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PC Case Growers Club


sorry guys... can u see the pics now?? they where in a private folder.

thanx for the input acro and archer. im at work and was in a rush on my last post and im sorry for not being more clear. i have 3 fans for exhaust, two 80mm and a 60mm.. my intake is a 3.5 by 3 inch square that i have covered with something similar to scrubninjas lightproof vent(u can see it in the pics).

acro.... im not sure what the dimensions of all the exhaust fans are.. i was always kinda retarded when it came to math.. lol. since it has two 80mm's and a 60mm fans in there i thought it would be more than enuff..


ohh.. n when i get outa work n about an hour im gunna go home n take a temp reading from a shaded part of the box.. be back in few. peace.


sorry guys... can u see the pics now?? they where in a private folder.

thanx for the input acro and archer. im at work and was in a rush on my last post and im sorry for not being more clear. i have 3 fans for exhaust, two 80mm and a 60mm.. my intake is a 3.5 by 3 inch square that i have covered with something similar to scrubninjas lightproof vent(u can see it in the pics).

acro.... im not sure what the dimensions of all the exhaust fans are.. i was always kinda retarded when it came to math.. lol. since it has two 80mm's and a 60mm fans in there i thought it would be more than enuff..
I could see them earlier.

You want twice the area of intake than exhaust for proper airflow, three times is better.

From pics I can see that your exhaust fans are twice the surface area of your intake. You want it the other way around bro.


mr_Mota you can just duct one of the holes, or aluminium tape it ( i love that aluminium tape stuff)
I have almost the same setup in space( L is shorter) and oly 2 bulbs 46W total and the pc is runing 85-87 temps wile my room temp is 80.6 ( and probably a bit more).


ok, i checked the temps again n shaded the thermometer, and it was alot better. the temps stayed around 80* after 5 hours w/ lights on..

do you guys leave ur fans on when ur lights are off??


New member
Hmm... Im building up veggie box for couple clones atm and I need some fresh ideas (reflector, etc.);

PC Dimensions for plants; 40x30x19 cm (W,H,D)

Right now I have 2x 20w + 11w CFL (2700k both)
2x 80mm fans (intake) 2x 80mm
+ 72mm (exhaust) and 2x 120mm for custom cooltube.




With those 3 lights you wont need more than 1 fan for exhaust. Use tha place for the front pannel fan as passive intake and duct all other holes. But first scroll the whole tread, it has some realy inspireing builds :blowbubbles:


Hi all :wave:

Just came in to show you my PC setup:

It's a normal size computer (42cm/~17'' tall). I use 4 24W CFL's (aprox. 1100 lum. each, 2700K). I currently have 4 White Dwarfs in there (seeds made by one of our fellow polish growers named czaczo). They are in their second week of flowering right now. It's crazy how fast those auto flowering strains grow :D

hope you like it:




and some pics from my previous grow:





I used to have a carbon filter when I held it in my room, but now i moved it to the attic and i don't care :D the smell is beautiful !



These are my 2 Jock Horrors from Nirvana, grown under 70W of CFL in a PC case:


More pics in my thread :)


New member
Hey guys,
I'm in the middle of building a PC grow box. My case is 20.5" h x 17" w x 8" d.
I'm trying to run 4 - 26w cfl's, but am having a bit of heat. After running for 6-7 hours the case gets up to 10*F over ambient temps. It can get to be 80*F in my room without a problem which means my case gets to 90*F.
The above temps are with 2 80mm 24cfm fans for exhaust in the back of the case and a 120mm fan hanging down blowing air over the lights. I have a speed controller that fits in one of the expansion slots and they are all currently running at full speed. The case can only use 80mm fans without cutting the case and doing modifications. Intake is passive through every opening on the front for now.
I had everything lightproofed and ready to go when I realized my ventilation needed some work so I took everything down on the front part of the case to bring in as much air as possible.
Just about everything I have read for growing said to avoid using fans on the intake and just keep it passive. I had an old 80mm fan that I put on the intake to test and see if it made a difference and it brought it down to 4* over ambient. As my room is cooling down, it seems the case is taking its time to catch up and is at 6*F over ambient putting it at 82*F.
I guess with PC's its good to have that extra air coming in with a fan on intake?
The 80mm fans I found are very quiet and only $6 so I wouldn't mind buying an extra one to have 2 on intake unless anyone diagrees.
After putting everything together I'm starting to think using a case closer to 26.5" would be a lot better. That extra 6" seems like it would come in handy. Again if anyone recommended it I wouldn't mind buying a better/bigger case with better ventilation options. This one was only $25.


you can also install 2 new exhaust fans, a bit higher CFM rated. Those are silent couse they run at about 2000-2500 RPM but you get only 48CFM total. You can chek their characteristics online to see how much "dB" they are and look for something with higher CFM rate and close to treir dB rate.


New member
you can also install 2 new exhaust fans, a bit higher CFM rated. Those are silent couse they run at about 2000-2500 RPM but you get only 48CFM total. You can chek their characteristics online to see how much "dB" they are and look for something with higher CFM rate and close to treir dB rate.

Yeah, I got two new ones the other day that I've been using and described in my post. They had the best cfm to dba ratio available in the store and happened to only be $5.99. They are the third most popular/highly rated 80mm fans on newegg.com.
With those two fans for exhaust and an old 80mm for intake, temps stayed at a consistent 5*F over ambient over night. The two new fans running at full speed are so much quieter than the old fan running on the lowest speed.
Is 5*F over ambient about as good as it gets for PC grows with out getting too complicated, ie separating the lights from the rest of the pc with glass?


Aerohead put up a good effort and a clean design, but even he frequently mentioned setup-related problems throughout (light burns with 4 weeks left to flower, thin buds, PM) Aero was using top genetics that looked crystally and nice, but his grow never finished - he had to harvest early because of PM. I suspect his setup may have contributed to his woes.

With the amount of watts and fancy aeroponics he put into that grow he could have had a small desk cabinet and doubled his floor space with the same equipment. Spreading out the branches may have provided the airflow he needed to stop the PM from manifesting.

Also, not to knock Aero, but his buds were pretty thin at 50 days through flower...


that's his second run when he was using fogponics that turned out skimpy. His first run with an actual aeroponics system came out pretty well.


New member
So I cut the face off the old power supply to use as a 3rd exhaust fan mount right next to the lights and now temps 1*-3*F over ambient. I ran the case all night to test temps, according to my thermometer the high was 83*F and the low was 76*F which I'm pretty happy with. It should be cooling down here in the next month so I think I am in good shape!

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