep the masses,
us, busy!

as long as we argue amongst ourselves, nothing gets
done, shit, we can't even get stoners to agree to legalize!

...if we want more of the same all we have to do is to
re-elect scumbags like Barbara Boxer, Nancy Pelosi, Jack Reed,
Barney Frank and that fool in the Whitehouse!

you people in California have a chance to make a real
difference here, don't let the politicians and the criminals
win for they are the only ones who profit from cannabis
being illegal, it is nothing more than government

peace, SOG


Active member
pretty surprised the LA times would be against legalization they are one of the more liberal and pro tax cities around...

theres international law banning cannabis?


JG's Ghost

Active member
our founding fathers wrote the Constitution, not the
laws we live under, they gave us a philosophy and
we have elected politicians over the years who have bastardized and corrupted that philosophy for personal
gain and slowly created a system of government that
promotes ignorance and intolerance to keep the masses,
us, busy!

as long as we argue amongst ourselves, nothing gets
done, shit, we can't even get stoners to agree to legalize!

...if we want more of the same all we have to do is to
re-elect scumbags like Barbara Boxer, Nancy Pelosi, Jack Reed,
Barney Frank and that fool in the Whitehouse!

you people in California have a chance to make a real
difference here, don't let the politicians and the criminals
win for they are the only ones who profit from cannabis
being illegal, it is nothing more than government

peace, SOG

Simple solutions.

Term limits for House, and Senate.

Ban "for hire" lobbying. If you have a grievance you wish redressed by Government you gotta do it yourself.

Corporations are not citizens, and should not have the rights of citizens.



Right on SOG. The founding fathers created the constitution because they understood what real tyranny was. Police raiding the homes of peaceful citizens and shooting their dogs is a perfect example of why they implemented the 2nd amendment.

If we continue to elect people who love to say, "The constitution is dated and no longer valid." We can kiss our hopes of more freedom goodbye.

MJ remains illegal for the same reasons it became illegal in the first place. Racism and corrupt government. It's not a coincidence that all legalization measures in recent years have been voter initiated.


Not to get off topic but lol....our forefathers were against religion. John Adams, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington and Ben Franklin are just a few of those men who thought god and the bible was foolish.

i think you could be wrong about that, but maybe not. :)

By 1778, George Washington had so often witnessed God's intervention that on August 20, he wrote Thomas Nelson that:
The Hand of providence has been so conspicuous in all this, that he must be worse than an infidel that lacks faith, and more than wicked, that has not gratitude enough to acknowledge his obligations. [1]


and SOG, i believe you are right, i stand corrected., you and strapped both have a good point, and obviously i need to do a little more research. :)


but my point was the men who created the start of this country, and also the pattern for the laws, were god fearing men, and these laws were to help and protect all the law abiding citizens, since then, you are absolutely right, our laws are for the greedy, and the corrupt. but it is the ignorant people who vote for, and get these laws passed.

Benjamin Franklin Credits God for America's Independence ...Jul 4, 2008 ... Benjamin Franklin loomed as large as any of the key leaders of the movement ... therefore protecting everyone that does not believe in the Bronze Age .... Did you know that 50 out of 50 state constitutions recognize God? ...


anyways, i am sorry, i didnt say what i said to argue with anyone, i was just trying to agree with what ibjamming was saying, it is very sad to see what we have become since the days of our forefathers, .....well at least some of us. :), ......ok, not us, them.

and thank you for that link bazarocka, for that link, had alot of good info,
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i really like the part that said they were stopping the arrests of people who have personal amounts, which saves tax dollars that they can use for rehab centers


"Umm.. the USA isn't bound by international law.
When we were tried in the ICC for war crimes we simply withdrew from the treaty.
We have veto power at the UNSC so we can just veto any resolutions against us..
The UN is not a world body. Its a body to secure Chinese, American, Russian, UK and French interests
at the expense of "lesser"countries."

Ziggaro - you're kidding right? The UN is the US and is in the pocket of the US which is even better for the US exerting pressure regarding international law as it did when it told a pack of lies regarding WMDs to the UN prior to invading Iraq. The UN sent in independent inspectors - the US ignored them completely and blew shit out of an alleged terrorist nation with WMDs. Of course, history tells us now that there were no WMDs and Hussein had nothing to do with the Osama crew. UN never sanctions etc. Funniest shit is that if it hadn't of been for Bush bankrupting the US none of this could be happening so we have the dumbest US President in history to thank for cannabis legalization:)

It's going to be an interesting one and Californians need to get out and vote yes for Prop 19 regardless. Great to see this happening but there still is a major conflict between Fed and State laws and I can't see the Feds sitting back on this one.


Vote prop 19 So Mr. Lee can crank out 60 pounds a weed a day!

I am voting no as it is taxation and not legalization as Mr. Herer wanted!

The sad part is that everyone is so focused on this piece of crap legislation, you hear very little about things like this: http://www.oaklandnorml.org/cms/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=488
No part of Prop 19 makes possession a simple infraction with a relatively minor fine. SB 1449 is progress. Prop 19 is the Louisiana Purchase all over again with the small and medium growers playing the part of the resident Native Americans. We as a community can do better. Contact these people, let them know how important it is that SB 1449 be acted upon and endorsed as law.
Currently, the punishment for a “gift” of marijuana from a 21+ to a 18-20 is a citation and $100 fine. Now it will be six months and $1,000.


You know I never really thought about commercial and corporate interests in regard to legalization.

The argument that use would increase merely because it is legal/available is somewhat weak. However, the fact that you would have huge, greedy, profit-driven companies along with the media (via in movie ads and other routes) trying to get as many people as possible smoking cannabis would certainly result in an increase. As much as I love the plant and as much as I gain from it, it's certainly not for everyone.


Well-known member
Vote prop 19 So Mr. Lee can crank out 60 pounds a weed a day!

this is deceptive, the 60 pound a day operations are works in progress now, no prop 19 needed
if this does actually happen, prop 19 could be the small grower's salvation
DEA will likely enforce federal law against any large recreational MJ grows, leaving the small grower to fill the gap in the recreational MJ market


Currently, the punishment for a “gift” of marijuana from a 21+ to a 18-20 is a citation and $100 fine. Now it will be six months and $1,000.

so obviously all your clients are minors? sounds like a personal problem, that I shouldnt have to deal with. vote yes. get some friends/patients your own age, we are talking about PROGRESS, while you want to vote NO like ALL the other prohibitionist. you're no better than the people who have kept it illegal this whole time. you make me sick.:tiphat:
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Lets try to keep this a discussion and leave the name calling on the play ground. Ive edited some now lets see if we can keep it civil.