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life and times of 32 coco slabs/top 44


yeah man Alex, a good clean between runs is the way to go.

Hashishin mate, not sure about avid, have heard about it quite a bit on this and other sites. i heard that stuff needs 8 weeks to harvest to be safe for use. which seems pretty hard core imo.

the top 44 that i first got to know way back was a pretty good smoking pheno. it was also done in under 8 weeks. it was very compact and didn't yield well. but that pheno was a very strong skunky one.

this top 44 is selected from victory as far as i know and it's not quite as good quality as the old one. the yield is better though and finished properly its really quite decent. but the yield still isn't anything to write home about and the pm floating around in this clone makes it a less then ideal choice for someone wanting to smoke it not sell it.

as for my hybrids, things are looking very good now taste wise for pheno 3 too. my first test smoke joint is still only 2 thirds smoked and i lit it about 1 and a half hours ago. it turns out this pheno is something in between the sd and cj that i had. it's a very nice smoke, very tasty in a not too powerful way. the sourdiesely taste is just tangible in the exhale, while the cj influence comes through in the first taste and smell of the smoke. this tester was only 1 lower branch, smoked the first half in this spliff, will try the rest tomorrow for wake and bake :) phenos 1 and 2 are pretty much a sure thing, the tester are my second lot of those and they can only get better. mind you the final results will be the real tell.



time for more mite infested pics

time for more mite infested pics

overview of 5 sd x cj ladies

pheno 1


pheno 5, seems a bit neutral smell wise at the moment



pheno 4, still very hard to judge this lady, i didn't feel she was ripe enough for an early sample, so i have no idea except she does have a bit of a CJ aspect to her, calyxes are swelling up very nice.

pheno 3, looks like highest yielder. todays smoke test of first early sample showed her to be surprisingly better tast wise to her mom. as you can see the top bud got burned by being to close to the bulb.



the three test branches i took a few days ago, top to bottom it's pheno 1,2 and 3



pheno 2 tester

pheno 2 tester

after a good trim, pheno 2. please remember i'm working without my tripod, still can't find the damn thing. not to mention that my camera isn't really good at close ups, the lense always shades the flash when i try get in close. anyway.....




same bud but after a few days of drying, will be taking the rest of this plant tonight. tester was already incredibly nice before it was even perfectly dry lol.



have been alternating nutes and plain water for pheno 4 and 5, while 3, 2 and 1 are all on plain water for a while now. 2 coming down tonight, maybe 1 too.


Traktor driver
The difference a couple of days of drying makes look wise amazes me every time :D Looking very good mate, how's the smell?


Hey GM, mite damage aside they look very bloody nice mate... I'm saying, seems to me alot of the leaves and structure is SD dom but the buds themselves seem to lean toward what I know Casey to look like. I think your pollen chucking efforts may have hit gold here brother :woohoo: The description of tasting Casey on the way in and SD on the way out sounds just about perfect :) They also look to be good yielders too man! I thought that number5 would be stinking about now, it looks very nice n frosty with tight buds.

SD taste wise, for me, was always different upon exhaling than when initially inhaled. Upon exhaling it tastes more like it does if you have a toke on an unlit joint of it. When inhaling it seemed to produce more of a skunky taste... I would take a big ass pull off a J blow out smoke and deeply breath in & out through my nose which seemed to amplify the taste??? I dunno man, but it worked for me :joint::abduct: lol...


Active member
As shhh said even with the borg the buds still look nice, though i dont know why get ichy on here lol it must be all the mite talk.

When you was saying ga its sounds hard to get good clones there now as alot have the borg,why dont you just have a good clear out and start from seeds ?.


The difference a couple of days of drying makes look wise amazes me every time :D Looking very good mate, how's the smell?

the smell is still quite neutral, until you touch it or squeeze it, then the smell really comes out. smoking a joint now and it's very enjoyable, finally i have smoke again that's really dank, i love strong intense flavors in my cannabis.

Hey GM, mite damage aside they look very bloody nice mate... I'm saying, seems to me alot of the leaves and structure is SD dom but the buds themselves seem to lean toward what I know Casey to look like. I think your pollen chucking efforts may have hit gold here brother :woohoo: The description of tasting Casey on the way in and SD on the way out sounds just about perfect :) They also look to be good yielders too man! I thought that number5 would be stinking about now, it looks very nice n frosty with tight buds.

SD taste wise, for me, was always different upon exhaling than when initially inhaled. Upon exhaling it tastes more like it does if you have a toke on an unlit joint of it. When inhaling it seemed to produce more of a skunky taste... I would take a big ass pull off a J blow out smoke and deeply breath in & out through my nose which seemed to amplify the taste??? I dunno man, but it worked for me :joint::abduct: lol...

very interesting that we both experienced that different taste on the way in as out. yes my pollen chucking was really worth while. looks like not one of them will disappoint despite the mites. once they are trimmed you actually find the green color again lol. i am totally looking forward to doing some deep analysis on all 5 ladies when they are finally harvested dried and cured a bit. as i say my personal growing experience with the CJ has been limited to that 1 pheno which was not one of the better ones. so it's not easy to recognize the classic CJ look, but the swollen seed pods is definitely a teller.

had this grow been pest free some of those might well have broken my records for yield, as it is they will still be very respectable numbers i'm guessing, hoping :) :joint:

As shhh said even with the borg the buds still look nice, though i dont know why get ichy on here lol it must be all the mite talk.

