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5000 barrels a day of oil (210,000 gallons) leak off the coast of Louisiana

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weed fiend
Even Before The Oil Spill, The Ocens Couldn't Take Anymore (VIDEO)

Even Before The Oil Spill, The Ocens Couldn't Take Anymore (VIDEO)

First Posted: 05-29-10 04:49 AM

BP's oil spill is humanity's latest strike against against the World's oceans, according to Phillippe Cousteau Jr., an explorer and host for Animal Planet and Planet Green.

Cousteau, who is the grandson of French explorer and ecologist Jacques-Yves Cousteau, appeared on "Real Time with Bill Maher" on Friday and explained what the country's worst in oil spill in history will mean for oceans that are already suffering from pollution and overfishing.

"I could cut my leg off, I could cut my arm off, I could gouge my eye out, I'd still probably survive, but not very well," Cousteau said. "And that's what we're doing to our oceans."

Pointing to massive annual dead zones off the U.S. coast, Cousteau explained that our oceans are past their tipping point:

Cousteau: The Florida Keys, third longest barrier reef in the world, is a dead zone. Ninety percent of the big fish, the tuna, the sharks, and other things, are already gone in the oceans. There's a dead zone in the Gulf Of Mexico every summer the size of New Jersey, where there's not enough oxygen for things to live. So it's not a question of 'Can the oceans take any more?' The oceans can't take any more. They couldn't take any more fifty years ago. The question is, when are we going to stop?

Cousteau called "bullshit" on claims that the ocean is so vast that it can absorb our pollution and abuse.



All I can say, is I'm sick of hearing "who's going to pay for it?". BP will have to pay, but they'll get away with a steal of course.

We need to be asking: what are we going to do to prevent this. Well, perhaps GIVE UP ON OIL. Hydrogen powered. Refine oxidized aluminum into unoxidized in Iceland and New Zealand with their abundant zero emission geothermal power stations that produce electricity CHEAP. Coat the fresh aluminum in gallium to prevent oxidization during storage, and then put it with water in a car and fission of hydrogen and oxygen gives you the hydrogen to power the car. Just fill it up with water, and instead of pumping up at a gas station, buying more aluminum.

Hell, they produce some gold and platinum group elements in a New Zealand geothermal station from their epithermal mineral deposits.

We already waste our damn time shipping fuc*ing bottles of water. Why not ship aluminum?
What a good majority of you all FAIL to realize is that the US Government (Federal) does not work like we THINK it does. Rothschilds, Rockefellers & other powerful banking families own so much, have so much money (multi-trillionaires) that they control everything - the media (clear channel, time warner, news corp, etc.) - the radio, tv, tv shows, movies, advertisements, billboards...are all ran by guys who have 40% of the world's wealth. Lobbyists for the pharmaceutical companies help keep weed illegal, and they also ensure that these prick fucks profits aren't messed with - and they will go to any extent - murder, breaking the law, harming the environment, etc. Cap & Trade as a prime example.

JFK was the last true president of the USA. That's why he was killed - he disobeyed what the bankers wanted (war, war profiteering) which is why he took steps to end the conflict in vietnam along with attempting to fix failed banking/monetary policy, and he was executed because of it.

US Presidents & politicians are puppets - for sale to the highest bidder. ROJO145, i know you may have your endeavors on the side (we all know what you did as a profession, at least what you bragged about) and here you go unable to complete full sentences or use proper grammatical form complaining about "conspiracy theorists"...you are the EXACT same type of person the powers that be rely on - they make a word bad, and the world follows suit.

Here's an example.

You all know one of the most common tactics marketers, advertisers and product salesmen use? Repetitiveness. Dove soap, good for your body, good for your soul. Dove soap available at Dove stores nationwide! In 5 seconds, the word Dove was repeated 3 times....this builds memory and actually does increase sales. It is used all the time, keep it in mind next time you watch a commercial for a product and count how many times they say the company name and/or product.

I bring this up because this is EXACTLY how our government works, but only this time the word was "Terrorist". Bush used that word more than every single one of us combined uses the word "fuck" while we fuck our girlfriends. So what was the end result? A whole country "afraid" of "terrorists".

