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medical license success!!!!!!!


Active member
the funny thing is if you have a specialist, they dont need to sign, your doc can sign on the specialists advise that it helps you, or the specialist can sign if your doc wants no part of it.

it really is appauling that he truth is anyone can get a license if endorsed by any doctor that qualifies to sign, and that most canadians suffering from chemo to arthritis to insomnia can get one. eating disorders, bad pms whatever. if it helps it helps and the mmar was created as a "mass experiment" to see and document how much cannabis "really" helps people as a remedy.

the fact is the plant has been used for time in antiquity as foo, fuel, meds, clothes etc. its corporations that keep that knowledge from us in the form of conditioned ignorance to use synthetic drugs "they " produce under patent, because cannabis for now is excempt from gentic patent etc. marinoil was very popular and used alot in canada becuase it was patented and therfore "profitble" to monetary interest.

dont worry about your electrical insurance etc, just make sure everything is 100% permitted and signed off by the electrician, plumber etc you hire to set it up legally, that way the "grow op " clause insurance companies have voids becuase it is legal for you to do.

ive lived all around the world, and know many people from around the world that have been here or live here now and claim canadians to be the most submissive/doscile people in the world. no wonder there are only 4500 instead of 450,000. we just want our beer, porn and modified corn starch in its 10,000 ways to make frozen food. fuck our health and our rights, i just wanna be left alone, bahhhhhh, d
canadians to be the most submissive/doscile people in the world. no wonder there are only 4500 instead of 450,000. we just want our beer, porn and modified corn starch in its 10,000 ways to make frozen food. fuck our health and our rights, i just wanna be left alone, bahhhhhh, d

dont get me started on that shit

canada is a nation of cheeseburger eating yellow bellies

the whole notion of canadians being free strong and proud is bullshit , 80% of the pop (a figure pulled directly out of my ass) are ok as long as the grocery store has cheap food and coors light is available in large quantities for the regular weekend binge drink. rick simpson said it best that the whole "true north strong and free" is total bullshit and he is right


Active member
i dont wanna bash, i just know 75% of my freinds, family and associates all qualify and have been using pot for ages for therapy, and 75% of them already tried pattented drugs that fucked their livers; kidneys etc. none of them, well, 1% of them have listened to my story and found the courage to talk to a doc. which is better then none for sure, but they smoke schwg mostly from street dealers who care not about health(99% of the time). when they could be growing organic meds of high quality for them selves. it is full moon fallout and i am venting a bit. il be back to normal tomorow haha, d


Active member
ps, the only truth in "our" anthem is "our home on native land".

i recommend anyone to watch "the canadian holocaust",(u tube) a story of how 60 million natives were killed, tortured and molested by the government and the catholic schools they created to destroy a line of humans that goes back into pre history. most tribes if not all them never had a word for "me" or "mine", time to revert back to papirus, d


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Canada has alot that isn't right but it is still a great place and we should never get complacent and not think it has wonderful aspects. I would never leave.....but anyone who is unhapy is free to...


Active member
hahaha. happiness comes from within. i love my country, and am not judging, just asserting matter of factly lol. the global war on marijuana is everywhere due to a rigid longterm campaign. so i dont blame anyone for the global cannabis condition but the propogaters of lies and greed.

i am very stoked that canada is the only country with a federal program for medical marijuana. i just idealistic sometimes and would like more people to knoiw their rights to access natural remedies.

any where we go, is where we are, d

Bud Bug

One thing about getting your garden inspected. Don't mention what its for, just say its an indoor garden. They have no need to know what plants are gonna be grown and if you mention weed you might have a hard time getting it inspected as from what I've been told by a friend of mine (who runs a huge inspected/insured medical grow) the inspector could refuse the inspection because they will consider a weed garden to be a safety concern to themselves.
Canada has alot that isn't right but it is still a great place and we should never get complacent and not think it has wonderful aspects. I would never leave.....but anyone who is unhapy is free to...

whoa whoa whoa!!!! back up there.

i love my country and many of the people in it. in fact i love everybody, it doesnt mean i need to like them though.

You say in one sentence that we should "never get complacent and not think it has wonderful aspects" and then you suggest people unhappy with many of its condition should leave. I THINK the opposite: we should never get complacent and never allow ourselves to get comfortable and accepting of the status quo. the most dangerous thing people in a relatively democratic state can do is start accepting compromises in freedom for the sake of security.

take a second to think about what you said because its one of the most contradictory things regarding freedom and happiness i have ever heard. i forgive you though because these days people are all up in the rhetoric of, "go try smoking weed in Mogadishu", (actually bad comparison,im sure they have bigger problems than marijuana in somalia) which is total bullshit. i wont be settled until all the injustices in the world, including canada are fixed. asking someone (even in an underhanded way like you are) to either accept it or get out is a horrible thing. as if we can't keep improving the world we live on just because we have it better off than some.


Active member
not from an egocentric view but a clean air, fresh water, nice people etc perspective, canada is the best place to live by far, and have the best indoor medz(arguably im sure haha), d

Marco Renda

Active member
Just so you know, your parents insurance company will cancel the house insurance and tell the bank you have a grow op. The bank will then tell your parents that they will not mortgage an uninsured house and call in the mortgage.

Get a house with a detached wrokshop. The house can stay insured and the workshop will be on its own.

Your problems have only just started.

Get all wiring CSA approved. Get the permits. Have a licensed electrician come in and do the work.

Last thing you need is a building inspector coming and condeming your house, hey smart guy!! You know im talking too!!

Start at hurdle 1 of 100.

You have lots of money to invest if you want a decent pull.

Yep I have to agree.

Take Care and Peace


Active member
building a detached unit makes police, insurance and health canada very happy, and the company you contract to do the electrical/plumbing to it, d