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StealthDragon's Micro Multi Perpetual Boxes.

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Recovering UO addict.
Yep, clones of the same plant, same soil..etc... Flowered out at 3" Dr. Bud style. Under my cfls the LED plantlet would be expected to yield 4.5 - 6 grams dry. The ss clone that I currently have under cfls is super cropped so I won't gauge the weights against each other..rather I'll compare it to my past yields under cfl of similar height with this strain.

I will however be able to show the different qualities of cfl vs. led vs. cmh (macros) and will give a smoke report. The eta on all that is at about the end of the month.


Recovering UO addict.
Well I've harvested the led plant..I still need to get more pictures organized and uploaded but here's a quick summary.

The led plant had smells that I've never smelled coming from this strain before. Generally this super skunk smells like exactly that, skunk...with just a hint of sweetness (kind of like a light under tone of the ISS type smell). While flowering under these leds for a about a week it had a strong coffee smell, then got a very light fruity smell to it. At harvest the buds smelled like a mixture of sweet fruit and fresh pumpkin. It amazed me quite a bit as there was no strong skunk smell to it, light undertones but not the super strong skunk smell that I'm used to when harvesting this strain. Usually trimming this stuff stinks up my whole house like a skunk, yet this time there was just a fresh fruity type smell and not skunky at all.

I'd guess the different light spectrums can somehow bring out different terpenes. I don't mean like bring out recessive genes while the plant is already going or anything...I mean like it might change the dominance or I guess priority of the strengths of different ones? I dunno. more tests will eb done with other strains to see if there's any change in the scents produced.whew.

Bud size was smaller then I would expect under my cfls, yet this was only one clone. The plant budded well from top to bottom, yet didn't seem to fill out as much as normal, which could have just been a weak clone, user error ;) The plant definitely ripened quicker..it almost seemed to ripen as it grew, usually at harvest the top colas are still shooting out a few new pistils yet under the leds there was almost no sign of new pistil growth at 60 days.

well, I guess that's more than a quick summary lol. I'd say that I haven't really tested the leds that much, was planning on flowering some other plants in there as well but they outgrew the cabinet and had to be relocated halfway through flower. More cuts will be run through the LEDs Dr. bud style in order to get a good feel for what these lights can produce. all in all I'm very happy with the light so far for vegging and plan on buying a larger one to veg with.

hope everyone is doing well. you can check out my gallery for some new pics if yer bored. I'll probably update this post in a day or 2 with some pics to compare.

here's my new pride and joy. she gets sexier by the day. behold:

Blue Moon Rocks



Yo Stealth my man, it just keeps on looking grrrrreat ! Keep it up !
I´m gonna enjoy watching as you are going to put some clones through DrB.Greengenes´ style.
Can´t wait!!


Recovering UO addict.
Hi all.

well sorry for the absence Tatz, I actually had to use the led cabinets for veg.

here's why :jump:

been busy,busy,busy! but fear not I still have all my micros up and running and are being used to test autos, new seeds, make seeds, flower males...etc. I'm in the sllloooow process of uploading pics from my phone so maybe later tonight I'll do a full update of stuffs if anyone's interested? I also started diving into coco and hydro and I'm loving it so far, and my girls are too.

I got a new super cloning trik I'm tryin out too, I'll tell ya bout it later ;) I doubt I'm the first but I've never seen it done before, so we'll see if it works out!


A new super cloning trik ?!!? Tell me more, tell me more !!
I too have been absence for a while, there´s been a lot going on lately.
My vent died right when ambient temps were about 30 C and left me with temps above 40 C !! So I roasted most of my plants in flowering stage, but I saved all those in veg...

Stay safe, healthy and Stealthy !


Recovering UO addict.
Doh sucks about the temps man, but at least all was not lost.
Here's some pics of what I've been up to lately.

..built a new, bigger bubble cloner and barely fit the pump in the front. I'm amazed that it's actually quieter then the old, smaller single hose pump I had.

In the PC - collecting some sour 60 pollen and popping a few crosses I made from some chemdog/sour diesel pollen I stocked up on. I ordered some cd/sd beans from rez and, well I'll just say they didn't work out too well. I ended up flowering out a male though and collected tons, I mean tons of pollen from it. Probably 100 little packs and bindles full of it, safely stored away. I crossed it out to alot of stuff and I'm currently popping cheeseXcd/sd, ogkushXcd/sd, and a nycd bag seed that had an amazing smell and flavor. anyways here's the new room....

