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AK48, Chrystal, PPP


Well-known member
thanks very much elmaco- i'm looking foward to seeing how much these colas will swell- i think they will frost up pretty good too


Well-known member
its almost 5 weeks and the ak48 canopy is filling in nicely

it looks like the beastie bloom helped fill them in and add some frost- as soon as i open the door i noticed the colas were definitely fatter

the ppp and chrystal are slacking comparatively-but maybe they will catch up

by weeks 8 and 9 i can tell they will be coated in frost

i can't wait to see what they will do!

4 Dragons

Active member
Looking good! They already have some nice frost so around week 9 they should be coated pretty nice! Hope they turn out the way you want! :)


Well-known member
thanks 4d- i think this run will do what i expected-finally.

here's a nice looking chrystal lady- she has the potential to be heavy

tomorrow will be 5 weeks

i'm gonna take some closeups soon


Well-known member
here's 5 1/2 weeks- they seem like they hit a wall when they should be fattening up fast. all i can do is wait to see if they will fill out these last couple weeks. i think i'm gonna use beastie bloomz instead of cha ching for the final weeks. i don't understand why you would want so much nitrogen so late in flower. does anyone know why?



Well-known member
today is 6 weeks- i'm happy with how they are progressing. i wish i had taken more cuts of the ak48.

i fed them 2 tablespoons per gallon of molasses two days ago and now they are leaning over and need to be staked. they are also alot more frosty so i think i hit them at the right time. i wasn't sure if they were gonna fatten up but now i am convinced

note to self-always take two cuts per plant!


4 Dragons

Active member
The second picture you posted today looks just like the SpookyTooth!

Yup, they are starting to get fat :) Good luck with those Homeskillet!!!


Well-known member
thanks 4d!- glad you came by

it really does look exactly like the spookytooth

here's the spookytooth

here's the ppp

hey 4d- i just popped the cali-o x sq

it's gonna be some funky dank for sure!:dance013:

4 Dragons

Active member
Funny! That could be the same plant!! I didn't know you had those, caveman found a major keeper in there. I plan on popping some of those for a future project. I'd love to see the pics; good luck with them!


Well-known member
yea 4d- i'm sure there will be some great phenos in there- i'm cloning every girl this time. i haven't had some calio in 5 years! i'm gonna make a new thread in a couple of days with the ae77calio x sq, papaya, aurora indica, grapefruit, ak48 and ppp so you'll see some nice pics.

today i walked in my room and an ak48 cola was bent over on the floor. the whole canopy has shifted from the weight of the buds. i need some stakes really bad-went to walmart but no luck. the buds are alot frostier and the smell has gotten stronger.

i'm gonna update with some frost shots in a day or two- coming up on 7 weeks- exciting times! :jump:
Much Respect on those NUG's!! Hope I get some success out of mine like that or even half... Honestly Even just to get a damn female out of my AK's. At least my Zombie's are looking hungry to provide love.


4 Dragons

Active member
That sounds like a real nice lineup! Where did you get the Grapefruit from? I haven't had Cali-O in about that same amount of time too! Hard to believe when I have those killer beans just waiting for me to pop. Plan on crossing it to Gooey if I find a killer orange male.

Glad those chunked up for you! Looking forward to the new pictures and grow show!



im over here droolin.. this is great for ppl who are eyeballing ppp, ak, and chrystal like myself.. i bet all them will endup crazy and gooey, just fill us in with the aroma and high on each...


Well-known member
hey learning first- the ak48's look good in your profile- how are those going? what is zombie? thanks for the respect! nice!

hey 4d- yea i'm excited about the lineup- looking for some phenos that are worthy of multiple runs. the grapefruit is from female seeds. yea the calio x goo would be very tastey.:wave:

whats up sir nugget?- glad you commented:tiphat: you gotta love icmag for the grow shows, reports and bud porn! glad my pictures are making ya drool lol. check back in for updates man:wave:


Well-known member
tomorrow will be 7 weeks. most of the ak48 phenos have pointed spear like colas. but this pheno is alot different

it's about 1/4 the weight of the average ak48 plant but a little frostier. it stinks like fuel

here is a chrystal bud

looks decent. all the chrystals have golf ball shaped buds with average frost.

my canopies are fucked up- they are all leaning over fucking up the light penetration distribution. i have to find stakes asap.


Well-known member
got some stakes a couple of days ago- everything looks much better

here's a nice pheno with a large cola

and a ppp that is surprisingly coated in sugar

and my ladies with the support they need
