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Nomaad OD:2010


Active member
How do you go about drying all of the trim so it can be processed? Drying racks for that too? Or cover the floor with tarps and hand turn it till dry, then into paper bags to finish and get all moisture out?


yeah planty thats a good idea. the little buds are the big time takers. alot more surface area per lb. and that would give the lower branches a little more time to mature.


Active member
i use the automatic spinpro bowl trimmer for my medium and small buds. it does about 2 oz at a time, and it takes about 1 minute. you just have to have the buds ready to be trimmed. then they go into drying racks with 45% humidity.

The solid colas will get hung dried and hand trimmed. an elbow of nice colas is always better looking to the consumer.


Active member
How do you go about drying all of the trim so it can be processed? Drying racks for that too? Or cover the floor with tarps and hand turn it till dry, then into paper bags to finish and get all moisture out?

That gives me an idea...


looking forward to the next update nomaad!!
if ya got time check out my socal grow...nothing compared to the size and scale of yours but pulling in some spring harvests for fun... med grow for 2 patients

hope all is going good up there you guys getting all this rain/fog too???


No matter what way I decide to trim I will be doing two cuts. That second cut makes a huge difference I hear... A good buddy of mine, when he pulled an average of 10.5, got the majority of the weight from leaving the bottoms to go another two weeks...I really hope that this El Nino or whatever it is translates out in to an Indian summer......I want to leave one threat standing till 11/2 to see if I can get some purple threat.

My indoor has always been hand trimmed, I tried the trim pro a couple times and it works well with the right technique but I like to just cut my indoor down and dry it properly and hand trim it...that's the point of doing indoor right? To have the 'finer' grade where outdoor is more 'coarse'...and I give the trim away...I also gave away all the trim from my grow last year and plan to do the same this year..the people who get it love it and always bring me all kinds of edibles that they bake so it works out for every one. I always threw the trim pro trim away, it looks like it got ran over by a lawn mower and most the trichs ended up on the grate and blade and the trim was very "green"...If I do the second cut with the machine which I'm seriously considering doing because I had a reality check the other night from a friend.....I will also throw the twister trim away too...

Yes I just Irie posted so toughly... Golden Goat is AAA


Active member
The harvesting in stages plan is in my future. It works to varying degrees with different strains. Your fav, the Blue Dream, grows like mad after you take off the first round. And the colors are beautiful if the temps drop.

Its nice to take a lot of care with your outdoor... but there is just too much of it. That why a Gran Riserva... all handled by loving human hands. Virgins, maybe.

We make bubble with all trim and donate it to the free disbursement program at Good Karma. Last year we collected a bunch of other trim as well and worked with a coupld of other collectives, but other than Good Karma, they all proved greedy about the whole thing. I'm looking into another spot, more urban, to add to the program this year... we'll see if they live up to the standard set at GKG for compassion and generosity and support of the community.

So much trim being thrown away... if anybody has such nefarious plans for their trim this year, donate it to GKG and it will be bubbled to perfection and handed out free to the members of the collective... those most in need and least able to take care of their own needs will be prioritized. Jobs are also created for those who make the bubble.


besides trim, the leaves can be used to make butter and canna flour. stems for, keif or dare i mention iso extract. i wonder if anyone is making hemp clothing out of their stalks, or is this plant not, "hemp" enough. I know a few actual drs at ceders sinai that have vowed to send me in need patients. so far they havent. if you hear of an urban legit location in socal to donate to hit me up please Nomaad. or anyone.


jeeze... how would u support the plant considering my idea of having many different points at which the plant is rooted? speaking of which... i am going to play with this idea in one of my plants in the greenhouse. I am going to extend some lower branches on a Blue Dream and bury a part of them at the outside rim of the pot... I'll see how it roots and whether the additional rooting areas speed up or slow down the plant's development compared to the other plants in the greenie.

hey nomaad,
did you ever end up doing this expiriment?


Active member
Nope. I am such a flake. Wish I had the headspace to do all these little experiments. Once I am potted in my final pots, perhaps I will try this. Thanks for reminding me. Would be cool to see what happens.


Active member
I'd love to get that job...how does GKG decide who gets it?

We hold a thunderdome-type cage match with your choice of weapon... you know, your basics; chainsaw, baseball bat with nails thru it, halbred, etc. Two stoners enter, one stoner leaves. I'll let you know when we're holding qualifiers.

Seriously, though... In the past I have based it on people's financial needs and availability in the moment.


Active member
localhero: I had baaad luck with the places in SoCal I tried to work with. Straight hustlers.
Hey i was thinking about light dep projects without having to buy a growbot or forever flower unit.. im sure someone has thought of it before but i have none who used it.

What if instead of building a hoop house or advanced greenhouse to do your blackout curtain, you built a shed big enough to house all of the ladies you desired. Then built double doors that are the length of your shed on one side.

Then you build a platform of wood on a roller (like drawers roll back and forth) where your smartpots/plants would sit on top of. So you open the doors and pull the platform out, and push it back in and close the doors. Plus enough ventilation and wouldnt be able to do a large large platform... but hey just a thought


Active member
I haerd about a light dep like this... bunch of dollies that got rolled out of a warehouse into a sunny area every day and rolled back inside at night. They still got tarped inside the warehouse for complete light tightness. But the plants were safe at night. This supposedly happened in a neighborhood of LA.
Why would you need to use the additional tarp if your warehouse has no light leaks? or maybe there were too many leaks.. thats why they tarped?


Active member
warehouses are generally not engineered for zero light leaks. more work to light proof the warehouse than to hang some tarps.


nomaad, i have a few simple questions i hope you might generously provide some insight on?

in my cold frame\ greenhouse we did pots straight on rock and gravel. do you think this will be too hot during summer months? should i cover the surface with quality top soil, or commercial weed block? or just get down with it?

im new to outdoor, even though indoors im ten yrs plus. i need to have a first yr success story, any help from you would be appreciated very much.

good luck again.