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paco makes Qwiso.

that's why my oil is soooo dark colored


Your removing clorophyll from the cannabis including the resin glands.

You need only remove the resin glands in a "quick" wash of iso at 99% (preferably) . ISO attracts positive ions so there is no escaping some captured clorophyll but I normally try to minimize it as much as possible to attain a nice amber hardened resin from the wash.

It should not be liquid or it has not been fully purged.

Beauty plants bro:)
Wow! Looks really good Paco!

I don't really know anything about QWISO. It seems that it's the same idea as BHO just done with ISO rather than Butane. Anyone know of a good link for how to make it? It looks pretty straight forward except I was wondering how do you purge the ISO? I am assuming warm water won't work in this case.



HEy easy, I couldn't find the link. but
I make mine by using two medium size mason jars, one is filled half way with trim, weed, etc.
Then, I shake for about 20 seconds.( with the lid on, of course)
I have a silk screen, which is placed over the mouth of the jar. I always make a little cup to catch the ganja. As the ganja drains, i squeeze out the excess alcohol.
The yellow green alcohol is then poured into a deep smooth plate or shallow bowl.
I put that over a Pot of hot water. not too hot. and let it evaporate. Then I do a little scrapey scrape! and TA! DA! Quick Wash Isopropanol Alcohol hash!