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Colorado House Bill 1284


It doesn't improve the situation for patients but, it does stimulate a local economy. Which many think is crucial right now if our state wants to be economically sound.

ok. but is this a bill for patients or a local economy stimulus package? the question then becomes: does people relocating from another state swooping in and buying real estate(raising local property value) and bringing venture capital to Colorado and being new consumers in the colorado economy contribute more or less to the local economy than people already there building these businesses from the ground up? I dont know the answer to that one. any economics pros?
ok. but is this a bill for patients or a local economy stimulus package? the question then becomes: does people relocating from another state swooping in and buying real estate(raising local property value) and bringing venture capital to Colorado and being new consumers in the colorado economy contribute more or less to the local economy than people already there building these businesses from the ground up? I dont know the answer to that one. any economics pros?

Ok...I'll put it out there...it's real simple, Cali folks have fucked up their state....and we don't need them here to fuck up ours!!

There I said it!!!:jump:


Lets stop bickering about who is a resident or not, that wont help us if this bill does pass. All that energy could be put to better use, like to fight against this bill, all that anger towards outsiders should be put towards the people who are writing these bills. If this bill passes Im out for other reason, forget the residence issue...
HB1284 will pass, just not with all the changes Romer wants. Expect challenges in the courts to hold up the date it goes into effect...at least that's the way I am seeing things, expecially after the hearing yesterday....


Long haired country boy
Agreed! not my place to tell anyone where they can live... If anyone here actually thinks this bill was written for patients, it's time to get real. This bill was drafted to set the framework for big business and corporate america to come in and set up monopolies, just like every other industry. This bill is all about the $$$ IMO, not sure I like where this is headed at all.


Agreed! not my place to tell anyone where they can live... If anyone here actually thinks this bill was written for patients, it's time to get real. This bill was drafted to set the framework for big business and corporate america to come in and set up monopolies, just like every other industry. This bill is all about the $$$ IMO, not sure I like where this is headed at all.



I personally don't think herb should be treated as it is anyways, I think the plant deserves much more respect than monetary value. This is one of the species of life on earth, that I truly believe picked us to help it along it's evolutionary path..This plant provides for those that respect it, those that don't... well, we all know how that ends up.
:thank you:
:smoke out:

the question then becomes: does people relocating from another state swooping in and buying real estate(raising local property value) and bringing venture capital to Colorado and being new consumers in the colorado economy contribute more or less to the local economy than people already there building these businesses from the ground up? I dont know the answer to that one. any economics pros?

Wow, asking questions like that? What are you an accountant? Were you wearing a suit when you wrote that? LOLOL

Enough bickering, lets get back on topic here.....


Ok...I'll put it out there...it's real simple, Cali folks have fucked up their state....and we don't need them here to fuck up ours!!

There I said it!!!:jump:

LOL, true, but Cali fucked up their state decades ago, way before MMJ, then Arnold got elected and took an even bigger dump on that state, then all the MMJ lobbyists got paid off by Richard Lee's schwag shop...

HB1284 will pass, just not with all the changes Romer wants. Expect challenges in the courts to hold up the date it goes into effect...at least that's the way I am seeing things, expecially after the hearing yesterday....

May 12th, just over 2 weeks....I'm betting it won't pass, there are too many inconsistencies and contradictions, especially with the numbers, shit just don add up mang!


Don't get me wrong, not showing sympathy towards dispensaries, but the simple logic just isn't here. Can you apply to have an MMC and a cultivation license at the same time, or will they require that you already have to have a licensed MMC in order to get a optional premises cultivation license? But then the MMC still has to supply 70% of your own product, before even having a cultivation license? So that cancels itself out....Sound like the Marijuana Tax Stamp Act from 1937 all over again, make everyone break the law with a catch 22.

Also, are they implying that only an MMC can grow, and on it's premises? If so, then the cases of robbed dispensaries will quadruple, giving the opposition further "proof" that mmj causes violence and crime.

If anyone here actually thinks this bill was written for patients, it's time to get real. This bill was drafted to set the framework for big business and corporate america to come in and set up monopolies, just like every other industry. This bill is all about the $$$ IMO, not sure I like where this is headed at all.

Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis envisioned the state legislatures as "laboratories of democracy" willing to tackle new and innovative approaches in meeting the needs of society....our society is corporate dominated....they are using Colorado as the prototype "medical" business model for mmj, so if big companies get a foothold here and in California, the rest of the nation, and soon enough the world will follow. We all know that the USA advises and suggests worldwide drug policy to the UN and other nations. The USA is the largest consumer of drugs, period, and the powers that be need to control this, but now in a new business model. There will be a worldwide "wave" when corporations own all our strains.

Its really pathetic what they are doing to their own citizens in this country, rob us of all our jobs, of our economy, charge top dollar for food that is bioengineered, and then expect people NOT to grow pot? It is truly the only thing of value going on in this country, and the government and media won't admit it. What else has happened in the last 10 years of true historical value? Bullshit, the music now sucks, none of it is legendary, the movies now suck, no one will remember them, corporations control nearly every facet of life, what major achievements or advances have been made? What, viagra is cheap and readily available? Super Targets are now all the rage? Give me a break, we are a lost raped people in a torched corporate wasteland fighting a pointless war that we are losing. History will look back at movements like MMJ as the only thing of value going on during these times. There are no real heroes, only an endless sea of brainwashed slaves. Or do you think your great grandchildren will be reading about all the great things corporations did back in the 2010s?

We have to put our foot down somewhere for individual rights and freedoms, and Colorado is the heart of individualist thinking, so this is where believers in personal rights and freedoms have to begin the fight!


Long haired country boy
Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis envisioned the state legislatures as "laboratories of democracy" willing to tackle new and innovative approaches in meeting the needs of society....our society is corporate dominated....they are using Colorado as the prototype "medical" business model for mmj, so if big companies get a foothold here and in California, the rest of the nation, and soon enough the world will follow. We all know that the USA advises and suggests worldwide drug policy to the UN and other nations. The USA is the largest consumer of drugs, period, and the powers that be need to control this, but now in a new business model. There will be a worldwide "wave" when corporations own all our strains.

Its really pathetic what they are doing to their own citizens in this country, rob us of all our jobs, of our economy, charge top dollar for food that is bioengineered, and then expect people NOT to grow pot? It is truly the only thing of value going on in this country, and the government and media won't admit it. What else has happened in the last 10 years of true historical value? Bullshit, the music now sucks, none of it is legendary, the movies now suck, no one will remember them, corporations control nearly every facet of life, what major achievements or advances have been made? What, viagra is cheap and readily available? Super Targets are now all the rage? Give me a break, we are a lost raped people in a torched corporate wasteland fighting a pointless losing. History will look back at movements like MMJ as the only thing of value going on during these times. There are no real heroes, only an endless sea of brainwashed slaves. Or do you think your great grandchildren will be reading about all the great things corporations did back in the 2010s?

We have to put our foot down somewhere for individual rights and freedoms, and Colorado is the heart of individualist thinking, so this is where believers in personal rights and freedoms have to begin the fight!

When you running for office friend?:tiphat:

I really honestly feel like bills like this should be a wake-up call(if the patriot act wasn't ) to people..These are constitutional rights they are messing with, I can only hope I see the day when America is actually what they taught us it to be as children.

edit: does it really say somewhere in this bill people can apply for patents on strains and treatments involving mmj? or was that my imagination.


does it really say somewhere in this bill people can apply for patents on strains and treatments involving mmj? or was that my imagination.

I haven't read the whole bill in it's latest version, but this was the letter that Romer wrote of the changes to the bill he requested...read number 9

Sen. Romer said:
1) I want all applications for MMJ centers due by July 1st with payment of non refundable application fee.

2) Must certify that they are growing 70% of the MMJ for their clinic by July 1st.

3) requires that MMJ centers with 300 patients or more must have licensed medical or message [massage?] professionals on site for at least 30 hours per week.

4) must be a Colorado resident for two years to own a MMJ center, be a partner or have a financial interest not including real estate lease.

5) Cities and Counties must certify that they have shut all MMJ centers that have not file State application fees by Sept 1st or no applications from that jurisdiction will be processed.

