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Auto BlueBerry feminized under 400 HPS


i could never get on with 1 res and multiple plants due to the fact of different plants requring different feeds at different times.

the only benefit i can see from these systems is if your growing clones in which case all cuttings come from the same mother and will all take the same feeds at the same times

i personally find it difficuly handling single bubblers but i know the plants are getting exactly what they want were as in a 1 res system you have to find a happy ec for all the plants to continue to grow

just my opinion though



True but I will only be growing the same strains started at the same time. I've read through lots of threads were the grower has a multiple site res. with multiple plants growing and thriving at ounce. So unless your gonna grow different strains at ounce started at different times then that's the only time that a single res. will give problems.


Active member
well said from the both of you...But for me personally, I want BIG ASS AUTOS, so I'm gonna go with the oxy pots...10-12 of em' under a 600hps in a 4.5' x 4.5' space...i know it gonna be a lotta work, but it's better for my needs and dont have to worry about where to get rid of all that damm soil anymore...it's jus easier to me...


well said from the both of you...But for me personally, I want BIG ASS AUTOS, so I'm gonna go with the oxy pots...10-12 of em' under a 600hps in a 4.5' x 4.5' space...i know it gonna be a lotta work, but it's better for my needs and dont have to worry about where to get rid of all that damm soil anymore...it's jus easier to me...
Well said by u sir...lol
I am growing some auto strains that just do not do well in soil but they love any type of hydro system. Mi5 & Onyx are the strains I have in mind, These strains in a hydro system of any sort will blow your mind. The size is just ridiculous, You would never think that an auto can get that big but in hydro anything is possible.
I threw my 3 1/2 gallon DWC res. in the trash cause the nutes build up in the bottom as the plant drinks water, and then as you add water/feed into the tank the levels go so high without knowing. So a plant can drink a gallon a day but is not always eating nutes, so the nutes build up in solid form untill they reach a toxic level. So I will be using 10 & 18 gallon res. from now on.

I pollenated an RRF with Mi5, hope it takes....


have to disagree on that because even though all the seeds might be from the same packet they might all be different phenos in which case certain plants will require different feeds at different times,dont get me wrong im not trying to put you off but in order to get maximum from a plant you gotta be dialled into that plants needs

and yeah autos in hydro is the way forward for big yields from these short growing plants and it dont matter what starin you pick wether it be onyx or mi5 or sour60 your always gonna get bigger plants period

oxypots are the tits especially single systems they will maximise yield from any plants if you are locked into what the plants want

i managed to pull an oz from an mi5 grown under cfl in 8 weeks seed to harvest i think with my skills today and my setup i could now top this

i wish you luck with your new setup and look forward to comparing my next auto grow with yours although my seeds are shit so you have a good advantage :)

on a side note there are different phenos of mi5 and onyx and if you notice any of the bigger yielding autos they were grown in single systems :)



We will debate this when my plants are thriving in their fine 6 site home.
I wish you luck brother, Also I know that your single bubblers will yield great amounts but they will have all the room they need. So just look at it from my point of view dude, I am growing the same way seed breeders that I bought my seeds from do and it worked for them and many others. I am going to try the single gallon DWC systems but I will still keep with what I know and what my plants like(6 site DWC)...


its not a debate mate you have more control over your plants in a single system then you do growing with 1 res FACT, and when you have sampled the delights from growing 1 plant in a single res you wont be going back :)

lets take my bluecheese grow for example if i had grown 2 plants in 1 res and gave them both canna boost i would of been fuked, but because i grew in a single res and experimented a bit i salvaged my grow

both seeds were from the same batch and it shows you how different plants can react to different things, im just sharing some of my wisdom from growing this way with your goodself and you can learn from my mistakes so you can maximize your own yields :)

i wish you all the best with your grow and hope you can produce some monster buds :)

ive got my beanbag out and my :lurk: ready for the show

and if you get stuck id be happy to assist :)



I will agree 100% on the different phenos from the same strain requiring different amounts of nutes at different times. But also I have watched my system and other systems produce good plants with no visible problems in a multiple site system. I will also agree 100% that you can give an individual plant what it wants and needs in a single site bubbler but they will still do fine in multiple sites.
Peace brother.


