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Jujitsu anyone.......

I started with traditional ninjitsu classed as a kid, then subsequently I learned all my jujitsu (bjj) from internet videos, ahaha. I learned most of it from from the old Gracie videos. Not entirely ideal, but it has saved me in a few hairy situations.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
just wondered if anyone here studies jujitsu like myself or other mma

I am old and crippled, so not for about 28 years, but I emersed myself in martial arts for around 19 years previous to that.

What little jujitsu I studied was in the military, but I did take Karate and Aikido, in addition to Kendo for sport, as well as fencing foil, saber, and epee.

gracie or bjjj can always help u out in a hand to hand battle ......myself i pull guard and wait for your mistake...... me and my 8yr old son is now taking BJJ together i been doing it for over 12yrs glad to see a few of us here still get into martial arts


Well-known member
I'm on the cusp of a Gracie purple belt, its taken 3 years and a shoulder operation. I just love it, especially when I'm not currently injured. I definatley get hurt more easily and more frequently than the tough 20 year olds, Im almost 50.


Active member
if you concentrate your efforts into 1 way you lack in 9 others,
if you concentrate in 9 ways and you lack in 1 it is also a weakness.
not a exact quote but its from myamoto musashi's book of 5 rings, explore this thouroughly.


HI, i have practised judo and japanese samurai ju jitsu for about 10yrs now in da uk,from an old irish gent who is a 7th dan.
Originally i wanted to learn an old form of indian wrestling called khusti but its only practised in the indian subcontinent.im very pleased with the knowledge i've gained...remain in harmony..azad


i used to do a lot of fighting when i was younger.
and most street fights only last 30-60 seconds if its a punches flying fight
if its a go to ground its a bit longer.
one time though i had a fight in a back yard with a boy and it went on for a half hour
boy talk about endurance,me and this guy started gnawing each other because of
no energy left we ended up agreeing a draw.
my phylosophy in fighting is out last the other guy.
i never under estimate anyone but always try and evaluate the person if i can.
ive tried a few techniques in the past and judo is good for taking boxers down
do what ever gets you a win though.
yeah this man is old now but in his day he couldnt be stopped ...these boys in ufc have it to easy now they only fight one fight a night and so many rules have been added its redictuless i would like to see UFC under the old rules agian 8 fights in one night that shows who the real man is

anyway heres my mentor always has been always will be reguardless of his age win or loss



Have practised some form of martial art most of my life. When I was young, did karate & judo. As I got older, mom thought it best that I study muay thai (since she's thai and all). Study muay thai for a couple of years until I joined the military. Was stationed all around the world and took classes whenever/wherever I could. Studied JKD, BJJ, Aikido, and Kempo. Tore my knee up pretty bad (not martial arts related) so now I'm taking boxing as BJJ can be a little tough on the joints.

Huge MMA fan though! Have seen every single UFC. Met Dana White a couple weeks ago. Have also meet Chuck, Randy, Dan Severn, and a bunch of other UFC fighters past & now. Seen most of the WECs. Seen every Pride, Sengoku, and Dream fight/tournament. If you ever have a chance to go see a Japanese Tournament - GO! It's amazing! Very different than what you see when you go to a US event. I'm also a big supporter/follower of the local Colorado MMA scene, which reminds me - Shane Carwin is a beast!


Active member
i got a reconstructed knee,( cadaver achillies tenden in place of my ACL and big tear in my miniscus) its tuff to try to train,you should look into shaolin gung fu there are internal methods that are low impact and are good for your overall health,im waiting for a book i ordered it should be in anyday now its called The shaolin workout 28 days to transforming your body and soul the warriors way.its about the internal method of qi gong, and is written by a shaolin monk shifu shi yan ming, a 34th generation deciple.and if i do have a chance ill go to japan one day,but these trips are expensive i want to stay at the temple for a year it costs 5k+ .


Active member
my bad, its by shifu yan lei , but shifu shi yan ming has another one that im about to order,i just like his attitude but yan lei is a excellent monk to be inspired by. buy either one you as a martial artist are following THE WAY and thats what counts.


Active member
yup,thats all iv been doing.the thing that sucks is not having people to spar with to test out the applications,also its tough to figure out the applications without people to show you.so thats 2 aspects of it.before you buy JKD youll be doing yourself a favor by buying a basic boxing book first. im not insaulting anyones style of martial arts but if you want to i suggest staying in the chinese martial arts its the fore runner of all modern forms,witch are manipulated by the current practitioners to their own beleifs.the chinese used them in REAL hand to hand combat.and the japanese did also but they tend to have a twist in the thinking and movments and applications witch to me seem very mechanical.i am in no way a expert but i just want to help ya get off on the right foot.


I was curious of one could learn Ju jitso, JKD, or Akido from self study (books, videos)?

You might be able to pick up a few things here and there if you had a partner to practice on. But you plan on using the techniques in a fight or something, you will need to find a school.

Aikido sucks btw. Find a jiu jitsu (notice how thats spelled) school.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
ive done some san soo training... that stuff is pretty rad.
my instructor was pretty stoked i was into it.. its a big mans fighting style. BRUTAL i lvoe the throws!!!!

ive also done some killer training with progressive fighting systems... "filthy mma"

the best thing about pauls art/style is its based on doing things you cant do in a sanctioned/holds barred fight - its all "cheating" so to speak.... perfect for streetfighting/self defense

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