When you was saying ga its sounds hard to get good clones there now as alot have the borg,why dont you just have a good clear out and start from seeds ?.

haha i hate that feeling, but i only get it from leaf flea buggers, they make me shiver just to look at them covering all the stems and looking like some kinda mini maggot yuck. luckily i haven't had to deal with those for ages. not that they are hard to get rid of, just disgusting. mind you what pest isn't disgusting in the end eh?

fuck yeah, will be starting up totally fresh. except....lol....i might just need to keep these sd x cj plants and try and reveg the bottom branch on each one? i am worried about not finding those phenos again. so i will probably end up over dosing them with vertimec a few times in a row and hope that takes care of the mites, with only the stump and 1 branch it should be possible to spray them so soaking wet that nothing survives. maybe i'll use 2 different products together or give dbl dose or something.


Update---day 65 of 12/12---pics

Update---day 65 of 12/12---pics

as i am basically killing time while waiting for my batch of canna/bubble butter to be done simmering for a few hours. going to a great reggae show on friday with 5 live acts, plan to munch the brownies i'll make with the butter with some friends. added about 2.5 gs of different lesser bubble hash and about 7 g of sdxcj trim. i hope that's a good dose for 10 or 12 brownies, we can always eat 2 if needed :)

anyway i have been puffing on pheno 4 for the first time today, she is another very enjoyable smoke even though she's not even really flushed yet, very potent strong sd taste, broken bud smells more like the cj mom the seeds came from. but this one is totally awesome to smoke taste wise. i am amazed so far not one of the phenos has been less then stellar. the early sample of pheno 5 is another one that kicks ass, even though i only started her flush a day or 2 ago.

more testers



that middle one is the pheno 5 tester

pheno 2

pheno 1 if not mistaken, yes it is some pics before trim and some after.









pheno 5


pheno 3


cut pheno 2 right out of the slab so i could put her in a pot and hopefully reveg her




natural mystic
ICMag Donor
high gaiusmarius :wave:
simply great :yoinks:, awesome huge colas full on crystals :respect:
enjoy your efforts mate ...
wish you a great time on Fr :dance013:
king regards


thanks for looking in ganja_hasi,
yes it's been fun with these sd x cj seeds i made. as for the smoke quality it's just awesome, i've smoked at least a tester of every one of the 5 ladies and not one is less then stellar. i can only marvel at the quality of the original CaseyJones and SourDiesel ibl, as every single lady grown from seeds of those has turned out amazing.

anyway here we have pheno 3, i had to chop her rather suddenly as i noticed some mold forming in the top cola. hence i cut the big buds totally open to make sure no more mold was hiding.

on this cutting session i took down the sd x cj pheno 3 and another tester of pheno 4.

pheno 3


test branch of pheno 4 i believe



this is definitely pheno 4


pheno 3 close up




pheon 4 is also chopped and drying now, will post the pics soon. only pheno 5 is left standing and i have a sneaky feeling she is gonna be the most special of them all. she is the first lady i've smoked that really makes me understand where the diesel name came from. this girl is very compact and covered in resin, i have a feeling she could make much better colas under better circumstances, but even if not, as long as she maintains that smell in the taste i'll not be the one to complain. this one more then all the others needs to be successfully re vegged, gonna try it with all of them, 2 already got there 1 and a half dose of vertimec and are standing in the veg box, the other 3 will be by tonight. the strong dose of vertimec has caused the leaves that are left on the bottom branches to get a bit crispy lol, but at least there should be no more mites if they survive.



I knew that pheno 5 was gonna be a good one... I that the late starter right? How is the re-vegging coming along mate? I hate mold, it suck... good you caught it nice n early though as that could cause havoc with the other ladies.

Glad all the girls are no less than stellar, the genes were a nice mix to begin with, cant wait to see a GM SoG with some SDxCasey girls doing their thang! :wave:


I knew that pheno 5 was gonna be a good one... I that the late starter right? How is the re-vegging coming along mate? I hate mold, it suck... good you caught it nice n early though as that could cause havoc with the other ladies.