John Perkins - author - wikipedia him and watch the clip of him from zeitgeist addendum. This is how the International Monetary Fund, Council on Foreign Relations and The Bilderburg group work - they offer a country a loan so big they can't pay it back, and then when they can't pay it back we offer to refinance the loan at a higher rate to make even MORE money or we tell them we want a part of their exports (oil, food product, etc.) JAMAICA is a prime example. Do some research on United Fruit and you'll see what i mean. John Perkins sums up how this "corporatocracy" truly works.

How is this related to the oil spill?

This wasn't an accident. It was done on purpose. Why? We don't exactly know yet. This could be the trigger for new globalization policy, it could be the trigger to stop us from entering beaches or the oceans, who the hell knows. It's too early to tell. BP doesn't give a fuck, they are just saving face.


I have received a number of emails about the environmental impacts of the BP oil spill. The size of the spill and the impacts on wildlife in the Gulf of Mexico ecosystems have prompted a number of readers to write:

“Bob, it looks like you are right, the environmental damage and pollution are the goal and not the unintended consequences.”
Others have noted the irony that the leak is believed to have started on Earth Day, April 22, when the Deepwater Horizon sank. [1]

Dana Milbank, at the Washington Post, appears to realize there is story behind the story of Obama’s bizarre behavior at his lengthy news conference yesterday at the White House.

“For eight years we had a president who refused to accept blame. Now we have one who seems to enjoy it. He decorated the East Room with wuddas, cuddas and shuddas: “We should have busted through those constraints. . . . pre-deploying boom would have been the right thing to do . . . I do think our efforts fell short. . . . They should have pushed them sooner. . . . I think that it took too long. . . . Where I was wrong was in my belief that the oil companies had their act together.”

As I sat in the fourth row on Thursday, I was struck by the weirdly passive figure before me. He delivered lawyerly phrases and spoke of his anger about the oil spill but showed none in his voice or on his face. He was, presumably, there to show how aggressively he has handled the disaster, but he seemed cool, almost bloodless.
CBS’s Chip Reid asked about the resignation hours earlier of Elizabeth Birnbaum, head of the MMS, or Minerals Management Service. “I found out about her resignation today,” Obama replied. Interior Secretary “Ken Salazar has been in testimony throughout the day, so I don’t know the circumstances in which this occurred.”
That’s very clear, sir. But why not share some with the guys at BP who actually are responsible for the spill?”

The leak, instead of being 210,000 gallons of the Earth’s vital fluids being extracted, the Los Angeles Times is now reporting that BP admits “that the leak rate is around 2.5 million gallons a day.

[Excerpt from An Ominous Drilling Sign for the Truth]

Crusextraction of the Earth, Response: Earthquakes And Tsunamis
In 2005, world oil-production alone (not including natural-gas) was an incomprehensible 80 — 100 million barrels of oil per day.
USGS coastal geologists understand these factors cannot be ignored as far as influencing earth crust stresses andconfirm the earth’s response to extracting by force 3,360,000,000 — 4,200,000,000 gallons of the planets vital fluids every single day: Earthquakes and tsunamis.

While disagreement abounds on this topic, scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) say that oil production at plate boundaries where hard, rocky slabs slide against each other to releases tremendous amounts of energy and could be the cause for the 2004 quake that triggered a deadly tsunami in Sumatra.

“Here’s how it works: With high-tech equipment, oil companies pinpoint oil-rich areas and use large drills to puncture the surface below the sea, sometimes as deep as 10,000 feet. As this pricey fluid gets sucked from the sediment pores, the surrounding rocks shift positions to fill in the newly vacated spaces. At a large scale, for example the volume displaced when millions of barrels of oil are produced, the land movement can actually cause a mini-seismic earthquake, said Robert Morton, a USGS coastal geologist.
During these various stages the globe of the earth is gradually being depressurized and cooled internally, causing contraction for both of these reasons. When objects cool down, they automatically shrink/contract in size. If you let high-pressure air or gas out of a cylinder, it forms ice around the outlet, and cools the entire cylinder. If you let some of the air out of a football, or basketball, the ball shrinks and goes badly out of shape.”

