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Mass/RI/Con Growers here!



Hey any of you all taking your GG's past 80 days?Mine has some nice tops but the bottoms are nice too but not done even @ 76 days.:)


The Mad Monk
What's good everyone!? Hope things are well and you're all burning on some sweet chit. Been knocked off-line for a little bit because I share my computer with incompetent people. So now I'm in the market for a new machine. And roommate. :)

Got some dried bud shots and have some catching up to do so don't mind me, just wanting to pass through and say what up! :joint:


Hey Rasputin, hope things are going well, dried budshots mean weed in the house!!There's no weed better than the weed you grow yourself, can't beat it. What a hot day, holy shit!!Can't imagine what it was like inland, I was just finishing up cutting my chemdd and goat, what a bitch that was, I had 2 latinas and a Jicarilla chick cutting for me last year in the fall, but that ain't happening here, 10 bucks an hour and joints all day. I'm not working road crew either so things could be worse, my chemdd was just so massive and no popcorn, the branches just kept coming and then I finally found the Goat behind it and took her down.All in all a great week but they sure don't give it away, eh!?:):)


chaco nice grow bro. how many watts of light is that? ever worried of using too much electrical consumption?


Thank you and yes I used to worry very much about my electrical consumption.I use between 2 and 4 hundred watts depending on the season and what I'm doing.My wifes friend growing up worked for n-star, or what was n-star back in the 70'-90's and into this century and he has what I would call a weakness for maryjane.According to him, someone who went out on calls to fix wire troubles, whatever the hands on guys do, he says that if you paid your bill they could care less what you used as long as you paid and that n-star would give you a call if your bill surged like crazy as a preemptive measure so that you did not call them complaining about your super-high bill.Cops might use your super-high bill as a reason for looking at you in the event that some suspicion had been thrown your way.It is not the way that they can whack you but merely a step used via busting you for having a tail light out and a pound or two of leaf you were about to throw in the woods with your illegal gun with the numbers scratched off.I only put this post up to show that many of us really think we're burning up the wires when in fact, my nieghbors with their heated swimming pool and hot tub, five kids and 3 clothes dryers are kicking my ass in the bill dept.Using this old dude we know we've put the bills to the test and have never had a problem.The biggest problem for many growers is going to establishments that serve booze and telling their best friend why they have such a high bill.Of course, he won't tell anyone!!!:)




Hey folks... figured that this one could use a bit of a bump.

Here is my current tent, overgrown like crazy on day 19. These plants were initially meant to be grown out somewhere else, but like most things in life not all went as planned and it fell through. They ended up being flipped 10 or so days behind schedule, and would've been pretty big anyway. The heat isn't helping AT ALL, but I really hope these things stop stretching soon. In the mix is casey jones, mcfly, chemd, grandaddy purp, and pre98 bubba kush... I'm about to head back in there and trim all the bottoms up...




Here's a GDP top...



Oh shit Loyd! "Man that John Denver was full of shit, man!".Good luck bringing that situation under control.The heat hasn't been helping me either, even with my big a/c unit I can't run all the lamps I want.Going to have to buy another unit and pull a lamp, I figure more cool, less light if things keep going on the current track, heat and humidity...it's to be expected.my rooms get down to 58 every night but by about 2pm the heat comes on! That room looks like my ecsd grow last winter before I bought all the cooltubes.Now I just let them grow to the ceiling....:)


Damn Lloyd!!!!! Way to get it done!!!!! This weather is torture!!!! Not just for growing either, I can't stand living in this heat/humidity! I miss the fall/winter. This weather will get your temper rockin' for sure too!!!!!!! Lots of dummies out on the road!!!!
Time for me to crank the AC's, stay inside, smoke some ChemDD and embrace a good ol' fashion panic attack!!!!!!


Yes indeed the chem dd could use a little valium in it.Quite frankly I hate to smoke it unless I'm on the beach in the middle of winter.I hope everybody is stayin' cool out there, I know this heat will drive a grower to ruin!!:)


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
She-it, Lloyd, you're gonna need a new ceiling! :yoinks:
Is this what they mean when they say a strain has no ceiling? :biglaugh:

Hell ya, weather's been turned up, pre-heating for July! Sure glad w/ my decision to pull the plug for the summer.
OD is loving this weather tho, so I'll tolerate it. :D

Time to get my 'green chill' on. :rasta: You?


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Forgot, wanted to throw up this link Motoco put up in the RUST thread the other day.
CNN in Colombian MJ fields:

Makes ya thankful for what you got.

Had some minor surgery yesterday. Beforehand, when I was getting prepped, the 60-something nurse asked if I used MJ or coke.
I answered honestly.
So when I'm checking out, the nurse tells me, in front of my wife, to lay off the MJ for a few days, mixed w/ the anesthesia, it can really mess my lungs up.
I'm thinking, what a load of horse shit, but as soon as we get home, my wife 'reminds' me of what she said.
So now I gotta go sneak outside to get my puff on. :frown: which is tough cause I just had surgery! PITA!
Did wake up w/ a headache, but I think it was abusing the percs. :redface:

Y'all have a good day! :wave:


A new ceiling would be a nice thing right now. Using the tent is biting me in the ass right now... Time to start bending them again... You guys are right about this heat, it's scorching out, heard it supposed to be cooling down tomorrow, I really hope that's the case. I think my air conditioner wants to punch me, it's been running nonstop for god knows how long and it's not getting a break anytime soon. I've been having to empty out the dehumidifier twice a day!!

Cool video HL. Definitely a different perspective on growing. When they bricked up all those buds I got just a little sad... Good luck w the recovery.


Nice and Hazy CHACO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's some of that lovely lady La Nina....finishing up!!!!


......and a KF day 32


God this one smells......day 50


Further Larry experiments!

Further Larry experiments!

Here are a couple of Larry tops I was pretty happy with! I've been growing 3 cuts topped twice in one 2gal coco pot. I kept them from getting lanky by putting them up on a bucket right under a 600. I ended up with a 3ft tall plant with a 2x2ft footprint. Between the 3 cuts in the one bucket there were about 20-24 tops all this size! This is a really fun one to grow!!!!!!!!!!!


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Zen, Chaco, you guys are just killin' it in your section of the world! You dudes make us proud!

Haven't been fishing all of june, but my buddy joined the 40 lb club the other night. Thought some of you might like to see.

From the beach! Dig the leaves from dragging that lummox, haha!