Glad all the girls are no less than stellar, the genes were a nice mix to begin with, cant wait to see a GM SoG with some SDxCasey girls doing their thang! :wave:

yeah you were the first to sugest that pheno 5 might be special. it's still drying now so can't smoke any right now, but i can't wait. yes that's the slow one. turned out very tight, some how it got a type of indica dom thing going, that totally reminds me of the white widow afghan that used to be around here a lot. very nice and easy to cut, leaves pointing straight out, would love to do a whole table with her and pheno 1. although when it comes to taste the lose pheno 4 is incredible strong in her typical SD taste, so far it seems pheno 12 and 4 are very similar in taste, while pheno 3 has more of a casey Jones dominance to her, she doesn't look much like the Casey i've seen in peoples pics, but the taste i remember from truecannablis's CaseyJones is there. at the moment i'm really enjoying having all these phenos to smoke.

yes the re vegging project is underway, the pheno 1 and 2 have been in the veg box for about a week, while pheno 3,4 and 5 just got put in the veg box last night. i used a very strong poison against the mites called vertimec, this shit actually kills everything and is absorbed by the plant so that any newly hatched mites that suck on those leaves in the next 10 days after spray will also die. as some mites are getting resistant to that shit, i decided to give them 1 and a half times the recommended dose. i'm hopping that will do the trick, but intend to repeat the spray in 7 days, last thing i want is the mites infecting my new outdoor babies that are being vegged up a bit before they get put out in the wilds.

damn what a long post lol, better get some pics up to make up for all the reading.



Great wrapup on the 5 pheno's Gaius. It was a very nice run, amigo.


glad you enjoyed the show, even if the top44 didnt do very well, it's been worth it for the nice smoke on these seedlings.

final harvest numbers are not in yet, but for the top 44 i got 910g, pretty fucked up for 1800 watts lol. i suppose the 5 sd xcj girls will bring in another 120g or so, still need to weigh them when pheno 5 is dry.

have done much better before now yield wise, i blame it on my trying to push the top 44 too much with ferts. for some reason i decided to test their limits and once again it seems less is more as always in coco. on the other hand the mites didn't help either.

anyway here the pics from harvesting pheno 4 and pheno 5 still standing at that time.





pheno 4 of sd x cj










Well it's not your best no's for sure bro, but as u say u had those freakin mites n trying to push the EC limits may have also hindered... Ah well I bet u couldn't give a rats ass about those numbers when ur smokin on that fine looking CJ x SD mate ;)

I'm really looking forward to seeing you kill it with a full CJ x SD SoG, that no5 is a prime candidate along with the other one, can't remember which now, but there was definitely another that had typical SoG characteristics, and good calyx to leaf ratio.

Good poopoo bro :D


yeah man to me it's more about making it to harvest and being able to actually enjoy the fruits of your labor so to speak. then getting those perfect gpw numbers. although i would be lying if i said i wasn't hoping for better. still like i said getting that harvest in is what counts. in that way it's been successful :) you can't have perfect gpw numbers every time specially with an unfamiliar strain, lol there i am making excuses...i probably did limit the harvest with trying to push them too much too. oh well

as for the sd x cj seedlings, they have been a real life saver for me, my old stash of special stuff was getting very low. very nice to have a choice of choice :joint:

it was pheno 1 that made a real good yield of nice swollen calyxes and it has that clasic (to me) sour diesel taste and look, rather like the SD ibl did that produced her. pheno 2 could be interesting too, she's rather similar in looks and taste to pheno 1, but as i accidentally topped her 2 weeks in to 12/12 and she didn't keep stretching like pheno 3 and 4 she ended up yielding 17g, there just wasn't many branches and i already took 2 samples branches off her before i actually harvested her. all the other had a lot more on them will get back with final results on the others.

i too really hope they manage to re veg themselves. they are getting 18/6 now, specially pheno 5 would i think be hard to find again. should be dry enough for a smoke today or tomorrow.

puff puff and pass :joint:


Keep us updated on the reveg efforts, Gaius. I wondered during your grow is the additional EC you fed the Top44 affecting the other gals lower down the slab. Did you notice any such effects.




well the first 2 phenos i tried to reveg look dead to be honest :)

that means both pheno 1 and 2 are probably lost, pheno 3, 4 and 5 are still alive and i think i see new growth, although it's to early to be sure. might have over done the vertimec on pheno 1 and 2. i'm hoping i will be able to replace that pheno from the seeds.

anyway here are the pics from trimming the last sd x cj pheno 5, with her distinctly Afghan stature and smell, she also has a strong SD taste when you smoke her with a slight background of fuel flavor. this is a pheno i haven't grown before and i really hope she re veges ok.

pheno 5 with fan leaves removed








pheno 5 all trimmed, made nearly as much charass as the other 4 plants combined :)

pheno 4 after drying

here we have pheno 3 after drying, she made 58g plus what ever the testers weighed


natural mystic
ICMag Donor
high gaius :)
always a pleasure to have a look at your updates :cool:

it's a pity about the 2 lost phenos , but I'm quite sure that you going to have the chance to replace them ..
great looking buds :yummy: :yes:

enjoy your efforts mate :smokeit:



Oh my! I knew that pheno5 was a special lady ;) Sorry to keep banging on about calling it early but I had my suspicions that she would be STELLAR!

The other also look superb but she is clearly the looker out of the sisters. Good yield from those few plants too mate... Should see you through, maybe until you have a full tray of one or a couple of these ladies :joint:

Nice show bro :wave:

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