“Apply that to the Earth and you have earthquakes — simple common-sense — not rocket-science. A fact so simple that anyone who understands the oil-extraction process would understand, but, because they are insanely-blinded by their insatiable greed and avarice, they often overlook the obvious.” (Paul Noel, JAH, Sterling D. Allan and Mary-Sue Halliburton) [3]


weed fiend
Feds weigh a criminal probe of BP

Feds weigh a criminal probe of BP

The focus is on whether the oil company skirted safety regulations and misled the U.S. government about its ability to respond to a blowout.

By Richard A. Serrano, Tribune Washington Bureau May 28, 2010 | 5:15 p.m.

Reporting from Washington
A team of top federal prosecutors and investigators has taken the first steps toward a formal criminal investigation into oil giant BP's actions before and after the drilling rig disaster off Louisiana.

The investigators, who have been quietly gathering evidence in Louisiana over the last three weeks, are focusing on whether BP skirted federal safety regulations and misled the U.S. government by saying it could quickly clean up an environmental accident.

The move by federal prosecutors represents an escalation in the government's involvement in the oil spill — from coordinating the environmental cleanup to searching for possible criminal violations.

The team has met with U.S. attorneys and state officials in the Gulf Coast region and has sent letters to executives of BP and Transocean Ltd., the drilling rig owner, warning them against destroying documents or other internal records.

Underscoring the gravity of the inquiry, the team is headed by Assistant Atty. Gen. Ignacia Moreno of the environment and natural resources division and Assistant Atty. Gen. Tony West, who heads the Justice Department's civil division.

The move by federal prosecutors represents an escalation in the government's involvement in the oil spill — from coordinating the environmental cleanup to searching for possible criminal violations.

The Justice Department's inquiry is a standard preliminary step taken to determine whether a formal investigation is warranted. But even in this early stage, it has the earmarks of one of the largest investigative undertakings of the Obama administration.

In one sign of its potential scope, the Obama administration has asked for $10 million to be set aside to pay for the investigation. President Obama, in a letter May 12 to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D- San Francisco), said the funding was needed "to hold BP, and other responsible parties in this spill, accountable for the crisis."

Oil company officials said they were conducting an internal review and had been sharing information with the government. The companies also have pledged to help clean up the oil spreading along the gulf and pay for damages.

"I understand people want a simple answer about why this happened and who is to blame," said BP Chief Executive Tony Hayward.

Assistant Atty. Gen. Ronald Welch said federal investigators were pushing ahead with their inquiries.

"The Department of Justice will take all necessary and appropriate steps to ensure that those responsible for this tragic series of events are held fully accountable," Welch said in a letter Tuesday to Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), who chairs the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.

Welch said the team had put the companies on notice about the investigation.

"The department has sent formal demands to British Petroleum, Transocean and other companies to ensure the preservation of potentially relevant information," he said. "These letters invoke federal requirements for preserving evidence in anticipation of litigation."

He said the team had spoken with attorneys for BP and Transocean "to ensure they are complying with these demands."

Welch was responding to concerns from Boxer after she said testimony and evidence presented to her committee suggested possible "illicit activities" involving the oil spill.

In a May 17 letter to Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder Jr., Boxer asked him and his department to "review this matter with respect to civil and criminal laws related to false statements to the federal government."

In describing the oversight work of her committee, Boxer said the panel had uncovered statements by BP that now appeared to be "false and misleading."

As an example, she identified a February 2009 document from BP to the federal Minerals Management Service. In it, she said, BP evaluated the company's ability to respond to a blowout.

BP said in the document that an oil spill would have little or no effect on fish habitats because the company would use "proven equipment and technology" to respond to a blowout and spill and quickly contain the damage, Boxer said.

"In the wake of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill," Boxer wrote in her letter to Holder, "it does not in any way appear that there was 'proven equipment and technology' to respond to the spill, which could have tragic consequences for local economies and the natural resources of the Gulf of Mexico."

She also noted that after the oil rig explosion, BP said in a May 10 statement that all of its techniques underway to stop the spill "involve significant uncertainties because they have not been tested in these conditions before."

