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24 Purple Kush hydro setup


Weed Robot
i know guys the pics is what gets us by each day but to many is like you cant see what the difference is between each pic.funny that only one person ask me for my formula feeding regimen and no one else cares.i 've done my own feeding chart and is been working sweet but only thing its for 96 gallon res but its easy to divide my math to your res size.everyone has a special way of mixing just takes time to find it


Weed Robot
this is for all my fellow friends here in ICMAG
from start to finnish it would cost you no more then $1764 on all nutes including PH up PH down.this is from start to finnish for my setup if you have a smaller res size it will be alot cheaper



I love my life
$1760 on nutes Fuck that is pricey! Well at least you will get 20+lbs.

I just looked on line and I can get 6gal GH micro, bloom, grow, diamond nectuar and 1 gal B'cuzz bloom and grow for $809 and those six gallon jugs last several runs for me.

Do you really think the price difference in nutes is worth it?



I've seen the trim reaper in action quite a bit lately: the results may not be photo-op worthy but they'll save you a year of carpal tunnel treatments.

Digging the grow DG -- ^5


Weed Robot
$1760 on nutes Fuck that is pricey! Well at least you will get 20+lbs.

I just looked on line and I can get 6gal GH micro, bloom, grow, diamond nectuar and 1 gal B'cuzz bloom and grow for $809 and those six gallon jugs last several runs for me.

Do you really think the price difference in nutes is worth it?


look at all the additives on my list,lots compaired to just your diamond nectar and B'cuz.
what i can say is the stuff works great and if the plants are happy then its all worth it for me.the price is higher because of the extra additives i'm geting.i can only say it works for me and at the end it will pay for its self.but you stated i'm getting more cristals the your runs with PK then there must be something to do with nutes you think?we'll see if i make base ball bat buds on these PK if not then i spent my money wrongly

and this feeding chart you will not find else where.i made it from my hard work of trial and error


Only way to truely know bro would be to try something else in same room same variables with the same cut and see what result came out in comparison to your current regime


I love my life
look at all the additives on my list,lots compaired to just your diamond nectar and B'cuz.
what i can say is the stuff works great and if the plants are happy then its all worth it for me.the price is higher because of the extra additives i'm geting.i can only say it works for me and at the end it will pay for its self.but you stated i'm getting more cristals the your runs with PK then there must be something to do with nutes you think?we'll see if i make base ball bat buds on these PK if not then i spent my money wrongly

and this feeding chart you will not find else where.i made it from my hard work of trial and error

No I am all about the math, your shit has looked good from day one. I always knew you did it rock solid. It is just hard to say if it is the nutes, or the huge buckets with a great drip system allowing 10gal of roots.

I don't care either way I want you to have the biggest harvest ever. You've got good system, good temps, good nutes and it works perfectly.

I was just wondering if you believed the extra $1500 in nutes returned the results, and it is a pretty lame question because it doesn't take too many grams to make that up over 24 plants.

I'm a journeyman and stoner you are an artist. The PK makes me look better than I really am, it is the true champion and you make her look amazing :artist:



Active member

man you manage to pack them in tight on those trays....i wish i could get mine like that what did i do wrong?

i feel like if i cramp em any closer the leaves touch too much...heaven for PM..what do you recomend?


Weed Robot
No I am all about the math, your shit has looked good from day one. I always knew you did it rock solid. It is just hard to say if it is the nutes, or the huge buckets with a great drip system allowing 10gal of roots.

I don't care either way I want you to have the biggest harvest ever. You've got good system, good temps, good nutes and it works perfectly.

I was just wondering if you believed the extra $1500 in nutes returned the results, and it is a pretty lame question because it doesn't take too many grams to make that up over 24 plants.

I'm a journeyman and stoner you are an artist. The PK makes me look better than I really am, it is the true champion and you make her look amazing :artist:


thanks man for the kind words.but i truely think nutrients have a big roll in this too.it is why you like to work with GH vs. other nutrient brands you getting better quality and yield right?well like texicannibus said the only why is to do the same strain side by side with different nute companies.the thing is when i add an additive i can see it working so its why i'm pleased with AN.if i grew with GH i would be spending the same amount if i bought them additives and believe me i had spent lots on money using GH with their feeding chart in one run.next run i do a side by side so we get to the bottom of this.hydrosun you work hard your not a slacker your always bringing new idea's to the table you are a great grower but if some nutrients can get you lets say 4 lbs more would you try it?maybe its something we need to put to the test.when i have a feeling on how plant grow structure and how they act to nutes i get a clear view that i'm given what they like.
one question why is it you and many that are growing PK are going as high as 1200 - 1300 ppm and i cant get pass 950 ppm and i been watching closely and the plants are telling me to back off of 950 ppm because i see small signs of the tips burnning but not realy its just i got my eyes on every movement .i cant make them any greenner or that would be over kill.but yeah 1200-1300 ppm and i cant go higher then 950 ppm is signs to me that we are working with different nutrients and concentrations


i feel like if i cramp em any closer the leaves touch too much...heaven for PM..what do you recomend?
Better environment; some oscillating fans (I love wall-mount's), lower RH%. Warmer night (if there is one) temperatures can help, too.


