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Would you date a cop?

Dude just stop talking you are not helping yourself out. "Real jobs require test, and not everybody is happy with a dead-end hourly job because we smoke pot" You are very closed minded and JUDGEMENTAL what part of that goes with smoking weed?
Every single local/state gov job I've applied for required a pre-employment test. Every job my teacher friends have applied for have not required any drug test. And this is two different states, one being a deep south state.


If she was hot enough I'd date her, even though I'm married lol

Dude, I would definitely have to use my "night stick" on her...
Just give her the meat stick real gooood...then after a while when she says she loves you spark a j and see her comment. she will keep you safe if you pound that pussy right! just dont cheat on her lol or she will fuck you right! plenty of cops dont care about weed there just ordered to enforce the law. brainwashed if you ask me!


I'm not sure my answer is viable since we're in different countries but the cops here are mostly brainwashed or corrupt. They always have each others backs and don't care shit about justice.
I'd bone a cop once or twice but never in my life would I want my kids to have that kind of genetics.
Just my cents.


Active member
Fuck Off the Cops

Fuck Off the Cops

Even if this pro rat does smoke. She'll burn you the minute
she finds someone better or when you don't bend over.
Trust me, she'll pullout the strap-on and fuck you
real good.

The sad thing is, that while your waiting for bail. She'll be
fucking two cops in a threesome and smoking some of your
weed. Like if you get nabbed with two pounds, they'll smoke
2 ounces in their orgy and say they found 1 pound and
14 ounces. Like your going to admit that you had more.


Trust me flush the cop relationship idea down the drain.
She's probably building a case against you as you read this.
How do you think some rich mobster go down? The narcs send
a good looking whore rat and/or cop to break into their defences.
It happens all the time.

Get with her and we'll read about you when she gets pissed off.

Maybe, if you get off easy. You'll only end up on Jerry Springer. :laughing:

If you can get her on video smoking pot. Don't tell her about it.
Place the tape and it's copies in a safe couple of locations. If
she tries to burns you. Tell your lawyer and the judge that
she introduced you to pot with pot taken from a police drug
seizure. Tell them you got her on tape smoking pot with
you. :laughing:

You were warned!!!!


High Grade Specialist
sure if shes hot!
its on my to-do list actually to bang a copper. but the pigladies in my country are ugly as fuck usually.


Ok so I met this girl, fine as hell. Anyways, we start talking, one thing leads to another now I've been dating this girl for a bt. Thing is not too long after I met her ( few days ) I find out she's a cop. Yes I know a lot of the extremely paranoid ones on here will say that she's undercover or whatever but lol at that. SO would you guys keep dating her?

Hide a video cam and film her having sex with you. Then use it as leverage in case anything happens. Girls hate to have their asses posted on websites...:dance013: She'll be yours forever hahaha

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Even if this pro rat does smoke. She'll burn you the minute
she finds someone better or when you don't bend over.
Trust me, she'll pullout the strap-on and fuck you
real good.

The sad thing is, that while your waiting for bail. She'll be
fucking two cops in a threesome and smoking some of your
weed. Like if you get nabbed with two pounds, they'll smoke
2 ounces in their orgy and say they found 1 pound and
14 ounces. Like your going to admit that you had more.


Trust me flush the cop relationship idea down the drain.
She's probably building a case against you as you read this.
How do you think some rich mobster go down? The narcs send
a good looking whore rat and/or cop to break into their defences.
It happens all the time.

Get with her and we'll read about you when she gets pissed off.

Maybe, if you get off easy. You'll only end up on Jerry Springer. :laughing:

If you can get her on video smoking pot. Don't tell her about it.
Place the tape and it's copies in a safe couple of locations. If
she tries to burns you. Tell your lawyer and the judge that
she introduced you to pot with pot taken from a police drug
seizure. Tell them you got her on tape smoking pot with
you. :laughing:

You were warned!!!!

Are you for real corky have you just got issues with women, I love them.


now is she this fine..

or is she this fine...

ms. officer.. ms officer..
wee o wee o weee


Bleh...cops are not all bad. I have many friends that went to high school with me that are cops now. Cops get the best stuff...


New member
I'd say play it safe and break it off now. Look, I'm a girl, and I can attest to the fact that we can be pretty vicious. Things might go well with this chick. She might even be cool with your habit (and getting into a serious relationship will definitely sink any stealth you had...even if you could mask your grow, I'm sure she'd figure out you were using) while you are dating, but here comes to tough part:

What if you break up?

And what if it's a bad breakup? Either you're going to remain her personal geisha to prevent her from busting your ass or you're going to have to move. LOL

Seriously though, I've had friends who posted ssn's of cheating exes on the web, turned them in for tax fraud, and even busted out the lights of one guy's truck. The last one deserved it though...he was physically abusive, and when she fucked up his ride, he stopped stalking her and her young daughter. Funny how a cinder block and a bit of attitude will enforce a restraining order better than that useless piece of paper our judicial system hands out.

If I were a cop and you fucked me over (or I thought you fucked me over), I'd probably drop a dime on you. I know it's fucked up, but the fact that I'm admitting to it ought to give you a clue how dangerous this can be. Just trying to be honest. I don't think she (or other woman) would just do it to make a bust. But cheating or beating, most definitely. And some of the less emotionally stable ones might do it if they feel you were leading them and using them for sex. Remember, it's not what you did/do...it's what she thinks you did/do.