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Do cows eat cannabis?

lol ignore my anger induced bantering I get heated up some times and that is my apologies my point is go into google and spend 45 seconds educating yourselves and put a stop to drag on posts where people debate these things and cause mass missinformation. Find the facts yourself the internet makes it easy.


Well-known member
i have lost plants to dogs, cats, cows, horses, groundhogs, & even mice! cows hammered me so bad once i bought & ate a 24 oz ribeye in retaliation!:) all but the mice & dogs eat it. mice will dig it up when it is small hunting something to eat, & i have caught dogs running around out in yard w/a whole plant crossways in their mouth! sort of hard to explain to neighbors...


Paint Your DreamStrain



Active member
sorry for resurecting this thread, google searched "cows eating pot" to see if ne1 has posted up a picture of my buddies cows figured i mite as well do the honors.


I do believe that there are a tone of research which has been done on the use of industrial hemp as feed source for livestock. All research showed positive consumption vs other feed sources, and the nutritive value is equal or greater then even mixed cattle feed. ie corn, soy, grain and hay. The resin content of some of these types of hemp are as high as commercial medicinal marijuana but lacking the THC. So the digestive part distress is not a factor. Is was considered that the only animal that could consume enough cannabis in a day is an elephant....maybe. And cat, and dogs are a different story...they puck up lawn for shit sakes.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Taken from "myths about cannabis"

12. No one has ever died of a marijuana overdose

Animal tests have revealed that extremely high doses of cannabinoids are needed to have lethal effect. This has led scientists to conclude that the ratio of the amount of cannabinoids necessary to get a person intoxicated (i.e., stoned) relative to the amount necessary to kill them is 1 to 40,000.

Doggies and kitty kats love brownies! Fido may kick the bucket if youre not careful!!



Toxins, (poisons) can have other effects as well


These examples are the result of a 4 minute search. I suspect a real search would be more informative


Paint Your DreamStrain
So, what its sounding like is, like the guy with the smoking dog avatar said, marijuana is as poisonous as water. Maybe less poisonous? I've heard of people dying in water drinking contests.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
ha ha ha... me too CannaExist. There have been 2 deaths at hot dog eating events. Those hot dogs man....

Paracelsus, the father of toxicology once wrote: "Everything is poison, there is poison in everything. Only the dose makes a thing not a poison."


Green Mujaheed
Of course cows and other cattle can eat cannabis.
Actually, until late 90s-early00s it was customary in Switzerland and Liechtenstein to feed cattle with cannabis. It made the cows calmer and thus produce better milk. Unfortunately, it has beeb banned because of the usual THC-fear.

In the Indian Sub-continent, cattle also feed on cannabis.

Farmers low at hemp ban for cows

Liechtenstein milk farmers have been stirred up by a government ban on their feeding hemp to their cattle.

They are the most chilled-out, laid-back, carefree cattle in the world, and happy cows produce better milk.

What is it that keeps the cash cows calm? Hemp, which is related to cannabis. And that's why Liechtenstein has banned its use.

This has in turn enraged the country's dairy farmers, who say that the hemp relaxes those jangly bovine nerves.

Hemp farmers are less then mellow about the new law.

"Hemp is good for cows because it is serves as a very small tranquiliser," says hemp farmer Jean-Pierre Egger.

"Many of the cows are stressed nowadays. If they eat hemp, they calm down. Now, a milk cow which is calm produces better milk. That is a fact."

No high

In neighbouring Switzerland, hemp is grown legally for industrial purposes but farmers are also banned from feeding it to cattle.

The authorities there say the trouble is that a chemical called THC - the chemical that helps give the "high" associated with cannabis use - can get into the milk.

Peter Malin, of the Liechtenstein Department of Agriculture, has similar concerns.

"We don't want to have to contaminants such as THC which doesn't occur naturally in milk," he said. "And we don't want it to be consumed by people, especially by children."

But farmers say this European hemp has none of the narcotic properties found in its Indian cousin.

The cattle here may be relaxed, but they are not stoned.

"The only thing which gets high is the quality of milk and the quality and general health of the cow. That's how high the cows are feeling," says Mr Egger.

But there are some other dairy-cow farmers who are sceptical about the milk-yield benefits of hemp. They welcome the ban.

Dairy farmer Simon Schiprscher says he never feeds his cows hemp.

"I thought the people that did were a bit exotic and alternative," he said.

So consumers of Swiss chocolate and Gruyere cheese can, well, relax.

For the cows who will have to change their diet though, life is about to become a little less laid back.

From http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4699945.stm

Irie !


Active member
Thats why those california cows are so happy

thats an oregon cow, those cali cheese commercials are fulla shit lol buddy pulls down 24 plants per year all averaging minimum of 5 lbs so the cows have ample supply of trim to munch down on.

I remember when we had a 3d plant that molded badly so we tossed roughly 5 lbs out in the special pasture for the special cows. came back about 6 hours later, 2 of the 4 cows were leaned against each other eating grass in a swerving S pattern. other one had his head in a fence post just mooing, ole bogart (cow in picture) had his hind legs up his front legs down and had eaten a crater of dirt.


New member
i've lost 9 girls already this summer due to cows........like 5-6 eaten and 3-4 trampled, shit on, laid on, etc.........thought i had them just far enough out of their way, guess i was wrong lol