I'm not going to go into detail on that grow though, this is the micro forum after all. there's like 10 different strains in there too...don't feel like naming them all atm.

here's my first coco plant, it's about a week into flower now....I wouldn't have gone coco if it wasn't for Scrubninja and the H3ad goes Coco thread.

she's a beast! about a week into flower now using h3ad's 6x9 recipe + 2 ml calmag @ 5.9 and red mixed brick cocotek stuff, or as Scrub would say the "regs" of coco hahah.

here's a soil vs coco comparison shot...same strain same size clones and lighting etc....I stopped the side by side at that point and went and bought more coco lol!

here's some ngb shots, plants are still loving the leds.

some coco stuff and a hydro bucket thing in the left side, some sour60 starting to flower in the middle, and some stuff on the right that's probably gonna go into flower as soon as there's room under the big lights.

so here ya go tatz..finally, I took a few clones like this just messing around to see if it will work.

...I have a few strains, bmr and gdp that will not stretch for sh*t! I hate cutting clones off of them and having to trim off 5 or 6 nodes for 1 clone. So if I could do sideways clones like this it would make cloning those stubborn bushes much quicker...so 1 node = 1 clone.

I don't quite think the growth tip has enough leaf matter to have the "energy" to produce roots. and the leaf stem on the few clones I made like that are kinda shorter then they normally would be. Also it depends on if the leaf stem can expand and grow with the plant as it grows...we'll see. I plan on having failures along the way but I'll work it out somehow. Might end up not working but I'll have fun experimenting either way. Plus I have a few tricks up my sleeve to increase my chances of success later on, ..ie, airlayering. Also I've cloned leaves before..they don't do anything after they root..but a leaf stem will grow roots, just not sure if it will work "backwards" like this. Anyone ever seen this tried before? Plz discuss.

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Recovering UO addict.
here's a few more shots.

just a pic of the desk not much going on right now...

I have a bmr and a white russian that I'm about to hit with some sour60 pollen....better late then never. also there's a chemdog/sourdiesel in there that's gonna get hit up with a ton of cd/sd pollen in a few more weeks.

and look I built a "malebox" hehe.

Just a speaker with a single cfl and a spare filter i had lying around. Inside is a male purplepower that should start droppin pollen in a few days...and a superskunk male from the same seed pack as the female SS I have. The 2 SS seeds that were left in that original pack were held onto for years and years by a friend...it is going to be soooo nice to be able to cross it back to original SS...and have these genetics preserved because the female I have is an amazing pheno..



Welcome back SD! Wow, mate, you've been busy! That's a laboratory if I ever saw one. Can't wait to see the new micros when ya get back into it, to...

Hey, what's the light/dark banding over some of those HPS photos? Looks like it's coming through a Venetian blind!



BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
That is some incredible work Stealth dragon!!!! major reps to you bro and I'm sorry I have'nt been by your thread sooner...
take care and keep up the excellent work!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
Holy wowserz! This is amazing SD. You weren't kidding when you said you were busy, busy, busy! Just amazing. Much kudos my man!


Recovering UO addict.
Thanks everyone :)

sx- the dark lines are just from the lights...for some reason the pic of the right side just didn't get the lines in it.

Sadly my little sideways clones dried out and died. I'm hoping the leaf stem was too thin and couldn't take up water,or there wasn't a big enough growthtip..I'll try again tonite and if that doesn't work maybe I'll try to make a mini air layer on a few leaf stems.


wow you got a little of everything in here. Pretty cool stuff you got goin on. I gotta order up some of those BMR beans & maybe some C99 bx1.


Hey StealthDragon,

Just read through this whole thread, inspiring seeing where your growing itch has taking you from, when you first started in a computer case, untill now with your 800w scrog cab (which looks a gorgeous hue of purple).. I was just wondering, in your 4x 27w CFL cab do you supercrop all of the plants that are put in there or just the ones that appear to leggy in the first weeks of flower? Also do you aero clone and transplant into soil? Have you ever tried rooting powder? Furthermore, i was wondering how much of an increase you've seen in your electric bill since you first started, compared to now with your multiple set-ups?

Glad to subscribe, Keep it green



Recovering UO addict.
Thanx Tilt! I love your vert cab...inspiring. I've actually had a hermie problem with my bushy pheno of bmr, but PLZ don't let that stop you from ordering bmr, just giving you the heads up!! I personally am going to order more BMR in the near future since I was only gifted 2 seeds in the first place and the quality of the bud, the smells, ease to grow..these are some truly great genetics.

Hi q ball, thanks for taking the time to check out my thread.

