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1st Indoor Grow White Widow


Weed Cannasaur
I'll give it 3 weeks or so from what I see.
A tip you might wanna consider - the more you touch the buds the more trichomes you knock off.
I either touch them with latex (unpowdered) gloves and keep the residue in the freezer for a few hours. Then I get top quality finger hash with minimum efforts.
Or I don't touch it as much as possible and keep the trichomes on the buds.

But touching it until your fingers are black and wash it away is a waste.


3 weeks huh? You could be right. I was noticing some amber trich's. It sure won't make me sad to chop in 3 weeks if it's ready.

Yeah man I try not to touch the buds. The trich's are better on the plant than on my fingers. Thanks for the suggestions. I definitely need to get some rubber gloves for when I trim.

Thanks for stopping by fonzee. Peace.


Weed Cannasaur
If you already see ambers if should be around 2 weeks until their 20-30%, which is what I aim for when growing indica dominants. With a indica\sativa strain like yours you might wanna pick it earlier for a more uplifting high with slightly lower yields than wait and get more couch-lock. Depends on preference. I know many people who chop when amber is just starting to show.


Thanks for the heads up man. Yeah man I have been trying to decide when I want to chop. I was leaning towards somewhere between 30-50%. I just need to try and decide when to cut off my feeding for the final two weeks. But when using liquid organics I don't believe it's necessary to stop like you do when using synthetics. I could be wrong but I think I read that someplace. Still I plan on doing just water, plus maybe molasses, the final two weeks. I have been using molasses and I see where a lot of people use it the final two weeks. I also see where people say it makes it harsh. My plan was to use molasses right up through harvest. I'm still thinking on it though.

Anyway take care bro and have a good week. Peace.
Cant wait to see your harvest :)

I have to get a scope I have no idea what my trichs are doing (7 weeks they are)...

I have been too touchy-feely with the girls and I think I lost a lot of frost :( Another lesson learned!

Anyway...look forward to updates!


Weed Cannasaur
Thanks for the heads up man. Yeah man I have been trying to decide when I want to chop. I was leaning towards somewhere between 30-50%. I just need to try and decide when to cut off my feeding for the final two weeks. But when using liquid organics I don't believe it's necessary to stop like you do when using synthetics. I could be wrong but I think I read that someplace. Still I plan on doing just water, plus maybe molasses, the final two weeks. I have been using molasses and I see where a lot of people use it the final two weeks. I also see where people say it makes it harsh. My plan was to use molasses right up through harvest. I'm still thinking on it though.

Anyway take care bro and have a good week. Peace.
You want to flush even with organics. Why? because it won't matter to your buds. They have enough food until harvest so you'r pretty much wasting money on nutes.
You can use molasses all through flowering, its a nice thing.
If you aim for 30% I'd give it a good flush when it dries up, give it molasses for a week, straight water for a week and chop chop.
If you aim for 50% wait a week and flush.

Thats my guess.
Looking good bruh. Any updates?

You can use molasses as long as you care too. It simply is sugar & carbohydates. Something the plant uses the last few weeks of its life anyways. That's where that sweet taste & smell comes from. I go for 50-60% amber, but I'm more of a stone kinda guy myself.

Good luck on a healthy & happy harvest....PEACE


Thanks FirstTimer76. Yeah I plan on using molasses till I chop. The trich's are mostly cloudy I would say. Just trying to decide when I want to harvest. I'm only going to harvest from the middle on up and let the bottom half go a little while longer. My yield is not going to be the best. The top cola never did fill in. And the rest of the buds are not that huge either. It may be partly from using a 150w hps for the first 5 or 6 weeks of flower. But I think I stunted it's growth by pruning also. Or maybe it was just that seed and the others will be better. Actually the whole flower cycle it has been really slow. I don't have any smoke and I am tired of waiting to be honest. It will be 10 weeks this Friday. And there is not much difference from the beginning of this month till now. So I am thinking about chopping so I can get my next grow started. Which will probably be more than one this time.

Anyway here are some pics.



This is one of the very bottom stems.


if it was me, i'd veg longer and top the shit outta that girl next run. you'll end up with way more herb. just my thoughts on it man, trying to help. grow a bush, not a stalk. some strains just do better that way.

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
Hey Mad Dawg, getting frosty. I agree with Schwagg, looks like a good candidate for a longer veg and some LST or topping. Then trim up the undergrowth and you should have some nicer tops next run. not too bad for a first run. :good:

GreatLakes THC :joint:
Just read throught your thread here homie. I have a couple of questions 1 what are you using for your PK boost? Do you put perilite in your soil? do your juice it with any guano, bone meal, anything else? Seems like you have a slow grow going on. Ive run out WW for more than a year and in my experience she grows like a mad woman! Prob PH would be my guess. the only time you want your PH any higher than 6 is maybe during your PK boost. other than that you gotta get it down a bit. Make sure you give your lady a REALLY good flush to let her ripen. She still dosent look very RIPE in the pics. hope this helps out some. Good luck and grow on brotha.


if it was me, i'd veg longer and top the shit outta that girl next run. you'll end up with way more herb. just my thoughts on it man, trying to help. grow a bush, not a stalk. some strains just do better that way.

