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Colorado House Bill 1284


it's about how you find small hidden sweet spots in the suburbs, and plant a clone, leave it and come back to harvest it at a later time.

you find your sweet spot in the rock crags fill up the crag with your best soil grow medium, plant your clone(s) and come back once every few weeks to check on them.

Never done this before, but had been thinkin on it along w the rest... quick question for you... seems moist out here & was wondering if you had to treat your outdoor crops? Would seem a nec evil & I really try to avoid...?
hey all... just saw your list, Canna.. iam a breeder grower from the boulder area. lots of my stuff has been available at a place called top shelf alternatives. well, my broker was in there trying to collect on a way past due bill. One of the owners told him to basically f off, i will pay you when i want. hmmm well, no more good stuff there. please, iam asking anyone else that deals with them to stop!! these money hungry a-holes shouldnt be bossing us around. they need our products!! some of our strains are the strains that make these places popular. ive consulted with alot of the disp grow ops in the area.. holy shit they suck!!!!!!!! lol guess iam just pissed. but, please join me in boycotting that place. and anyone else on canna list. thanks


Anytime you front, you're just asking for trouble... just a matter of time before someone takes advantage of the situation. After the next time, you'll just never do it again... ruins it for everyone. Sorry to hear about the situation... will mentally log it though! ;-)


hey all... just saw your list, Canna.. iam a breeder grower from the boulder area. lots of my stuff has been available at a place called top shelf alternatives. well, my broker was in there trying to collect on a way past due bill. One of the owners told him to basically f off, i will pay you when i want. hmmm well, no more good stuff there. please, iam asking anyone else that deals with them to stop!! these money hungry a-holes shouldnt be bossing us around. they need our products!! some of our strains are the strains that make these places popular. ive consulted with alot of the disp grow ops in the area.. holy shit they suck!!!!!!!! lol guess iam just pissed. but, please join me in boycotting that place. and anyone else on canna list. thanks

They have been crossed off our vending list for a little bit, since they are total assholes in there.


Here's a 2 news articles to keep you up with what's going on up in the hills.Seems like Cannabis is completely legal in Nederland until July 1 2011 when they start to sort out these new laws.

Story 1

BOT explores solution to medical marijuana legislation

Wednesday, 09 June 2010 Lynn Hirshman

The main item of business for the Nederland Board of Trustees at the meeting on June 1 was discussion regarding the implications for the Town of new medical marijuana legislation. While no decisions were expected to be made that evening, there was a well-attended and lively public participation.
Chris Price, an attorney from Murray Dahl Kuechenmeister Renaud LLP, (the firm to which Carmen Beery, the Town Attorney, belongs) had prepared a detailed analysis of House Bill 1284. According to him, dispensaries already having business licenses and approved by the Town can remain open until the Town sets other standards. They would be “legal nonconforming users” – in other words, grandfathered in.
He also stated that their legal Town status would work until July, 2011, when all businesses have to be licensed under the State code that has yet to be written. Until there is a review policy the State cannot enforce any rules, he staid. The Department of Revenue will make the rules and set fees for State licenses this summer.
The bill (as yet unsigned) requires a 1,000 foot distance between dispensaries and schools, liquor stores, day cares, etc.; virtually all of Nederland’s business district falls within 1,000 feet. The bill allows municipalities to change that rule. Dispensary owner Mark Rose urged the Town to act quickly in setting zoning rules for dispensaries, which would become under the new law, “medical marijuana centers.” He also urged that the Town “keep the dispensary model viable in Ned,” and “keep money and jobs local.”
Trustee Keith Nowicki stated that “the ambiguity in the bill does no one a favor.” Trustee Marci Wheelock said that “the bill creates a Wal-Mart sort of business model – it’s a big city solution to a big city problem.” She added that the BOT needs to have a workshop on this issue very quickly.
Trustee Chris Perret asked how long it would take to license the dispensaries presently open; Beery responded that it could be immediate. Price added that it would make sense to bring in whatever expert knowledge might be available.
Mayor Sumaya Abu-Haidar agreed, and a tentative date was set for June 22.

