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PC Case Growers Club


So it is time for my very first grow to start.
I plan on growing Lowryder as my space is very limited, my chassis height is only about 43 cm.
I will probably use the SCROG method also.

My materials
x2 25W LE - 1400 Lumens each
x2 E27 sockels
x2 Timers for the lamps
Air in (left on pic): 80mm PC fan - runs on 6V adapter
Air out (right on pic): 92mm PC fan - runs on 5V adapter
Thermometer - showing 25C when lying on top of pot

I am planning on getting 2 new silent fans and run them on 12V, and a carbon filter.

At the moment I only have industry cannabis seeds and some shitty soil for testing.
About to buy new soil today and probably order some Lowryder seeds aswell.


The box

Thermometer, showing 25C on top of pot

So feel free to post constructive feedback, tips and other stuff that might help me in the future!


little over priced, you know you cant just spam here you gotta pay for advertistment, i recommend you do so before you get banned


Grow like nobody is watching
What I don't get is that you can clearly see the light leaks in your photos and video. Also you're not fooling anyone here that a sheet of carbon padding is going to remove any smell. Hey, it's a commercial enterprise, I can understand you saying it, just that for the money I would want everything flawless. Do any of the incarnations have a real carbon filter with granulated carbon? Hope I don't sound too critical, you have done well and I love the general idea. Mrred has a good point too. Good luck with it.


New member
What I don't get is that you can clearly see the light leaks in your photos and video. Also you're not fooling anyone here that a sheet of carbon padding is going to remove any smell. Hey, it's a commercial enterprise, I can understand you saying it, just that for the money I would want everything flawless. Do any of the incarnations have a real carbon filter with granulated carbon? Hope I don't sound too critical, you have done well and I love the general idea. Mrred has a good point too. Good luck with it.

Hey there, each filter has about 10-20g of activated carbon granules placed in between 2 carbon prefilter pads. Mix that with a small can of ona on the outside, and smell is not a problem.

The new case fans we use have green LED's, which are photosynthetically neutral (won affect growth). When you place the case against a wall, the green LEDs look sweet. Also, there are 5 different ports on the sides of the case for fans, so I left one of those un-filtered for the pics - thats the only light that comes out - it can be easily covered with a filter.

I did not mean to step on any toes or violate policies.
I put that pic there because it lists ALL of the specs, so people dont have to ask a thousand Q's about the specs, just look there.

Price may seem on the higher end, but these do have the best gear & take some time to put together. I have 4 versions of these cases at $399, 699, 799, & 999 - I listed the best one so you could see all of the available options. If you are a micro-grow connoisseur or you truly can't afford to get caught & need a decent sized case, this is the best retail option.

Compared to the price of getting busted or ripped off, its a small investment...



Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
I just looked at the video again and didn't see any light leaks. I still like the case, you've obviously spent a lot of time with this.


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
Reject Obama's Nomination of Michele Leonhart For DEA Director

President Barack Obama has nominated Michele Leonhart to head the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. NORML is asking you to contact your Senator today and urge him or her to reject this nomination.

As interim director, Ms. Leonhart has obstructed efforts to end the destructive conflict between federal and state medical marijuana laws while overseeing federal raids and arrests in disregard of state law - contrary to the present policy of this administration.

Furthermore, she has blocked scientific research on medical marijuana, in disregard of this administration's pledge to let science, rather than ideology, guide public policy.

In particular, Ms. Leonhart has neglected to reply to an eight-year old petition to reschedule marijuana for medical use, which is supported by NORML and was called for by the AMA and a growing number of states and federal judges.

She has further denied the application of the University of Massachusetts to establish a research facility for FDA development of marijuana, overruling the recommendation of the DEA's own administrative law judge that this was not in the public interest.

Ms. Leonhart has incomprehensibly called the rising death toll civilians attributable to the U.S./Mexican drug war "a signpost of the success" of her agency's policies.

Ms. Leonhart's actions and ambitions are incompatible with common sense marijuana law reform and the stated policies of this administration. Please urge Congress to reject this nomination. For your convenience, a prewritten letter will be e-mailed to your member of the U.S. Senate when you visit NORML's 'Take Action' Center here:



hi guys,

i recently built a 100w hps pc grow box. the case i used is a chieftec big tower that is approx. 67 cm tall.

i'm gonna grow two fast bud plants in it, it's an autoflower strain by sweet seeds.

some pics:

the lamp and ballast

the case



the 10 day old plants:


what the buds are supposed to look like:

greetings from a dutch grower.


New member
hey anavar - im diggin the 100w setup.
i have a similar sized case - im wondering do your fans cool the box down sufficiently?
I use 2 intake, 2 exhaust, and 4 side fans in my cases with T5s and UFOs and it keeps the temp at 75-80 F. How hot does that 100w get and whats the running temp in there?
Lookin good so far!

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hey man, thanks for your response!

i used a couple of high-end case modding fans that can move alot of air (i think around 35 cfm per fan) and they get the job done perfectly, its not hot at all. i'm not quite sure what the temperature is since i can't find my hygrometer at the moment but the plants like it so far.

originally i went with four exhaust fans and one intake fan, but i got rid of the intake fan because it wasn't neccesary and only created extra noise. the ballast for the lamp and adapter for the fans are outside of the case so that also helps in controlling the heat.

its definately not as stealth as your pc grow boxes (which look very cool by the way). its just a little fun project that i'm working on and along the way i make improvements. stealth isn't very important because growing weed for personal use is decriminalised in my country.

when i get a new hygrometer i'll post the temperature in this thread.


stealthbox, little tip on the fans is that they all should be exhaust or for circulation inside the box, intake can be passive at 1.5-2x the size of exhaust hole


thank you ghostwolf. i think someone more skilled than me could probably build a 150w hps pc grow box, with a cooltube.

this thread right here has inspired me to build mine and i think i can get an oz out of it.


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
You can do it. A cool tube isn't hard to make. Just search it and you'll find some good examples to show you how to DIY on the site, IC has it all here my friend. I've even seen folks made um from the glass oil lamp chimneys. :tiphat:


New member
stealthbox, little tip on the fans is that they all should be exhaust or for circulation inside the box, intake can be passive at 1.5-2x the size of exhaust hole

well my cases have almost the entire front panel with vent slits and carbon filter pads behind those. I have 2x 90cfm ea fans pulling air in from the front and blowing towards the back of the case. So air is drawn in, filtered, then pushed over the plants and out the exhaust where it is filtered before exiting. i also have 3 smaller intake fans on the side close to the front for added air flow.

i thought this configuration would work best (on my cases) because since they have to be stealth for my clients, all of my elec. gear is inside the case too. so having the intakes blow right over the wiring/adapters/timers ensures the gear wont cause add'l heat. i think theres so much gear inside that the forced air works better vs. passive( in my cases).

anavar i am curious about the temps on your ballast and also the interior. if your case works out i may have to consider designing a similar version for my clients. keep posting im dying to see some pics!