Yeh I go from my bubble/aero cloner into soil, the plants usually need a week to show new growth after that so I'm looking towards using jiffy pucks to clone in for less transplant shock. I tried cloning in soil but that didn't work out at all, coco pucks seem to be working a little better but I still need more practice. ;) I use a gel once in a while (rootech cloning gel) and I really don't like it, and I plan on not using anymore. With straight water I was doing fine, just wanted to speed it up a little with the gel. The gel (for me) tends to make the cutting wilt..I make sure to use a very small amount but I think it clogs the cut tips till it washes off in the cloner. I could just presoak my cuttings in water fer about 10 minutes before applying the gel but I don't have time for that!! Maybe powder does better, but as I said straight water works awesome as long as it's changed regularly like every few days. Straight tap is usually fine too, the chlorine will bubble out quickly and it probably helps to keep the water a little cleaner. I actually used to use bottled water for my cloner since it only holds about a liter, but be careful doing this because some bottled waters have a ph of like 8.0 which is way too high for hydro stuffs, plus tap has the extra micros in it.

I usually only supercrop the plants that overgrow the cabinet, this usually only happens when I'm testing a new strain and trying to find that "sweetspot" I think I may have mentioned earlier that I usually get around a 25% yield increase by supercropping those top 4-5 inches...no matter what the plant size. Obviously I would get a good yield increase if the plant was extra tall and had to be supercropped, but I've also supercropped smaller plants when space allows. Sure I get a small boost in yield from doing this, but the plant also then takes up the same room as 2-3 noncropped plants would. So in a normal sog run it becomes inefficient.
The last pic I posted of the desk has a larger plant (cd/sd)that's super cropped. I supercropped that one because it didn't get flowered till it was about 6-8 inchs tall and would have overgrown the cab for certain. Also if I notice a strain that's stretching alot and might get too big, I try to squeese the top slightly (right beneath the growth tip area)crushing the inside, slowing down the top growth/slowing the stretch.

As far as power consumption goes, I barely noticed it on the bill as first when I was running the micro cabs. I also made an effort at that time to reduce my other power consumption...such as switching to cfls throughout the house, etc. The micro cabs (2 speakers+vegPC+desk) total about 350 watts all together, the largest, the desk, only runs 12/12 too so that helps.
At my other spot we run 1800w in flower + about 300w for the ngb dresser, I think the power went up like 40$ be fore the 1000w. After the 1000w I'm expecting maybe a 60$ increase on the bill altogether. Those #'s are all from memory though..could be quite a bit off.

I think a person could run, just as I did, about 200-300 watts and only notice 5-10$ increase on the bill if you start trying to do little things to save power around the house. In cases where ppl worry about a spike in their bill, a few 100watts is pretty ez to hide...much over about 300w or so starts to stick out.

:wave: whew, I have the night off so I have time to ramble! hahaha


Recovering UO addict.

Here's an update on my little hydro plant. gdp from bagseed.

It's doing really good! :jump::dance013:
5"netpot, hydroton, 50% lucas formula w/ a little calmag+, ph'd @ ~5.9. Just a 3 gallon bucket and a pair of airstones so far but when she goes into flower in another week or so the plant/lid will be transferred to a small aeroponic thingie I made.

The few "side" clones that I took didn't make it. Will try again as soon as I have room in the ole cloner.

still busy, busy...

I look forward to your questions and comments and stuff. :wave:


Recovering UO addict.
hehhe thanks. Did I mention that's my first hydro plant? lol
I have my share of failures too, I just don't take as many pics of those ;) but I've spent plenty of time and planning on things that don't work out...that's how we learn right?

one of my sour60 is nice and full of pistils and she'll be pollinated in the next few days! I'm pretty excited about that. I'm gonna get to work on collecting more pollen. :wave:


Recovering UO addict.

Hi. Here's a few sour 60 shots...

she had to be moved over to the led chamber, this is the one I'm going to pollinate.

I noticed a weird trait/mutation today. If you look in the last pic you can see the red circled area around the leaf stem..there's 2 chunks of bud growing out of the leaf stem. I've seen bud growth out of the center of a leaf before, but never out of the actual stem..pretty cool stuff. sorry I don't have better pics of it. It's only the one set of nodes that's doing it..symmetrically on both opposing leaf stems, but no where else on the plant or on my other sour 60's . and there's actually 2 areas on each stem that are popping out growth like that..about halfway between the node and the leaf. :jump: I love little things like that :)

edit: here's a crappy pic I drew that might explain it better so that no one gets confuse-ed


Marijuana Enthusiast
Pretty awesome sour60 trait you got there mate! Cant wait to see how it turns out in the end. I currently have some sour60 going they are around 34 days old right now, things are about to get exciting for me! Cheers!

P.s.: How old are your sour60 plants?
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