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2.5x1.8 meter coco scrog, 3 strain bingo!!


Hey guys, I`ve been a right twat! The 600w bulb over the lesser row was low in output. I had`nt noticed til now. I`ve changed the bulb and now its considerably brighter there now. Its a bit late to expect much movement in them now, but hopefully it`ll encourage them at least a little over the next 10 days on flush and help them swell up.

I must buy a lumen meter, I dont think they cost much and I find it hard to spot a low output bulb even with 3 along side each other.

I`m sure I`ll have lost out in yield a fair amount on this row and its my own stupid fuckwit fault. Better to realise late than never I guess. Guess what?. . . the extra`s were on the outside of this row too, so that explain why there`s not been much happening there either, doh!

Its a real shame too as the buds in the other row of Armageddon are looking amazing and continue to fatten up, I cant beleive its taken me til now to notice.

Note to self. . . . get a lumen meter, bulbs are cheap!!

Temps are reaching 88-90 at peak heat times at the moment. I cant see any heat related issues yet, but I`ve added a further two fans and will be keeping a close eye out for any stretching or mold etc.



Day 45 bud porn Armageddon and Grapefruit

Day 45 bud porn Armageddon and Grapefruit

Heh heh, this little sod I chopped down today, was it worth it. . . . oh yeah, this one and the two other tiddlers on the side line, should just tide me over nicely.


This is the row of Arma`s that had the shit bulb over them til today.


This is the Arma`s under the good bulb.


and the row of Grapefruit





This is maybe signs of heat stress in the Grapefruit in the middle, sending off ears. Not sure if this is standard for this strain or not. it looks like several ears will be sent off each bud, they also look very very solid.



across the screen. . . .



I`ll keep em coming.

Its a few days left on the PK for the Grapefruit and then I`ll probably go straight into a 2 week flush. Anyone have an opinion on whether it`s any advantage to feed the plants after there last PK dose suring the 3rd from last week flowering?? I feel a bit nervous taking the nutes away so early, but also pretty sure they have enough of what they need for the final two weeks. Whatya sayin guys?

Cheers, Toke:)


Funny u should ask this I have been debating the same thing myself...

some elements like calcium are immobile nutes no amount of flushing or starving as I now like to call it will get rid of any excesses the plant is still holding onto while without surely hindering by starving at this stage, Phos which causes that nasty taste if you haven't got the plant to use it stores up and Nitrogen are mobile... so starving the plant will make it use these nutes up.

If you haven't overfeed them, then I would opt for the tapering down approach before a final 5 day water flush. Drop the EC down every feed ensuring good run off until you are near the base EC of the water then just switch for plain water. I think this way you don't starve the plants in their last critical push for size & taste.

This is the conclusion I have come to anyway after reading a good few posts about flushing. Essentially if you don't overfeed and taper off nutes at the end a few days will do the trick of getting the plant to use the nutrients that are mobile.

Hope that helps a bit :)


Thanks Killer.:)

Yeah Shhh, that`s pretty much how I`ve done things in the past but I find that the plants are usually still very green, ie not losing their colour as they cannibalise themselves, so I`m figuring this isn`t enough of a starvation time for them to use up stored elements.

Do you think my plants will suffer from their RO water only regime for the final 10 days? I`m thinking they`ll be fine and have enough left in them for their final push to the finish. The Grapefruit`s last PK13/14 week ends on Monday, I plan on giving them a low nute dose for 3 days @ ec0.7-8 and then flush for 10 further days on RO water.

I`m beginning to see some colour change in the Arma`s that have been under the better light, whereas the ones that were under a weak lamp are still lush green, this is probably down to the higher levels of energy that the ones under the better light have been able to use up.

I thing by the looks of it that the Grapefruit are gonna be the stars of this show. They`re a week behind the Arma`s and already look like they`re holding more. I`ve been checking out some photo`s of the Grapefruit and it doesn`t seem unusual to see ears coming off the buds, similar to Silver Haze etc.

I`m coming to the stage where I need to tether some of the tops in an upright position as I can see that a few are starting to lean over a bit and when pulled up by hand a good deal more is exposed to the light. Its proving to be a bit of a problem to solve, trying to think of a good network above the plants to tie off to, or more likely hook yo-yo`s off of. Its a big screen to put something above. I`m thinking maybe 4 anchor wires stretching some trellis netting above the crop but under the lights.

Ah well I`ll have to come up with something tmro or Monday as its gonna be needed for sure.

Cheers for now, Toke. :)


Day 47 more bud porn!

Day 47 more bud porn!

