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So if it fails will we flock to jack's site and donate? 2012 is a presidential election year more people will come out to vote than any other election.

I for one can live with jack's Initiative

2012.. It's closer than your think...

I see Tax2010 failing by 2%

I see Cartel Profits up by 15% Someone has to supply cheep weed and it may not be California.

al gonzo

New member
And what happens to children?

And what happens to children?

there are communties in northern cali who's economy is pretty much purely based on cannabis...what happens to these places after legalization? what happens to these places after big business takes over?

Neo 420

Active member
hahahahaha.... Not in California LOL.

We live in a time when everybody is telling us to "Go Green" and plant backyard gardens like the President. But in California, Health and Safety Code 11358 makes cultivation of even just one harmless marijuana plant a felony crime, punishable by up to three (3) years in state prison and a $10,000 fine.
Cultivation of any amount of marijuana is a felony under Health and Safety Code 11358


Tell one of your non MMJ buddies to plant some bubba kush in is front yard and will see how sound your advice is.......


Game Bred
lets dispel some bullshit.

can any prohibition supporter tell me what specific language in this bill scares you and why?
all this "jack said" and "i feel" and "what about the kids" and "phillip morris is buying all of norcal" bullshit is all hyperbole.
we all have access to the actual bill and can debate it like reasonable adults.

if you are medical now this bill changes absolutely nothing for you.
if your underage buddy has his med rec now he will still have it after this bill passes.
(whether its right for him to smoke is debatable)
here is the relevant section of the law.
This Act is intended to limit the application and enforcement of state and local laws relating to possession, transportation, cultivation, consumption and sale of cannabis, including but not limited to the following, whether now existing or adopted in the future: Health and Safety Code sections 11014.5 and 11364.5 [relating to drug paraphernalia]; 11054 [relating to cannabis or tetrahydrocannabinols]; 11357 [relating to possession]; 11358 [relating to cultivation]; 11359 [possession for sale]; 11360 [relating to transportation and sales]; 11366 [relating to maintenance of places]; 11366.5 [relating to use of property]; 11370 [relating to punishment]; 11470 [relating to forfeiture]; 11479 [relating to seizure and destruction]; 11703 [relating to definitions regarding illegal substances]; 11705 [actions for use of illegal controlled substance]; Vehicle Code sections 23222 and 40000.15 [relating to possession].

you see this is a very important piece of language.
what this does is explain the effect of the law in a legal sense.
by saying this law is intended to limit enforcement it creates a charter of negative liberties to the governments of california.
this means nothing can become "stricter" because it limits not increases the scope of government power to enforce.

this is how law works. not what you feel. not what the ghost of jack tells you in a ojia board. semantics matter. what is your definition of is?


Regarding minors:

"Sending teenagers to state prison for three years for pot is evil. This initiative mandates that 18, 19, and twenty year old minors serve three to seven year terms in California state prison for the crime of passing each other a joint or selling one another a small amount. Under this law if a 21 year old person passes a joint to a 20 year old he or she goes to county jail for six months. Likewise this measure has no exceptions for parents in their own homes from the “smoking cannabis in any space while minors are present” prohibition. We don’t lock up parents for having a glass of wine with dinner and we certainly don’t tell the kids to leave the house for the purpose of consuming any other substance so why start with cannabis?"

Peron vows that if the proponents "buy" enough signatures to get the initiative on the ballot he will campaign against it:

"This initiative is bad for parents, students and, ultimately, the effort to get the state to stop ruining lives enforcing these draconian pot laws. Initiatives create permanent statutes. This one with its petty restrictions for personal users, prohibitive unfair taxes, and mandatory state prison sentences for teen agers need be nipped in the bud. We will campaign and vote against it should its proponents succeed in purchasing the necessary number of signatures to put it on the 2010 ballot. The tax revenue it will supposedly generate is a mere smokescreen for the kids it will regulate into three, five and seven year state prison sentences."




Marijuana is a drug, whether you want to admit it or not. Kids don't get to use drugs. If you are waiting for a bill that allows minors to use drugs then you are a hindrance to the legalization movement. People, adults, won't be able to live freely without fear of arrest, because you advocate minors using drugs. Get your head into reality.

As far as the regulations go.. that isn't going to change, ever. In this country nothing is going to be legal without being taxed, and regulated. Again, get your head into reality.

About the 25 sq ft and one ounce limit you keep going on about..

One ounce is the legal limit any normal person can legally sell and/or transport. In your home you can posses as much as you want. If you start a business you can posses and sell as much as you want.

Both of these limitations can be changed with future amended, as stated in section 5(a), but these limitations can only be changed to less restrictive limitations.

Laymans terms for you.. If you pass this bill, things can only get better!!! Conditions as stated in this bill can never go backwards.

Which means.. This IS the first step to full legalization.

Neo 420

Active member
So a 20 year old should not be allowed to smoke a joint. LOL. You sound like the DEA!

