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1st Time Grow - 4x4 - 1000watts - Soil!

What i have done is this:

#1 I removed the plants from the potting soil mix and placed them into straight pro-mix. I was able to salvage 5 of the Dirty Dawg, but i don't know if they will make it.

#2 I made the drainage holes bigger as you saw above.

Here is a Dirty Dawg removed from the cup waiting to go into the pro-mix:



Active member
Hey I was going to post this earlier but ran out of time and had to run...

I ran through the same thing you are going through with drainage. I found that even when I made my holes bigger, it still didn't adequately drain pooled up water. It may be so little it doesn't matter :dunno: but I decided to let it all drain out. Plus with our cups, the center is raised by about a 1/2 cm so water can/will pool to the sides, and I decided to just eliminate all doubt.

4 triangles, one on each side. Nothing on the bottom.
And here is the damage:


The following 2 pics i think show serious signs of over fertilization:



What i noticed was this...

The older plants of course looked really bad. But the newer plants whose roots had started to penetrate into the potting soil mix started to look funny as well. While the plants whose roots hadn't fully entered the potting soil mix still looked fine. Here is a pic of a plant whose roots were an couple centimeters through the peat pot and into the poisonous potting mix:


Well. That is that. I have planted 28! more seedlings. Unfortunately i think they are all sativa's which don't often give me a high i can use creatively.

My Northern Lights seeds are on their way from Seed Boutique. But i will hold off planting them for a bit, the Dirty Dawg seeds actually cost more!
I think they will be just fine, looks good. Did you see they now have those Solo cups in square shape?! I saw the commercial today, thought of you and your high tech equiptment! I love 'em, I use them for my clones...I`m definetly going to try the square ones when the time comes. :)

Thanks for the link you sent earlier....Wow. Vertical and colleseum growing, when did this all start? lol I am beyond impressed, and very intrigued! I have a lot of research to do. Looks like something I could be intersted in! Thanks again for pointing me there!

Good luck with the babies!


New member
Those seedlings will make it, I've had worse, just leave em for a week 24hr light, dont water or anything. I too brought the ph and moisture meter from bunnings, they were both shit lol.


Active member
I always cut slits like this and the water drains really well. I like the square bottoms, too.

Your babies still have much hope - just love them from a distance of at least a few inches for a coupla days.

You have kids, right? Imagine waking them up every time they fall asleep. Stop it! :)


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Weed Cannasaur
I just put a few holes with a hot screwdriver on the bottom and a few at the bottom 1cm of the sides.
I also test it - I water it before transplanting and see how well it drain.

If there's a problem I can do one of the following:
1. Add less compost, if used.
2. Add perlite \ sand \ otherstuff to the mix.
3. put a small layer of a coco\perlite mix on the bottom.

To a beginner I'd actually recommend using coco\perlite with 10% compost rather than soil. It drains WAY faster and makes overwatering way harder.
After your done with that mix in the cups you can transplant it to whatever mix you want.
You shouldn't need any added fertilizers for that stage.

You spend too much time in the growroom anyway, so watering more often shouldn't be a problem. with a coco\perlite\compost mix as mentioned you should need to water every other day or every 3 days, but if you water everyday wouldn't kill them.
I'm lazy and wish for the plant to grow on its own - I got my 8 miles high in an oversized pot using LOADS of compost making the mix as heavy as possible. That way I don't need to water it too often. Once a week is just fine by it. Its 28-33°C outside right now. I also use a LOT of venting so the medium dries out quicker.

A well draining mix I got going (for cherry tomatoes) is a 1.5 water bottle with the top cut off, 5 bottom cm filled with a coco\perlite (50\50) mix, then a ~3cm layer of compost, then a mix of potting soil (prefertilized, thats the only one I could get) and 30% compost (tomatoes needs lots of nutrients). The top 5cm are only potting soil with no compost to let the seedling some colder medium until it builds up strength.
It drains well with only 4 small (~6mm diameter) holes in the bottom.


Active member
Putting them into straight pro-mix was a good idea because the other mix was probably too hot for the babies.
They should bounce back and start showing new growth within a week or so. :tiphat:


i for one think that she should unbanned even if it is for her to just to finish her journal, cause in all honesty it is hard to get answer from some of the ppl here and it can be never racking. if i wasnt such a passive person i prb would have blown up a few times trying to find stuff out that i wasnt geting answer i wanted. that my 2 cents


yea that dirty dawg is already showing its indica side..

man you got banned.. Sucks. Hope you get back. The mods around here can be vagina holes... better to avoid them if you dont want to get pregnant.