"BP said they were ready for this spill if it occurred," Boxer said in a committee statement. "Clearly they were unprepared — and dangerously so."

On Thursday, one of BP's top officials on the rig on the day of the explosion, Robert Kaluza, invoked the 5th Amendment against self-incrimination and refused to testify at a separate Coast Guard inquiry in Louisiana.

The company defended Kaluza, saying in a statement: "Bob is a dedicated, hardworking, conscientious man. Bob did no wrong on the Deepwater Horizon, and we will make damn sure that this comes out at the appropriate time."


To whoever gave me neg rep, thanks ! Sorry you didnt have balls to put your name to it. I feel like I have been spacked, well not really.

The DOJ is filled with a bunch of morons including Eric Holder himself.

Obama pledged he would decriminalize weed and from what I've heard also talked about legalizing hemp whilst on the campaign trail. As SOON as he took office, that shit was out the window! He promised raids on cannabis dispensaries would end in states that legalized it for medical use and the raids CONTINUED until an outcry and backlash formed!

Obama says one thing, and does another. Just like Guantanamo. He promised on national television January 22nd 2009 that by January 22nd 2010 it would be closed. Is it? I could sit here for hours and post things he's promised, and not done....just like Bush before him, Clinton before him, etc. Obama is just finishing up the work the bankers want done.

Puppets. Ignore CNN, MSNBC, FOX...all owned by media tycoons who filter, filter, and do more filtering until the news we receive is so watered down that nobody knows what the fucking truth is.


The cat that loves cannabis
To whoever gave me neg rep, thanks ! Sorry you didnt have balls to put your name to it. I feel like I have been spacked, well not really.

I don't think anyones names show up till you have a certain amount of posts

One Love 731

Senior Member
So the world is about to implode, fvck the mj laws. Its gonna be over before things change, grow people grow, it may be your last chance to enjoy your self. When we survive and live to fight another day, which we will, your life shaped by society will be the past and the future will be bright. We can change our collective experience if we take a look inside. Cannabis can fix it all. Karma, One Love
[FONT=verdana, arial] Interesting blog comment from iCNN, regarding the psi at the BOP and at the area that BP drilled:

"Not to scare anyone, but from someone familiar with spills like DH, including the magnesium blocks and risers, this is the way I see it. First, the problem started when an axial drill bit system was moved while the seal was in a ''closed'' position. This damaged the rubber seal and pieces of that seal came to the top in the mud used for drilling. When the engineers saw that, the tested the blowout preventer with a pressure test. OK, no problem, but the test they used was based on a 1960's patent using an algorithm that never thought humans could drill 5,000 feet underwater. Took 8 hours for pressures to equalize, BP rushed everything, and the top blew off. Whooops.

They go out where the ocean is about 5,000 feet deep and drill another 18,000 feet into the crust of the earth. This it right on the edge of what human technology can do. Well, this time they hit a pocket of oil at such high pressure that it shot up through several seals and barriers before exploding, causing the rig to sink. Take a moment to grasp the import of that. The pressure behind this oil is so high that it destroyed the maximum effort of human science to contain it. Pressure estimates are 15,000 psi for the BOP and 21 inch riser. Some speculate the pressure in the area where they drilled (Mississippi Block 252 aka Macondo Prospect) could be a multiple of 10x, incredible pressure that can move about anything on earth. This is a HUGE deposit, Natural Gas and Oil is leaking out of the deposit as far inland as Central Alabama and way over into Florida and even over to Louisiana almost as far as Texas. If things break apart, it could be like the Yellowstone Caldera geyser, except from below a mile of sea, with a 1/4-mile opening, with up to 150,000 psi of oil and natural gas behind it. That would be an extinction event.

A junk shot or similar mud/heavy cement measure might bust open additional weaknesses they don't know about (or blow the thing wide open), hence their attempt to x-ray the remaining visible pipe before attempting the next "guess." Even the "relief" well is not a sure thing, that's why BP is drilling TWO reliefs in case the 1st doesn't work. Some countries require 4 relief wells."

