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1st grow: X-Line Bubblegummer 600w Hempy From Seed

12/12 Day 5. They're pushing up good.

There is a ton of shading from the medium fan leaves. 3 tops were covering several slightly shorter tops. Not very even. SO! I tucked a ton of fan leaves back under the screen and zip tied all the tallest tops down. I hope this wasnt a bad idea. Please somone speak up if it was a bad idea. I've seen done else where, and it turns out well. but I'm still pretty nub.

tons of light getting through now... I hope its worth it lol :wave:


in the thick of it
I don't think it's a bad idea. I'm no scrogger, but I do use LST and those leaves and branches get manipulated and come right back stronger and better after each move. As for the cutting off the lower leaves...go for it. Don't go crazy, but I bet you'd be just fine taking off a little bit each day. It looks great man. keep up the good work.

Forgot to mention. When we transition our plants from veg to bloom, I like to give them transitional strength nutrients. For our purpose, it's a 2-2-2 of the gh 3 part w/ 2 tsp. of liquid karma for one week (each day). After this week, I go up to 1-2-3, 1-2-4, 1-2-5, etc. This method works for me, and maybe it'll help you too.
Thanks for stopping in Dub and thanks for the advice. I always appreciate good advice.

I've spent the last few days clearing out the fan leaves. I spent a lot of time in the defoliation thread lately. I defoliated one plant for a test run and it seemed to react well and the lower level stuff filled in real nice. SO i took the plunge and got aggressive with it over the last couple days.

I'm feeling a little wierd about it. I hope I didnt go over board.
Flower Day 10.

I made a small addition to the tent

keke, sup bonafied. Thank you RCW 69.51A.010 :dance013:

Doesnt take these buggers long to fill back in. After their traumatic week, I gave them a HUGE watering/feeding and made my best effort to flush out everything I could. Almost 5 gallons. Probably a waste of nutes, but they earned it.

looking forward to the next stripping :hotbounce
Thanks doc! I've read a lot about scrogs prior to making the decision. The hands on experience is worth a billion words. I feel like I could do the whole thing 10 times better... which I intend on doing :p

Quick update. I upgraded my HPS bulb to a Sunmaster. My temps went down 2 degrees on average after putting the HPS in that came with my ballast. So I was getting paranoid that it wasn't pumping out enough lumens. The only way to alleviate my concerns was to take the plunge at got a Sunmaster Super 600 watt HPS.

Thinking about going in for another strip of the fans. hmmmm.
thanks guys!

Day 16 of flower today.

So, I've just been watering every 3rd day and everything has been fine. I wanted to see if it was actually neccessary to water that much. I went an extra day and they were looking a little droopy and light, so I think I'll stick with the every 3rd day. I was going to do some more defoliation tonight, but I think it will be best to wait till they are perky again. Sorry ladies.

Here are some pics from before they got fed tonight.

A couple leaves are showing some wierdness if anyone has any idea about this.

Its not wide spread, just a leaf here and there are like this. Thoughts?


Weed Cannasaur
looks like insect damage or lightburn to me.

They are looking good, but by the defoliation thread they seem to need some plucking.
Thanks for the reply Fonz. They purked right up a few hours after feeding last night. So I think I'll do another round of defol tonight.

I thought it might be bugs, but I havent seen any bugs in the tent. I have a couple spiders that I've seen in that bedroom, but I let them live as I thought could eat any other bugs that might show up. Would a spider do that? Do bugs that munch the leaves stay in the tent? Or do they just swing by for a munch and move on? I hate bugs.


Weed Cannasaur
If they have something to feed on - they usually stay. Goes for the bugs that probably ate your leaves and the spiders.

But with that amount of damage I would do anything - might be just a small bug that got a bite or two. You'r plant shouldn't care much for that kind of damage.

If you see more of those popping, then look out.


Weed Cannasaur
I never believed in the defoliation method, but your plants look very healthy. Keep rocking!
Yeah they seem to be enjoying themselves in the nude :p

They're definitely eating more. Not sure if its from the defol or just natural to eat more the later in bloom we go.

Day 20 I think. They are a little droopy again. This is their new way of letting me know that they are out of food I think. I feed I feed. I think I need to keep it at every 3rd day moving forward. They aren't liking that fourth day anymore.

Should be ready for another defoliation round in a day or so.

New project. I accidentally nipped off a bud site several days ago. I put it in some plain water and it appears to be rooting up. Could be a future mom...
Day 23 - fed and plucked.

Not much plucking going on. The majority of the leafs seem to be intertwined in with the budding areas. What to pluck and what not to pluck is a little perplexing.

I tried to do a little before and after the pluck, but i didnt end up plucking very much :p




Now in technicolor
Any leaf shading a bud site gets plucked. Fuck fan leaves.

Looking great so far!