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2000watt flip/flop SOG



: Well, it is easier to cool 2k at a time, but you do have 2k + worth of power running 24/7, apples and oranges. I just like having two spaces on a monthly turnover, its what I know and am used too, thanks for stopping in bro, and any advice I can give I will, thats what this is all about :wave:

One thing most growers over look or just dont know about when running flip's... electric companies charge more for prime time power usage during buisness hrs. sometimes as much as 30% more during the day.. something to look into if your doing the apple to oranges thing..
its all the same here, that might change soon, but they are still converting to digital boxes, but our kph is only like .10, just took some shitty pics and am gonna load em now, probably gonna pull the room on Mon./60 days, mostly all skunk and cheese, the pre 00' BB is def. a keeper IMO
update rm2 day 58

update rm2 day 58

Rm 2 is at 58 days, gonna come down starting on mon, had some PH issues mid grow, but should be alright, peace dubba
One thing most growers over look or just dont know about when running flip's... electric companies charge more for prime time power usage during buisness hrs. sometimes as much as 30% more during the day.. something to look into if your doing the apple to oranges thing..
Oh yeah, and bro I'm not gonna flip at the new spot


ghost in training
Fyi everybody here is badass. Loved the journal. This inspired me to do a flip flop cabinet:) half sog other half one gaint Scrog under a 400. Goodnight ma and pa
didnt have my camera and couldnt get ahold of one for harvest, oh well, sorry! Just having been busy, rm 1 is looking really nice @ 20 days, havent decided whether or not I'm gonna give em a trim, kept all the D and my chem @ around 18" to 20", works for me so far, have never grown the D, but its looking sweet so far! I'll get some kinda pics up soon, again sorry all, just been super busy trying to get ready for this new location I signed a lease on and move in on the 1st, peace dubba


looking forward to seeing the new spot go up!
on the trim bro, if it doesnt need a full strip then dont bother. remove what will only block nodes or will block nodes.
cheers on the new spot!
Thanks J, yeah was up there with the electrician today, gonna do a couple sub panels, 1 110, 1 30amp 220 for the ballasts. Yeah, when I was in the room tonite thats kinda what I was thinking about doing tomorrow (21days), just an upper strip cuz its a little dark down low, I'll post some shots tomorrow of rm 1, tables look good canopy wise, gotta a little indent cuz I'm checking out a row of blue goo and its a shorty, that might be a good one for your jedi's cuz its super fruity indy and its compact, thanks again J for the support!! been a rough week, but its coming to a end!:dance013::dance013::dance013:
update rm 1

update rm 1

So I've been busy getting ready for a new project and whatnot, sorry I havent been keeping this thing updated! Here's rm 1 @ about 22 days when the shots were taken, this is a table of my purple chem pheno, peace dubba