Story 2

Nederland stands united over MMJ industry

Wednesday, 16 June 2010 Janet Perry

The Mountain-Ear recently ran a story on the changing Medical Marijuana laws and the possible impact on Nederland's burgeoning MMJ industry. Since that story, there has been time for different entities to review and start deciphering what the changes would look like for local businesses. Nederland's MMJ industry has the rare opportunity of support from the voting community, the Town Council, the Mayor, the Marshall, and the Department of Revenue. Nederland's Town Council saw the community come together, respectfully, to give input on the changes affecting this new industry, and to ask the Council to do what it could to protect it. The Board heard from patients who relied on their medicine, community members simply showing support, and several local MMJ-related business owners. They heard repeatedly of the tax revenue and the far-reaching economic impact of the industry.
Nederland's Mayor, Sumaya Abu-Haidar, mentioned support from her and the Board of Trustees for the Medical Marijuana businesses that were being threatened by the new State laws. She and Board members listened intently as local residents spoke. Many, including Mark Rose, talked of their appreciation for the Board's positive attention to the matter.
Rose, owner of Nederland's Grateful Meds, joked that his address was 420 Sundance, bringing a chuckle to the gathered crowd. He then spoke eloquently and passionately about his response to the situation and his hopes for the town to 'do it right' and to be leaders as a town in the MMJ movement.
Rose had spoken earlier of his concern for his patients, those who had been able to wean off of hard pain-killers and sedatives. He spoke of middle-aged women who were upset because they didn't know where else to get their medicine safely. Rose, who has invested everything back into his business, also stands to lose big if Medical Marijuana 'Centers' were not allowed in Nederland. An old marijuana-related felony conviction now prevents Rose from owning, operating or even entering his dispensary, as of July 1st. Rose has interested buyers waiting to see if the business can stay open.
Nederland's attorney, Carmen Beery, laid out steps that would protect local businesses that already existed in Nederland. Beery had spoken with lobbyists for 1284 and got feedback about what they foresaw the implementation to be. She said she was told that the intent was to allow existing dispensaries to operate under provisions of existing local licenses, during the 12-month period between July 1, 2010, and July 1, 2011. Existing dispensaries will need to apply for a state license by Aug. 1 and then certify with the Department of Revenue that they're growing at least 70 percent of the marijuana they sell by Sept. 1.
Beery said that the town staff would like to assist businesses in proving to the state that they are in fact authorized. It was also mentioned that any questions dispensary owners had about the process would be welcomed at town hall.
The new town Clerk, Teresa Myers, is working on licenses for the town businesses to purchase, providing documented proof of their acceptance as a legitimate business in Nederland. The town apparently had not been issuing licenses to local businesses, and Myers is preparing to send notices out to businesses that they need to purchase one.
The town's approval is part of the Department of Revenue's new requirements. Department of Revenue's Matt Cook, who will be overseeing the Nederland area's Medical Marijuana industry, said that, "To stay in business, they will need local approval and to comply with HB 1284 and SB 109."
When asked about Medical Marijuana growers in the mountains outside of Nederland, Cook said, "To continue a "grow" the bill requires that they be licensed as an Optional Premises and a condition of that license is that they are also licensed as either a Center or an Edibles Manufacturer."
Richard Gee, a local attorney who has been making great strides for the Colorado Medical Marijuana industry, spoke about the current situation. "HB 1284 requires a MMJ business to be “locally approved” and “established” by June 30. There is no definition of “locally approved. The definition of ‘established’ means essentially being in possession of the business premises and having a storefront.
"My understanding of Nederland’s business ordinances is that, unlike Boulder, Denver, Black Hawk or Central City, there is no requirement for a special “MMJ” license," said Gee. "The only requirement is a straight business license. Hence, provided that the MMJ business is not running afoul of zoning regulations in the City limits, and has both a storefront and a business license by June 30, it would be a “locally approved” business. No further action on the part of the Board of Trustees would be necessary."
Gee explained: "Some lawyers and their clients have been arguing that in order to be legal under 1284, Nederland must have adopted an MMJ ordinance similar to Boulder’s and have all the MMJ businesses in the town registered under the new ordinance by June 30. That is not my reading of the law. The law does not require that anyone be licensed by June 30, only ‘locally approved.’ In my opinion, and the opinion of several other lawyers working in this area of the law, where licensure as an MMJ business is not required by a local authority, the town does not have to enact a licensure law to be in compliance with 1284 in order for existing businesses to be legal on July 1, provided that they otherwise comply with the town’s other legal requirements (i.e., business licensing and zoning ordinances) and have a storefront.
"As to the growers outside the boundaries of Nederland, they will have to comply with Boulder County regulations," said Gee. "Again, if no MMJ licensing was required at the county level, then they would be “locally approved” if the operation is in conformity with all county ordinances (i.e., zoning, etc.). Boulder County has recently adopted a new ordinance requiring the licensing of MMJ businesses. We are reviewing that ordinance for our clients but, suffice it to say, if no business licensing was required at the time that the grow business was established and the business otherwise complied with all zoning requirements, it should be a legal nonconforming use. The problem, of course, is that a strict grow operation will also have to be “established” as of June 30, which means having possession of premises with a storefront. And, by Aug. 1, the grow operation will have to be owned by a Medical Marijuana Center licensee. While there are ways to work within these parameters, growers have a bit of work to do by June 30.
"I would also state," said Gee, "that I believe the provisions requiring heretofore legally established and operating grow operations to be owned by dispensaries and the provisions requiring dispensaries to grow 70 percent of the medicine they have on hand are laws impairing the obligations of contracts (i.e., between growers and dispensaries and between caregivers and patients) and therefore in direct violation of both the Colorado and the United States constitutions. I am working with a group of other lawyers to develop a lawsuit to challenge these provisions and would welcome interested growers who wish to serve as plaintiffs."
Marshall Ken Robinson mentioned after the meeting that he had found everyone involved in support of the local MMJ Dispensaries. Robinson spoke positively about the local industry, and said he believed 'they' would ultimately be able to stay in business.
Mayor Abu-Haidar made a statement after the meeting. "The Board of Trustees and town staff are working hard to make sure that all medical marijuana related businesses that are legally operating in the town of Nederland have the licensing paperwork they need to qualify as established businesses under House Bill 1284 by July 1, 2010. The Board will also be taking action on zoning and licensing issues in the near future and is scheduled for a work session on June 22 to get input from the community regarding this issue. After last Tuesday's meeting, I have every confidence that we can address the challenges we face regarding medical marijuana legislation in a collaborative and productive way, and I want to thank all those who participated last Tuesday for the respectful way in which they communicated with the Board and the community."
A local proponent of Nederland's legalization of marijuana, Vince Herman was impressed with the community. "Medical Marijuana laws are hard to comprehend, as they seem to be changing by the minute. I am proud that our town council is helping local citizens navigate these changing seas. The economic stimulus it provides the town is undeniable.Let’s hope that state law is as enlightened as our town’s regulations and that Ned's example will shine the light on what democracy looks like in action. Right on, Nederland!"
The Nederland Board of Trustees will be holding a workshop on Medical Marijuana businesses inside the town, and the problems they are facing,
etc., next Tuesday, the 22nd.