NO....You sound like the DEA wanting to stop this bill. If the only thing stopping you from voting for this bill is that you want to smoke with your teen and post teen friends, then you have a problem. You need to look at the big picture. Are you also campaigning to drink alcohol with your 20 year old friend? This seems to be your focus?

Neo 420

Active member
OK....Lets talk about concentrates. I am huge consumer of oils and hash. What about the non MMJ user that gets caught with .5 grams of hash/oil? You know anybody who got caught with concentrates? No ticket there Mr DEA. It's straight jail time.

Arrested for hash possession in CA. (hs 11357 a)
Last night I was cited and booked for possession of a small amount of hash (less than 2 grams). ATM I'm out on $10,000 bail.
All the research I've done so far points to this being a felony with up to a year in jail and has left me terrified. This is the first time I've been arrested as an adult (I was charged with petty theft as a minor) so I'm hoping the charges can be brought down to a misdemeanor and a fine with some probation and or community service. A felony for such a small amount of hash seems insane to me.
Ask the person above if he is ok with the laws. 10,000 dollar bail!!!! MADNESS!!!! For .5 grams of hash he did 6 or 7 months. SO STOP LYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm going to Slims on the 20th and I will be taking all my anger out in the pit......Matter of fact, some of you naysayers come down and join me.......


The cat that loves cannabis
So a 20 year old should not be allowed to smoke a joint. LOL. You sound like the DEA!
And you sound like your still in high school.
Dude, you won't be 19 forever, the time will pass quick and you'll be 21 and legal before you know it.
Like it's going to stop you from smoking till then anyway.

Neo 420

Active member
And you sound like your still in high school.
Dude, you won't be 19 forever, the time will pass quick and you'll be 21 and legal before you know it.
Like it's going to stop you from smoking till then anyway.

I hope he is 19 cause if he is in his 40's and trying to drink and smoke with them youngsters........


Cultivation of any amount of marijuana is a felony under Health and Safety Code 11358


Tell one of your non MMJ buddies to plant some bubba kush in is front yard and will see how sound your advice is.......

I would never tell anyone to plant marijuana without a card but I have seen people get away with it many times and I know for a fact that the local PD would not give a fuck if they found 1 plant in someone's backyard. I have personally had a 1/4 ounce of marijuana placed back in my pocket by local PD when I was 16 out after curfew and he told me to walk home.

Everyone should just get their card, prop 215 was written in a way that makes all marijuana use "medical" if you have a recommendation from a doctor.. I don't see why this situation should be changed at all.


The cat that loves cannabis
I hope he is 19 cause if he is in his 40's and trying to drink and smoke with them youngsters........
The reason he's with the kids is because he is one IMO, and there's nothing wrong with that, I wish I was 19 again too.


I hope he is 19 cause if he is in his 40's and trying to drink and smoke with them youngsters........

LOL. I am over 21 years old and I dont drink so i dont provide alcohol to anyone!. I do like to smoke cannabis though and so do a few of my 20 year old friends and we puff together from time to time. something wrong with that?. Should i have to go to jail for 6 months and pay a fine for doing so? really. shame on you if you think so!


Neo 420

Active member
I would never tell anyone to plant marijuana without a card but I have seen people get away with it many times and I know for a fact that the local PD would not give a fuck if they found 1 plant in someone's backyard. I have personally had a 1/4 ounce of marijuana placed back in my pocket by local PD when I was 16 out after curfew and he told me to walk home.
Around here in the bay, you are going to jail for that one plant. POINT BLANK. Don't know where you stay at but maybe the non MMJ folks should mover there?

Everyone should just get their card, prop 215 was written in a way that makes all marijuana use "medical" if you have a recommendation from a doctor.. I don't see why this situation should be changed at all.

Two of my friends were turned down for the card. (No refund also) What about them? I'm sure there are plenty more.

Neo 420

Active member
LOL. I am over 21 years old and I dont drink so i dont provide alcohol to anyone!. I do like to smoke cannabis though and so do a few of my 20 year old friends and we puff together from time to time. something wrong with that?. Should i have to go to jail for 6 months and pay a fine for doing so? really. shame on you if you think so!

Nothing wrong with that. OK you don't like that part of the bill. OK. Lets just vote the bill in and we change that language in the bill on the first amendment. OK? Then we will all be happy right?



Nothing wrong with that. OK you don't like that part of the bill. OK. Lets just vote the bill in and we change that language in the bill on the first amendment. OK? Then we will all be happy right?


Really, So Jack Herrer and Dennis Peron and all of us voting no are DEA!. WOW!

Neo 420

Active member
Really, So Jack Herrer and Dennis Peron and all of us voting no are DEA!. WOW!

Dude, take you jedi mind tricks elsewhere. If you see Jack at the polls let me know. Next thing you will be telling us Elvis is voting no..

Oh yea...Dennis said jump off the bay bridge......SO we know where you are going!!!!