Hey guys, just a quick update. Not much to report really, the Grapefruit go on to low nutes tmro for 4 days, then its 10 days flush before the chop. They`re looking good.

The Arma`s are going into their final week now, though if they dont look ready I`ll give them a few more days.

The ARmageddon`s aroma is changing, when some of the trichs are disturbed they smell sweet and spicy, just like the strong smell of a typical head shop.










I`ve had a bad success rate with the Arma cuttings I took recently, many of them have not rooted. I`m thinking this is in part down to the extreme temps we have at the mo. I must get that bubble cloner made. I`m not sure if I`ll have enough come through for the next go around so I`ll be taking some more tmro as a back up.

Cheers, Toke:)


Smile Vs Cry
HEY bro tokesome everything beautiful, grapefruit is just delicious man also full amount of trik's....i can 't wait for try this one, great+++ for your job ..enjoy in harvest time!!!


Active member
Looking Good Toke, Thats why i like to hit with the GHRipen for 5 or so days, it really helps to finish the buds off & any white pistills soon receade using that stuff & i notice some extra swell, but i put that down to the ripening aspect of the stuff! looks like a good un bro! well In! God your plants look so much healthier this run & since youve gone automated, im gonna come asking you for help when i go Coco bro!


Looking splendid toke, the more I look at the canopy the more I think your yield is gonna be very nice, so many mini cola's everywhere should make those numbers soar hopefully.

I know I keep harping on about them but I gotta say these strains are really nice to look at if this is matched by their strength and flavour I'm thinking it's a home run for you matey :)


Hey Scroger and Shhh.

Yeah I aint got any spare cash for ripening products ets., I am sooooo freakin broke its unreal, cant even afford to feed myself properly! I`ll have to go with what is. I`m sure they`ll ripen up with time and RO water.

I hear that about it looking good and healthy, still not sure what to expect yield wise, I`ve messed that up with one row of Arma`s being under a worn out light, it does look pitiful compared with the other row of Arma`s. As for the better row, I still think its going to have to swell a fair amount to give anything like the yield I`d be hoping for and I`m not yet convinced I`ve got these plants dialled in properly yet. I`m not sure they`re actually as ready as I thought they`d be, and now wondering if I took nutes away a little early. I aimed at a week longer than in the tent grow and thought 8 weeks would do it, but I`m still seeing lots of white pistils emerging from the tops and lower down the stem looks like it needs a fair amount of ripening. I may end up double harvesting them, ie remove the mature tops off and leave the bottom half of the tops to ripen further. This often causes some quick swelling to the lower buds which will help the overall yield.

The Grapefruit are looking like they`re going to yield well and I`m hoping for further swelling from these over the next couple of weeks.

I`ve often got 60-65 oz from 15 plants grown conventionally in coco, but I dont think this is going to get near there and under the circumstances I`ll be happy with 40-50oz. Its hard to estimate though, especially with a new style of growth, but my experience is telling me to not expect as much as I was originally expecting. I`ll be able to compare scrog vs conventional as my next grow is going to have to be conventional due to me having to leave things in someone else`s hands for a while during it and daren`t leave a scrog for them to manage.



Active member
I Think & Hope you'll be plesently surprised bro. Yeah i know the skint feeling, its a mare bruv! Be interesting to hear your thoughts on Conventional Vs Scrog yield, ive done it & it was no contest. The Scrog outyielded conventional by 2-1, Doubling my yield! Smaller Buds yes, but many more of them & the Scrog served its purpose bringing side branches usually lower down the stem into the light making them Colas in their own right! Still, if your conventional style beats the Scrog yield then id be going back to SOG style. G'Luck!


I Think & Hope you'll be plesently surprised bro. Yeah i know the skint feeling, its a mare bruv! Be interesting to hear your thoughts on Conventional Vs Scrog yield, ive done it & it was no contest. The Scrog outyielded conventional by 2-1, Doubling my yield! Smaller Buds yes, but many more of them & the Scrog served its purpose bringing side branches usually lower down the stem into the light making them Colas in their own right! Still, if your conventional style beats the Scrog yield then id be going back to SOG style. G'Luck!

Hey Scroger, well I like scrog growing, and I`m getting on top of the method, and its the way fwd for me. Next go is a no no tho as hols interrupt. I know the scrog will produce more with the right strains and when the method is nailed and when I keep good lights above em, lol, it really is very noticeably less bud on those plants.

I reckon the Grapefruit is going to give an excellent result, the buds are really solid nugs, and to be fair the Arma`s are putting more energy into top growth and swell and I`m expecting a fair result from the row that`s had the decent lighting moving over it.

