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~Fitness thread~


New member
You ladies should try the p90x or insanity! you will for sure see results in less than a month! i've been using it and it's awesome! just need to dedicate 1 hour a day..6 days a week. I've found a great sativa on NugPorn called Violet Hill. And i've smoked that before i work out. Super focused!


I dont know if any one has posted this before if they have feel free to delete it.


This site is a great tool that shows you routines that you can watch being done so you get the right training it takes up very little of your time & can be done almost any where, there are also diets & recipes. I showed this to my wife, now she works out three times a week with me I lift weight & she does her cardio & ickle weights.

I do some of these workouts too & some are not for the faint of heart YOU will be FOOKED after them.

I admire any one who wants to work on their body for THEMSELVE'S .. never do it to please someone else..


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