6) In cities greater than 35,000 and counties greater than 100,000 MMJ centers must be 1000 from schools no exceptions.

7) CDPHE can grant a waiver for onsite consumption for MMJ center if required to serve at least 10% of their patients but they must provide list of patients who are allowed to consume on site.

8) allows for sale of excess MMJ to one selected non profit which may be resold at cost plus 10% to MMJ centers to serve low income patients excluded from the 30% external limit.

9) provides for a non profit foundation organized solely for public university to apply for a research license and may sell excess MMJ to MMJ centers or edible licensee and may patent research or MMJ strains. This MMJ would not count against the MMJ centers 30% external limit.

Oh, and how do they expect to "certify" that 70% is grown for them? Will there be a stamp? Maybe a certification board that takes "donations"?


One day you will have to answer to the children of
Super Targets are now all the rage?
I live near a Super Target, and it is awesome.

I don't like most the food, but there is enough I can buy in a pinch.
Then there is kitchenware, hangers, plastic tubs, ect.

The only problem is no ammo, got to go to WalMart for that.

Monsanto, ConAgra, ADM, where are you????


...I really honestly feel like bills like this should be a wake-up call(if the patriot act wasn't ) to people..These are constitutional rights they are messing with, I can only hope I see the day when America is actually what they taught us it to be as children...

The Patriot Act is one of the worst things ever to happen to this country. I still am in awe & disgust that it ever got passed. Unfortunately I see it as just a stepping stone to even worse things to come. People aren't educated about their rights. Hell the typical American probably does even know what makes up the Bill of Rights! And also unfortunate is our education system is going down hill so the younger generations are even more ignorant.

Enough of the ranting...sorry about that...just blowing off some steam!
Most of you Colorado folk have left me nothing but utterly disappointed, and disgusted. Who's rights are you guys fighting for? Sick people's? or your own ability to produce, and profit off of sick people?

Why would you restrict people from coming to a beautiful state such as Colorado to receive LEGAL medicine? You act as if the 48 other states besides Colorado and Cali simply cease to exist. If your so concerned with the "Cali" folk coming in and setting up shop, why not support the residency requirement being changed to owning a dispensary, or hell even care giving. But don't take away access to something others (including yourselves) have fought for.

Their are sick people, without medicine, looking to move to Colorado for access to safe, legal meds. And you want to take that away because "Cali" people came and set up shop?

Who's side are you on?


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
Most of you Colorado folk have left me nothing but utterly disappointed, and disgusted. Who's rights are you guys fighting for? Sick people's? or your own ability to produce, and profit off of sick people?
I give away free of charge to many people :tiphat: And as some folks know I am certainly not in this to make $ or get rich.

Why would you restrict people from coming to a beautiful state such as Colorado to receive LEGAL medicine? You act as if the 48 other states besides Colorado and Cali simply cease to exist. If your so concerned with the "Cali" folk coming in and setting up shop, why not support the residency requirement being changed to owning a dispensary, or hell even care giving. But don't take away access to something others (including yourselves) have fought for.
What we are against are the out of state big money interests (ala harborside) fucking up the scene for the rest of us. I've personally watched these guys driving mercedes (cali plates) wearing their lame dick track suits passing out cards, and flooding our market with OD garbage that they can't push in LA. This has nothing to do with out of state patients.


what has harborside done to "fuck up the scene?"
is it the 10lbs they give away free to sick people every week?

What about the big money interests in Nebraska or Iowa or Florida or Arkansas that havent entered the scene but have millions on the sideline poised for 1284 to pass?


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
For one thing they have come to our state, created a team of lobbyists, and crafted a bill designed to put independent caregivers out of business, and create a system where only those with big $ backing them can survive. All of this at the patients expense, meaning that when independent caregivers can no longer provide their services, patients are forced to go to dispensaries for their meds, and I don't think it is a stretch of the imagination to say that quality is much worse, and prices are much higher.
Not to mention the practice of selling rec's around like they are derivatives.

If there were mercedes rollin in from nebraska, I'd be against that as well.

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