I`ll take a few close ups of the Arma`s tops tonight and post em up, they still look like they`ve got a little way to go yet, but I`m not sure, another weeks flush might finish them off at 8 weeks.

Cheers, Toke :)


day 48

day 48

Here are the Arma`s pushing more out at the top, taken at the end of day 48 of 12/12.



I settled on tying lines across for hanging yo yo`s from, I may have to add some more running front to back if the need arises.


Cheer`s Toke:)


bloody hell man why do u have to go and remind me of the fookin great big tying job I have to do on my lot :D lol! pita the tying ay?!

seems those plants will go a while longer as you say mate, maybe the heat were having has had something to do with it? They're looking good all the same man


bloody hell man why do u have to go and remind me of the fookin great big tying job I have to do on my lot :D lol! pita the tying ay?!

seems those plants will go a while longer as you say mate, maybe the heat were having has had something to do with it? They're looking good all the same man

Yeah man, its a ball ache, another big leaf tucking session today too, it`ll be well worth it tho eh?:)

Yeah, I could do with em coming in asap, but of course they`ll get as long as they need. Its the Grapefruit that has to come down after the designated 9 weeks to fit my plans, but its looking on course, I can let the Arma`s go 9 if necessary. Mmm. . . . wonder if the heat could be affecting it in that way? It sure has been a tad on the hotside, it peaked a 93f in the canopy, albeit close to a static light, on Sunday. It starts to scare me regarding mold in these temps, though the humidity is ok at 30-40%. I`m on the mold watch tho and I`ve got a keen eye for it. :eek:

Toke :)


Hey guys, a few more pics.

My mate`s growtent running at the same timing as mine. Its under a 400w hps, I think its easier to keep a nice even look to the tops in an enclosed 1.2m2 tent. The light is very even with the silver reflective walls.


My Arma`s are starting to show signs of yellowing in the fan leaves after the 1st of 2week (maybe 3 week) flush. After discussion with Scroger I`m thinking of running GH ripen for a few days and try and get them to finish up on time. Just not sure about hitting them with ec1.8 of the stuff. A mate of mine used to give ultra high ec of normal nutrients to finish them off, never liked that idea, what`s different about GH ripen tho I wonder.

The plants if the foreground are the Arma`s that have been on flush, the ones further into the pic are the Grapefruit that are going to start plain water flush tmro.




My fav Arma bud, so crystal coated!


Cheer`s Toke:)


Active member
GHRipen-I was skeptible about the GHR before id used the stuff, its got No Nitogen in it whatsoever, so i liked the idea straight away. It stresses the plant into Finishing its lifecycle & buds really ripen off, the only thing with it you gotta have a decent flush time, also dont use it for too long, all that stress it causes will make your girls throw Bollocks, albeit at the end and it wouldnt matter if they did, i just dont like seeing them at all. It is Great stuff if used correctly, i use for 7 days and get a 10 day flush in if i can, buds are all ripened off & taste great-im sure i get some extra swell too but that could be down to the ripening effect of course. it also helps to produce more oils so it says, but i can 100% vouch for its effectiveness. Good stuff & has a place in my arsenal! G'Luck!
Mandala Mike was Bigin-it up in a thread i recently read!
BTW Toke, im dribbling at the trichs on those Buds man! MMMmmmmm! looks great Mate your mates Scrog is Wow too!! Looking at your Buds there, im not sure you need the stuff Toke, they look sound, i only use it if im seeing loads of new Pistils, it stops that & ripens off(pistils recead/Calyx Swell), & by the time they are flushed they should be right but id prolly use it lol!!


Active member
Looking at those today im really not sure id bother man, if i knew i had 15+ days left, id hit them for 5 days but your Buds look fine & by the time youve flushed they should be spot on man! Just after looking today they do look like its coming Flush time.
You know, if there was like 30-40% new pistils coming through & they looked like they wernt ripening then id hit them with the GHR but yours seem to be more like 5% or something, pretty normal stuff. Na i wouldnt bother mate on this occasion looking at those! Its always a good one to remember for the future though buddy!

What are the trichs saying buddy!?? percentage of C/M/A clear-milky-amber(if any)?


Smile Vs Cry
delicious view bro trik's evrywhere this is good sure you get a positive increment of final weight, great job tokesome!!

rocket high

Active member
they look smashing ts ..i like the looks of the arma's all them trich's give me wood lol...

it is hot at the moment.. so am not starting up till september don't know wether to go with sog or scrog... but i have time to think about it at least .My outdoor should be finished by then hopefully. keep up the good work ts :biggrin: