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The growing large plants, outdoors, thread...

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According to PVGS, the last order of Brix Mix was problematic in that it was incorrectly formulated for packeging and was expanding and exploding during transport. They claim that there is nothing wrong with the product besides its volatility in transit.... if you happened to get some of that batch, PVGS says to use it.

Still no word on when the fresh batch will be on the shelves.


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Biotron Bxi has been discontinued by the manufacturer. Anybody have a substitution? That stuff was just perfect for the doser. I still may get 1 last unit that may or may not be in the warehouse.
Huge Plants No Whammies!

Huge Plants No Whammies!

Huge Trees, Big Buds, Healthy Plants, Lots of Blessings, No Whammies... STOP!!! Hooooo!!! 15lb plants for everyone and a free spin!


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A pic of my XJ-13 (left) and a Sweet Tooth as of this morning. Things going well. Almost ready to start adding a second cage on some of these.

We had a Sheriff flyover inspection on June 1st. They came low and slow in a chopper and checked us and the other neighborhood grows and ranches. I figured we would get a ground visit to count plants and recs, but nothing yet.

Then, just last night at 0200 I hear a chopper then the whole camp gets lit up with its huge spotlight as they're heading "next door" (about half a mile down the valley). Then I hear:




Lots of shouts, dogs barking, lights, cars, etc. The trailer, which used to always have 4-6 different vehicles at all times is looking very deserted today. Hard to tell from the road, but it looks like all of the windows are boarded up now. Probably those damn meth cookers. None of the grows on our private road got so much as an inspection. I'm happy to see the local sheriff has his priorities straight.


Fucking meth cookers, they are the real criminals!

The US has to get a clue and every state needs to get on the same page. I want to be able to grow 15 foot trees in the privacy of my own land without being afraid! ONE DAY!



Active member
I talked to the Maker of the Liquid Brix mix yesterday, from Peaceful Valley Garden Supply. He said they are working on using two separate containers for the Liquid mix so it would NOT expand during shipping. Still 3 weeks away from getting it to us tho'. Got to make alternate plans. This is a bummer mostly for my Black Box Diesels, who won't get the Brix mix for this important next 4 weeks.

Hope that helps all who are interested.
Well, I guess I happened to be one of the consumers that received a blown up bottle up the liquid brix mix. I actually just got it in the mail yesterday. There also happened to be a hole in the powder and that was all over the box. I don't think there is enough missing to complain but I had a bit of cleaning up to do. Well I guess I assumed correctly with the quart of liquid brix mix and the 3 lb bag. I soaked my plants from top to bottom and only used about half a gallon for five plants. Mine are still around two feet. I forgot to take some up to date pictures. Everything is looking good though, I just really need to worry about irrigation now, I do not want to pack in anymore water than I have to. Glad to see everyone else doing well.


today 6/17/10 , largest plants I ever had this early....last year i planted 10" clones june 21
and got well over a pound off of some.... these are waaay ahead of last year


Tom Hill

Active member
Nomaad, pretty sure he means he went through (if half strength) 1.25 tbs of powder and .75 tbs of liquid to do five plants w/.5 gal of mixed. Sounds about right.


Active member
ha. that makes a lot more sense. i'm a dumbass. been a loooong day.

if you had asked me a month ago what I would be doing on June 18th, the answer would have been something like "kicking it on some new lawn furniture after a day of watching the system water my plants and the blender make some celebratory margaritas. the most urgent matter of the day will be pulling tarp at 8 and 8."

Looks like the margaritas are going to have to wait till July.


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Oi, Tom... The other day when I was showing Fisher my secret garden, I remembered that you helped me pick the spot and the lone tree to cut down. The spot is working perfectly. Thanks.

Tom Hill

Active member
I saw, it looks awesome bro. So does your gucci feeding system, and all of your guys' tea brewing systems etc,,, label me jealous all the way around. I'm still playing catch-up, don't even have water works together yet, lol. Soon come.-T


Active member
Yeah... but you have like 7 gardens. 7 gardens with no bling trumps one with all the bells and whistles.
Nomaad, pretty sure he means he went through (if half strength) 1.25 tbs of powder and .75 tbs of liquid to do five plants w/.5 gal of mixed. Sounds about right.

Thats exactly what I did. I used about 2.5 tbs of the dry and 1.5 total of the liquid for my ten plants. Ha ha ha you sure sounded freaked out nomad for a second.

I am just with you Tom, I really got to get the irrigation together, once thats done i'll be able to relax a lot I think.

10 inch clones put out at the end of june pulling over a pound on some now that sounds nice. Im shooting for about a pound a piece :) in the 40 gallon holes I have dug so far. They are really looking good.

Thanks again Tom and everyone for everything. Next year I would like to run at least one of your strains in honor or something.
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