As for the nuke it theory, high energy scientists had this to say:

"As a person who did design and testing of "devices" at the Nevada Test Site (NTS) from mid-70's to mid 80's and participated on over a dozen sub-surface and tunnel shots, use of a "device" is not a practicable solution in this environment. As I had stated in a previous post elsewhere, the issue is superheated steam under incredible pressure about 100 microseconds after 0 time (detonation). When we tested at NTS we were able to ensure that the shot hole was absolutely dry (it was not easy to keep a shaft 3-5000 feet deep dry even in the desert strata. In the ocean their would be no way to keep the hole and the evolving cavity dry and any water (and this is in the ocean after all) will flash to steam and fracture its way out to lower pressure. To give an idea of what happens when a small amount of water was flashed - google on Baneberry Event, Nevada Test Site, December 1969. I am afraid that it could cause a larger fisure as it vents, with now not only oil, but also gamma and beta particles (radio-contamination) and a far worse leak. The reasons it worked for the Russians (if this is a true statement) was that it was on land. However, IF it could be done, and the cavity chimneyed properly, it would seal the hole - the chances of keeping the deep ocean at over 2300 PSI pressure out a shot hole, are vanishingly small (admitting nothing is impossible). What a mess....."

"...The heights of surface waves generated by deep underwater explosions are greater because more energy is delivered to the water. Deep underwater explosions are thus particularly able to damage coastal areas, because surface waves increase in height as they move over shallow water, and can flood the land beyond the shoreline. Many of the theories and concepts about these waves are similar to those that are applicable to other types of surface waves, in particular, tsunamis, and waves generated by the fall of a meteor."

And then there was Chris Matthews idea - "Send the Navy SEALS down to take care of it."
Very depressing. Hopefully somebody will come up with a solution and get that well plugged up as soon as possible. I can't image the mess when the first hurricane rolls through....


Humans breed like rats !

Humans breed like rats !

Not sure if this has been posted already, I may be in violation for posting a YT vid but I felt it was appropriate.
31 years later and history shows she repeats herself, Ironic...

I missed that one, thanks for putting it up. Like I always say, humans are fucking stupid ! I cant wait for nature to take its revenge. Nature slams other species when they get out of balance or theres overpopulation, humans are next.

From Wikipedia,
Overpopulation is a condition where an organism's numbers exceed the carrying capacity of its habitat.

At the time, the world population stood at 5.5 billion, and optimistic scenarios predicted a peak of 7.8 billion by 2050, a number that current estimates show will be reached around 2030.

Humans breed like rats !



I missed that one, thanks for putting it up. Like I always say, humans are fucking stupid ! I cant wait for nature to take its revenge. Nature slams other species when they get out of balance or theres overpopulation, humans are next.

From Wikipedia,
Overpopulation is a condition where an organism's numbers exceed the carrying capacity of its habitat.

At the time, the world population stood at 5.5 billion, and optimistic scenarios predicted a peak of 7.8 billion by 2050, a number that current estimates show will be reached around 2030.

Humans breed like rats !


lol @ the doom and gloom only scenario

I imagine if we did studies of the rate of occurrence of homosexuality that you would see that it is influenced by population density

"matriarch" female mice, in response to local overpopulation, secret hormones in their urine that render other females in the tribe sterile

biological mechanisms coupled with smart use of our cognitive reasoning offer much hope

to keep your cognitive reasoning as productive as possible its best to remove all the boundaries of the mind like cannot and impossible

its my intuition, that the thoughts of man, when turned into action, and tempered with a the understanding of balance in the natural world, reconciles our being to the natural world in the same accord the natural wonders of the world inspire our hearts and mind

"wake up to find out that you are the eyes of the world"

and perhaps we might even be part of its voice and conscience too


Im glad your so optimistic. I dont know what female mice have to with anything, you sound like a smart guy ureapwhatusow, with all your sci-fi data. Ill I need to do is look around and look at the history of man, humans are fucking stupid. Go to a mall sometime or watch some of the shit on tv and then tell me theres hope. Humans are just buying their time. Do me a favor and go check out Richard Heinberg's web-site or read his book The Part's Over.

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