Weed Robot
man you manage to pack them in tight on those trays....i wish i could get mine like that what did i do wrong?

i feel like if i cramp em any closer the leaves touch too much...heaven for PM..what do you recomend?

first off are you into flower stage? if your in veg can explain the stretch your getting because of the HPS bulbs.you should use florecents or MH bulbs to keep them from stretching this is why you feel you dont have much room because plants are stretched out.if you in bloom try and leave the MH bulb for first 10 days of 12/12 to stop the stretch some,it helps.most plants with small pots or root ball tend to grow skinny and stretchy i would look into that as of now because the size of them at the moment looks like that will help your case now.i left mine for to long in them small pots and they starting to strech too i need to transplant them soon


one question why is it you and many that are growing PK are going as high as 1200 - 1300 ppm and i cant get pass 950 ppm and i been watching closely and the plants are telling me to back off of 950 ppm because i see small signs of the tips burnning but not realy its just i got my eyes on every movement .i cant make them any greenner or that would be over kill.but yeah 1200-1300 ppm and i cant go higher then 950 ppm is signs to me that we are working with different nutrients and concentrations
The cut I'm running with GH also seems to peak at about around there (750-850ppm; under 2.0 EC) in mid-late flower, after tapering down on the N. She easily took more earlier during stretch & budset (about 1100ppm; or ~2.2 EC). Running 2.2 EC right now with the same mix would almost surely result in clawing. I would expect running 2.2 EC with P/K displacing N at this stage would result in tip burns.


Active member
thanks for the tips...i will make sure to use a shitton of wallmounts and break out my MH for veg...ive always had major problems with stretching now i know why


Weed Robot
The cut I'm running with GH also seems to peak at about around there (750-850ppm; under 2.0 EC) in mid-late flower, after tapering down on the nitrogen. She easily took more earlier during stretch & budset (about 1100ppm; or ~2.2 EC). Running 2.2 EC right now with the same mix would almost surely result in clawing. I would expect running 2.2 EC with P/K displacing N this late would result in tip burns.

i guess everyones metter is saying different readings mine reads 1.6 ec = 800 ppm and 2.2 ec = 1100
so your saying the N maybe the cause of burn? possible makes sense in a way


My meter is actually a "PPM" meter, I just do the 500 division manually for posting purposes since different brands use different interpretation scales.

I'm not sure whether your particular case would be due to N (I would expect to see at least slight clawing/cupping instead of flat leaves), but my first guess would be "no".

I use the 3-part from GH, which IIRC, is identical to AN's 3-part (even down to the dye color). One of the key reasons why I like the 3-part over other 1- or 2-part nutrients is the control it gives me in being able to reduce (and later eliminate) the N (and Ca) in later parts of flower -- weeks prior to flush -- when they do best w/o that stuff. IME/IMO, this produces cleaner, "better" burning buds with a nice "fall" look on the fan leaves by the time flush is done. The times I've fed N straight through, I've almost always ended up with green (or at best "not yellow/purple [depending on strain] enough") fan leaves at harvest even with a nice long flush. Obviously dependent on strain, length of flower and amounts/timing to some extent but I've found this to be true for "most". An explanation might be that the plant doesn't use much N in late flower, and doesn't have as much of a chance/time to metabolize all of the stored N.


Active member
another quick newb question..what do yall usually do with your plant tops? i tried making clones out of them but they seem to go full retard on me. somethin about lower branches having more strengh to form clones....feels like a waste to throw that top branch off though.


I've read / heard that bit about lower branches as well, but didn't really find that to be the case in my experience. There are a bunch of cloning threads here that would probably help you out, rather than go into the wash, rinse, repeat in another man's grow thread. :dunno: :2cents:


I love my life
another quick newb question..what do yall usually do with your plant tops? i tried making clones out of them but they seem to go full retard on me. somethin about lower branches having more strengh to form clones....feels like a waste to throw that top branch off though.

Throw them in a cup of ro water set on your window ledge wait two weeks you'll have roots. Change the water ever three days or so.
