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Wisco's 2010 woodland misadventures


wiscoI would like to try this been reading silverbacks thread on these but was thinking of using bottles in stead...Did u do a test with and without these with the same strain?How was yield?do u think it made a huge difference?


I'm not sure about the difference of bottles or holes with or without the collars unfortunately. All my holes had them last year, and they worked well though I had pest, early flowering, and other problems so it wasn't a great test.

Whether it makes a big difference in yield or not, it definitely makes watering easier and more gradual.


Well-known member
not being critical just inquisitive, do you think the shamwow addition is necessary? It seems like it would bring a lot of expense. Wouldn't the water get to where it needs without the shamwow?


Ya its not necessary, but I got them at Walmart for like $3. They were in the auto section. I think I used 4 of the sheets for 8 collars. You could also use shop towels or even heavy duty paper towels. It just helps slow down the water flow for a more gradual watering. The roots also grew inside the fabric and stayed extra moist I'd imagine. I did make those over the winter so I had a lot of free time and probably over did it a bit.



I got my Smart Pots filled and placed in their woodland homes. The 25 gal pot got 1 bale of coco coir, a 40 pound bag of composted dairy cow manure, a 1/2 cubic foot of peat moss, half a 5 gallon bucket of sand, and various ferts.

I'll pop a clone of Texada Timewarp in it in a couple weeks. The clone is from Next Generation Seed Company's Texada Timewarp IBL. It finished Sept 25th last year. Its currently under 18/6 in a 1 gallon Rootz pot.

The 15 gal pot got completely filled with 1 bale of coco, which I didn't expect. I will amend it with some other things in a few days.

I also reinstalled the guerrilla collars, which I changed a little bit for this year. I wanted them buried deeper and needed the bottle outside the fence, so I added a couple elbows to each.

They were buried about 3 inches deep ontop of a bed of peat and vermiculite. I also buried a beer cup so I could easily transplant in the seedlings in a couple weeks. After I covered everything up with leaf litter to hide it.

My seedlings are looking pretty good. The Texada Timewarp x (CongoxGG) are the skinnier leaves, while the Manitoba Medicine #2s have the fatter leaves.

That's it for now. I was going to do some more today, but its raining so it will have to wait.


Good luck man, looking really nice so far. Wish you luck against the slugs, I'd highly recommend something with Iron Phosphate and NOT Ortho slug-getta with all the dog & animal warnings (forget the nasty ingredient) The IP works better and is safer, just a tad more $$, which is peanuts to us anyways.


Heya Argo. Yup, I actually have both kinds sitting at home. I think I will use both, but just a small amount of Ortho. One of the 4 holes I will use just the Iron as an experiment. When I first arrived at the holes about 8am yesterday, there were about 25 slugs already chilling out. Those fucks have a nasty surprise coming there way in a couple weeks.


Well-known member
Very nice tutorial Wisco and the native mulch is perfect for security. I think that leaf liter pic says it all nice job I learned a lot.


Heya Argo. Yup, I actually have both kinds sitting at home. I think I will use both, but just a small amount of Ortho. One of the 4 holes I will use just the Iron as an experiment. When I first arrived at the holes about 8am yesterday, there were about 25 slugs already chilling out. Those fucks have a nasty surprise coming there way in a couple weeks.

hehe, yeah, I have had slug damage in the past, just minor though, last year two fellow growers I know that partnered up had severe losses, so I spent a lot of time researching all the different methods on regular gardening sites, all the tricks like DE, beer in a bowl, copper, eggshells, etc have very poor results, while the pellets actually work w/the iron phosphat ones lasting 2-weeks longer than the nasty's (Methelhyide or something maybe?) just are more $$ to produce.

Anyways I had to figure something out not for the slugs but one of my best spots has a fucking bazillion snails! There is seriously spots where they are concentrated to 20/sq ft! You walk out there and all you can hear is the sound of crunching snails under your feet. You'll be happy with the pellets, I have a few gardens already well under way out there and the only living snails are really small ones, been finding a bunch of empty shells :)


Greetings all, thanks for stopping by. I am going to put the first plants of the season outside tomorrow morning :jump::):jump: so I figured I would show them under the 400w before.

6 Diesel Ryders will go out that I have already transplanted into about 3 gallons of soil. I got 3 males and 4 females out of the seeds. One girl is a runt so I didn't transplant her, but the 3 males went into one pot, and the other 3 girls go their own.


The other plants are the TT clones.

I'm also gonna start seeds in 3 swamp tubes and some in my mini GH. Tomorrow morning can't come soon enough, lets get these babies out in the sun!:plant grow:

Once those are out I can stick all my seedlings in this tent and get those babies going. They will go out around June 1st, so they will have some time under the hps.


Hey man did the frost get ya or is everythin cool in ur neck of the woods???? i took ur advice and am waitin till june 1st, and yea im glad i am!!!!. Got some pics of the ladys in there new home???


Heya Diizii, I didn't put anything out until yesterday so I am frost free so far. The forecast looks good so I think we are in the clear.

So on to the pics.


These first ones are two fold. First, something was nice enough to make me a whole bunch of mulch. What the hell did that? My initial thought is beaver, but there isn't any open water really nearby, and they seem to more take the tree down that hollow it out. Ah the joys of guerrilla growing, always new and exciting things to see and completely confuse my stoned ass. I also saw 3 falcons flying in formation yesterday, that was kick ass. Falcons/eagles are pretty much the coolest and I am seeing a lot more in recent years, but that was the first time I have seen 3 together.


So here are the Diesel Ryders. I have them in a partially shaded spot for a couple days so they can harden off. They are all inside one fence now, I'm not sure if I will bring more fence out, or just have a couple go without.

3 swamp tubes were also planted. I drilled the holes to attach my tube greenhouse for the first one, then promptly lost the drill bit. So the second one I had to use the poles from the third to stick into the dirt, and the third one had to go without. But I gave that one extra snail killer, so we'll see I guess.

I also started 15 or so seeds in my mini greenhouse.

I'm heading back over on Weds to check everything out and move the diesel ryders to their final home.


Thank you Ickis 2x

God damn those are some industrious woodpeckers. You could fit like 5 elbows in there.


My FIL lives real close to the U.P. eh, and he's attempting to do something this year. This thread is helping me point him in the right direction for his area. Thanks.


Seems like everythings rolling along nicely wisco61....Thats the craziest shit i've every seen from woodpeckers good thing u took a pic.....



Bright red bird

oh noes ticks!!! I think they're wrestling....

I moved the Diesel Ryders into full sun yesterday. I had to cull one of the males as he showed hermi traits.

But the other 2 and the girls all looked good.

Since the Diesel Ryders are now in their forest homes, I moved my seedlings and clones into the tent with the 400w. Most all of these are going to go out around June 1st.


That's it for now. Thanks for stopping by.


Landrace Lover
man... those woodpeckers must've been on cocaine! lol and ticks! eeeek i hate those things... always find them in the most tender areas! bastards!


Wisco, the woodpecker was most likely a pileated woodpecker, their about a foot tall and can make a lot of noise, one of my favorite birds, and your red bird there is a scarlet tanager very good pic, i dont see many of em in the north.

Ticks are gonna be BAD this year.

your grow is off to a good start, and |i'm betting you'll be safe from frost down south there, i'm still waiting till june, but I'm pretty far north

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