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so come on convert me to vert growing


Active member
Just like you are worrying about me?

It doesn't take rocket science to read the forum and LEARN.

So because i am on my first grow means i am know nothing that needs to keep my mouth shut and know my role?

What i said to him was help and was supported by more than 1 post. Tough shit if you can't handle my posts. Use the ignore. :blowbubbles:

And if you read my post instead of bitching at me, you would have saw that I DID HELP HIM OUT. I gave him 2 names of 2 people doing awesome vertical grows that he could look at and instantly have his questions answered, IF HE WOULD HAVE READ. But what am i thinking...you didn't read either. Go figure..
that funny as fuck im getting attitude from a noob. if only you knew who i was and what ive contributed on a international scale i think you would treat me different:ying:

Neo 420

Active member
WOW Look at this pissing contest in here. Lets keep it civil and keep the OP thread on task. Its counter productive to the over all learning process to be arguing over such petty things.

back on task:
I am interested in this thread because I am going vertical on my next run and would liked to hear statements from others that have the experience. One of my concerns are "dialing" in the unit. I will be using cool tubes. Is there a significant difference in using the tubes versus bare bulbs? (I am pretty sure there is with the glass ever so slightly removing precious lumens) I am trying to modify the tubes to be able to raise vertically up and down. I hope that will aid in the "dialing" in process.

bigwity: From what I read, viewed, stalked, and heard, vert's is the way to go. I will surely have more info after this run. The "no more whispy bud" I believe is what put's the harvest numbers a lil bit more that the horizontal's. Good luck all and thank you for any constructive feedback.
that funny as fuck im getting attitude from a noob. if only you knew who i was and what ive contributed on a international scale i think you would treat me different:ying:


What you have contributed? Who the fuck are you?

I've briefed war planes on bombing targets in a theater of war during Operation Noble Anvil...~THAT~ Is what i call "contributing on an international scale" and I have NATO medal to prove it. The only thing you are doing internationally is contributing to the Co2 and Methane levels, and probably more of the later than the former.

When you are getting ridiculed by a noob, you have really opened your mouth and inserted a shoe store.

Mr. Bigwity can't even click through 2 pages of posts in the vertical forum to see the awesome fucking grows and poundage people are pulling down. You would rather have your hand held and and be led down the path of vertical growing like some submissive with a collar and leash on. Yea, all your INTERNATIONAL CONTRIBUTING sure taught you how to fucking read for yourself and use some deductive reasoning. And even better, it taught you to brag in a forum with nothing to back you up except Times New Roman 12. :wave:

Big, yes, Wity? Not so much.:jump:
its a big problem with yanks blowing there own trumpet.

I prefer being called a "colonial". The term "yank" has become boring over the years and watered down, while colonial sounds so romantic and original and harkens back to the time we kicked some assholes off our land and back across the pond - TEAM AMERICA STYLE - FUCK YEA!


Active member
You opened up a can of worms, man.

I understand his original idea, Vertical people, come tell me - personally- why it is you switched to vert and never looked back.

I don't think this was a thread that was intended to get everyone to explain to him how to grow vert.

I am on the fence, did you want to know why people choose to grow vert? Or did you want to know how they do it.

I do understand what SC and the others are saying though. They started out politely....

BTW, FWIW, you shouldn't be going into threads, any threads mind you, and tell people what/how they should be doing/learning. Even if you are a pro.

Don't like the way he asked the questions? Don't post.

- SubN


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
i've never been convinced enough to try vertical, but i'm lucky enough to get great yields in horizontal.
something to throw into the fray :)

apparently plants can use diffuse light better then direct light, because diffuse light (such as comes from your dimpled reflector) drives photosythesis better.



Lets keep this from being too much of a flame war..
OP - In a place like this, full of people who don't like hot heads, its best to be polite with your responses to get a better answer.. These people really were trying to help in the beginning, and were pointing you in the right direction, you chose to ignore there advice. Now they may have gone a bit too far after being provoked but if you go about responding this way to people its going to happen often..

Good luck


Active member
I can't agree that reflected light drives photosythesis any better than direct light but I can say that I have pulled 1lb plus per light with 3 600's horizontal SOG enough times to know that horizontal can still be very effective...however I will be going with a 4k stadium setup very soon because I'm convinced that I will have an easier time pulling down 6-8# per crop with vert. :bandit:


Is there anything to back up that direct light theory? Never heard of that.

Vert just seems to make sense since you are getting 360 degrees of light. I know there is the inverse square law that basically means all reflected light is weaker.

I hope everyone can stay on topic. I opened this thread hoping to find useful info, not a 3 page pissing match.

Think I saw one or two useful posts in the whole thread


If it is your first grow you probably wont have great success with either.
it takes time and patience to dial a system in, what strain you run will have a great impact on which method will benefit most.
my self personally as a large scale grower have had the best results with horizontal gardens. vert was ok but the flat sog gave myself much better control.

if i where you i would start with a conventional horizontal grow until you get the jist of gardening... once you are comfortable with mediums, ph, ppm's etc... then you can start to broaden your horizon's with more technical/advanced growing.
Good luck!


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
i've never been convinced enough to try vertical, but i'm lucky enough to get great yields in horizontal.
something to throw into the fray :)

apparently plants can use diffuse light better then direct light, because diffuse light (such as comes from your dimpled reflector) drives photosythesis better.


VG, you like an experiment buddy, I am surprised you have not strung one up, my first one pretty much convinced me it is the way to go, abeit with the proviso that you need to get the planting and system thought out and sorted, I think that side is a bit trickier than 2D growing. It is screaming for Scrogging IMO.... Not that many 3D scrogs, yet.. ;-)


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
ok to back up my assertion about diffuse light being good (like from a dimpled relector) here is a post by gojo that explains it quite well
pay attention - here comes the science bit :D
Diffuse light is better because it better reaches lower leaves along with upper leaves which provides higher total rate of photosynthesis. Direct light is more intense, hotter light (ex., the hot spot under an HID) while the diffuse light is less intense, less hot and more evenly spread out (ex., the light that is not in the hot spot). The diffuse light more evenly lights the canopy which is good. Diffuse light often means less stretching because more red light reaches into the canopy vs direct light where most red light gets absorbed at the top of the canopy, this is important because the ratio of red to far-red light intracnaopy causes stretching (less red light intraconpoy means plants think they are getting shaded), far-red light transmitts through the upper canopy thus there is more far-red light intracanopy in direct light which can mean more stretching. Also, direct light means the upper canopy leaves will reach light saturation more quickly and continue past light saturation point which is when photoinhibition starts and loss of quantum efficiency (turning photons into photosynthesis takes place).
VG, you like an experiment buddy, I am surprised you have not strung one up, my first one pretty much convinced me it is the way to go, abeit with the proviso that you need to get the planting and system thought out and sorted, I think that side is a bit trickier than 2D growing. It is screaming for Scrogging IMO.... Not that many 3D scrogs, yet.. ;-)

hi mate - i actually see my scrogs as 3d because i like a bit of height above the screen - giving a 'box' full of colas rather than a plate of buds ;)

as for vert, never say never - but i think the reason why many people get better harvests in vertical is because they didnt use their light's footprint very efficiently in horizontal, and vertical will give them a bigger area to use inefficiently.
imo if you have a good reflector and the correct footprint for your light giving 50-60 watts/square foot, and no gaps in your canopy - then the difference between horizontal and vertical will be less pronounced.:tiphat:



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