Hey schwagg. No problem man. I appreciate the advise. It was a bush the first 3 or 4 weeks of veg. It was only about 2 or 3" high but very bushy. Until I put it under my hps. It didn't stop stretching until about the 4th or 5th month of flower.

Thanks for stopping in bro and for the advice.

Hey Mad Dawg, getting frosty. I agree with Schwagg, looks like a good candidate for a longer veg and some LST or topping. Then trim up the undergrowth and you should have some nicer tops next run. not too bad for a first run. :good:

GreatLakes THC :joint:

Hey man how's it going? I vegged it for about 5 weeks. 3 weeks under my T5 and about 2 weeks under the hps. I'm thinking maybe a little longer under the T5 and straight to 12/12 under the hps next time. I plan on 2 white widow and 1 blue widow next grow. I think I might do some side by side comparison with the 2 ww's. I plan on topping one while leaving the other one alone. I'm interested to see how the one left alone compares to this current one which was left alone. This current one hasn't stopped growing yet though. The buds are still growing and getting bigger. And some of the lower ones look like they are starting to pop now.

This one really was just to see if I could do it and to see how well it went. That's why I only grew 1. I have 4 white widow left and a blue widow so I think I feel confident enough to do 2 white widow and my one blue widow next grow. Unless I get some northern lights or something before then.

Thanks for the encouragement GreatLakes. I appreciate it.


Just read throught your thread here homie. I have a couple of questions 1 what are you using for your PK boost? Do you put perilite in your soil? do your juice it with any guano, bone meal, anything else? Seems like you have a slow grow going on. Ive run out WW for more than a year and in my experience she grows like a mad woman! Prob PH would be my guess. the only time you want your PH any higher than 6 is maybe during your PK boost. other than that you gotta get it down a bit. Make sure you give your lady a REALLY good flush to let her ripen. She still dosent look very RIPE in the pics. hope this helps out some. Good luck and grow on brotha.

Thanks for stopping in. Pretty sure it's my PH. Nothing added to my soil. Just straight Ocean Forest. I think it's from something else man. It grew great during veg. When I went to 12/12 it didn't stop stretching for like 3 to 5 weeks into flower. So I am thinking that because of that, it may have something to do with it. IDK. I just know that the buds seemed very slow in growth.


Ok I went ahead and chopped the top half. Been waiting long enough and I want some smoke. Plus I want to get started on my next grow. I still have the bottom half going. Think I am going to let it go a few more days, maybe a week or so.

Another thing I can't figure out is, there is no smell. I mean there never has been a smell. The only time you could smell it was if you put your nose right up to a bud. Then you would get a very nice smell. Or if I touched a bud my fingers would get sticky with a nice smell. But yeah, virtually no smell whatsoever. And hanging it to dry, same thing. No smell except for that familiar hay smell. Have it in a glass jar now for 3 days with maybe a very slight change. But it's not nearly as sticky either. And the taste is not there either. It looks good but has no taste and no smell. I'm wondering if leaving my fan on 24/7 may have been the cause? My humidity is around 45% to 50% and my temp is around 80f to 82f during lights on. Lights off humidity is around 40% to 45% and temp is around 78f to 80f. Not sure what the cause is but I am going to try to do a few things differently this next grow. Things where I know that I messed up. And try to improve upon my results. A while ago, I helped some friends who grow outside and man, you could smell that stink as soon as you started getting close to it. Here I am growing White Widow and I can't even smell it standing next to it in my closet. I almost want to bet that my fan blowing too much air on the plant for too long of time may have had something to do with this. It's not an oscillating fan. It's stationary but you can angle it up or down. I always had it pointing up towards my light on high. The middle -top of the plant would get a lot of the wind. IDK. Next grow I am going to try to eliminate so much air blowing on the buds.

Sorry I have no pics. My camera is acting up on me. I will try to get some pics of the bottom posted.


Here are some pics of the bottom stems.

Quite a few of the buds have started growing like this. A column shooting up from the rest of the bud.




They still look like they have another 3 or 4 weeks to go. At least to me they do. I don't know if the plant can make it that long or not. I checked the trichs and I am seeing cloudy and clear. I will probably yank it before then.



i did nirvana's white widow a couple years back and thought it was a very very strong smoke, almost narcotic. couldn't get anything done on that stuff. some friends didn't even want to smoke it. however the yield was pretty bad.

they looked very similar to yours in growth pattern. how did the harvest work out for you md? you like the smoke?


i did nirvana's white widow a couple years back and thought it was a very very strong smoke, almost narcotic. couldn't get anything done on that stuff. some friends didn't even want to smoke it. however the yield was pretty bad.

they looked very similar to yours in growth pattern. how did the harvest work out for you md? you like the smoke?

Harvest wasn't that great. I got a 5 pack of them and still have 2 left. The 2 I have going now actually are looking better at this stage than the one I did on my first grow. In particular, 1 out of these 2 I got going is looking really good. Well uniformed and smell's better to. Last grow I went from 24/0 to 12/12. This grow I went from 18/6 to 12/12 and there is a difference. The biggest difference is that they started flowering a lot sooner and faster than going from 24/0 to 12/12. The smoke wasn't bad but it could have been better. I made a few mistakes as a lot of newbies do that I think affected the outcome.