Russian Rocket Fuel is moving its way up my top ten strains list. It is the strongest smelling auto out of about ten strains that I have grown. Now I have gotten 5 Purple Jems to sprout and the others aren't far behind thanks again I.R! Here are pics of the 2 female RRF:


I just got my package with 2x feminized HBD, 1x Roadrunner fem freebie & 1x Auto Haze freebie. I got an e-mail from a seed bank that I use about a 4th of July seed giveaway with any order & I just had to order some seeds to get the free Haze automatic & the Roadrunner automatic.
Does anyone have any exp. with Roadrunner? I think I'll pop the Haze first then the Roadrunner after I learn a little about it.
EDIT: Well, I put the Roadrunner auto in an 8" pot and put the Haze auto in the refrigerator for storage. Roadrunner is a 60 day flowering strain and I saw a thread were one finished 62 days from seed outdoor guerrilla style.


The RRF are doing good and The Purple Jems are the smaller/younger plants. I have 2 Red dwarf showing sex and 2 Fast bud that are showing sex, I think there are about 5 PJ's popped up now but the seeds are so ripe and hard that if I don't scarify them they take up 2 weeks to show their heads. Thats fine with me as long as they pop, Thanks again I.R(where are you brother?T )!


New member
grabbin a chair sum bubblegum n my mgw double perc with luke wilson ashcatcher/perc.
i have 7 auto hindus 4 diesel ryders and 1 free sour kush fem goin. ur grows are lookin good. im goin to do sum purple jems n afghan kush ryder next time n do a seedrun. doin a seedrun rite now with the hindus n diesels n gonna take clones of the sour kush in a couple weeks. good job tho man n liking the setup. best of luck to ya


grabbin a chair sum bubblegum n my mgw double perc with luke wilson ashcatcher/perc.
i have 7 auto hindus 4 diesel ryders and 1 free sour kush fem goin. ur grows are lookin good. im goin to do sum purple jems n afghan kush ryder next time n do a seedrun. doin a seedrun rite now with the hindus n diesels n gonna take clones of the sour kush in a couple weeks. good job tho man n liking the setup. best of luck to ya
Thanks Brother, I send karma toward your grow man!!!


The RRf are growing tall and bushy, I've gotten both of them to take pollen from a purple Mi5 male. I heavily pollinated the smaller RRf and lightly pollinated the Bigger one. The Purple JEM's are growing faster and faster, The Fast Bud is getting tall and branchy. Red Dwarf are a lot taller than I thought they would be. The DF seed co. Roadrunner & Haze automatic popped in two days with no germination method used I just put them in the dirt and watered, I think that is the fastest I have ever saw a plant start!
I don't know about the Haze auto though cause the breeders description says that it has no Sativa effect cause of the high CBD levels from the Ruderalis genetics but I think that after they reach f3-f5 the strain will show more and more Sativa dominance.
Thats why I am going to order LBH auto Haze from SS, I know that he has worked long and hard to mimic the Haze to every effect in autoflowering form!
Updates later, I will post some lights out pics in the morning... karma


So far I have 6 JEMs of different ages, 1 is a female and the other biggest is a Male the other 4 will be showing soon enough. I'll be doing some breeding and crossing for quit a while now with all of the auto pollen I have collected.


I wanted to put Speedy Gonzales in the DWC and had to wait on them to get here. I just got them in the rockwool cubes, I have to make sure
I will be able to get to it good in my grow room cause I am going to do weekly res. changes to make sure that the nutes don't get to toxic levels. I'll post pics when they pop up...


Active member
sounds good to me....thinking about getting some of those aquairium thermostats, like Skotty, to momitor the res temps. as well..... where I live is hot az hell DAILY....temps today outside was 93! guess i gonna need some sort of thin insulation or reflective material around and on top of my buckets as well...gotta keep it cool in there, ya know!....