9240GrnMachine...your broker named sketch?
I'd be leery of anyone with a nick like that.
Sketch is not a very cool dude, comes here to Co from Cali with 1800lb weed and then tries to dump his schwag at OBM, and other places up here. We all laughed at the quality of his outdoor cali, looked like Mexican brick schwag puffed up in the microwave..


Long haired country boy
9240GrnMachine...your broker named sketch?
I'd be leery of anyone with a nick like that.
Sketch is not a very cool dude, comes here to Co from Cali with 1800lb weed and then tries to dump his schwag at OBM, and other places up here. We all laughed at the quality of his outdoor cali, looked like Mexican brick schwag puffed up in the microwave..

regardless of whether or not this dude is "sketch" calling people out for driving from out West, especially those #'s is not really too cool. Even if you're not using real names.. Not trying to be a dick, I just don't think the internet is the place for this kinda talk.. Not saying I support this persons actions that's driving it here,with that kinda weight it's a matter of time, not exactly the safest drive..(nevada, utah, wyoming,) are all places that I wouldn't fuck around..

Good Vibes

Funk:thank you:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^anyone driving with 1800 pounds is not to bright. I would agree it is not a good idea to talk about their personal affairs of that nature online.
sketch??? no! dont deal with anyone from california! cali shwag!!! can spot it a mile away. had a disp try to tell us he didnt deal with any of that stuff from cali.. after 20 minutes of calling his bullshit, he caved and said "dont tell anyone"... lol nothing like the hills of boulder!!! why get stuff from anywhere else??

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
ohhhhh ok lol. there is a big difference, but being a mule is dumb in general. Also if your shit only sells for $1800 a pound you should just turn it in to bubble. It will be way easier to stash.


ohhhhh ok lol. there is a big difference, but being a mule is dumb in general. Also if your shit only sells for $1800 a pound you should just turn it in to bubble. It will be way easier to stash.

Prolly what they are payin' for it in Cali, and flippin' it here for $2200-2800....