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Did You Throw Out Your Census Form?



I can almost bet you someone thats doing a grow will get a visit..actually six visits each time leaving a note.Dont be dumb people.If you are doing a grow or just dont want a stranger to see all the S&M pictures on your wall,fill out the thing.Well I guess its a little late now but you can do it over the phone.It took five minutes and I dont have to have some knucklehead saying "Hey is that Northern Lights?


Active member
It's a simple question.
Someone comes to the US.
They come in 2010.
They come in 1980.
They come in 1950.
They come in 1920.
They come in 1880.
They come in 1800.
They come in 1760.

tell me where you draw the line-which ones are "settlers" and which ones are invading your country...cause unless your people were born here a thousand years ago, you are just as much an invader as anyone else you want to point a finger at, so you may as well come to terms with it.

That's really simple to answer.
The people who came to settle this country in the 1700s, 1800s, and early 1900s were coming to a new world. An unknown quantity. A country still in the process of being built. They came from dozens of different places and spoke dozens of languages, but they came together in the "melting pot". They united, they learned English. They fought in 2 world wars. Millions of them died. The result of those wars was that the United States now became the number one country in the world. From nothing, to number one, thanks to the sacrifices made by those immigrants.
The current crop of invaders, mostly Hispanic, are not here to build the country or fight for us. They are coming to a country that is already built, already number one. They are coming to have their anchor babies, to sap our social services, to take advantage of our health system. Note: none of them had any part in building this country, and yet, they want us to speak their language and provide them with freebies that don't exist in their countries. Try immigrating to Mexico as an American, and see what happens. Do you think you will get social services, or people speaking English for you? Ha, they will laugh at you.
These people ruined their countries by breeding irresponsibly without regard to the consequences, so now they need to get out by the tens of millions to ruin our country, or rather to turn it into their country, which is the same thing. We live in an overpopulated world of refugees. There are billions too many people. Letting them swarm our borders means the end of our country, just as has happened throughout history to all empires. If enough foreigners are allowed to pour over the border, it becomes their country. In my opinion, our President is a traitor for not protecting our borders. This is the greatest crime committed against the American people in history. Our country was founded on English law and the English language. The invaders have no respect for that. They want this to be their country, an Hispanic country. They want to bring their squalor to us. They could care less about our customs/language/laws/history.
They are leeches, who should be stopped by all means. Harry Reed is trying to legitimize 20 million illegal immigrants. Why?
More votes for them!
No concern whatsoever for those who live here or for their way of life, or for the sacrifices they made.
I say this failure to protect our borders is the greatest crime ever perpetrated against America.
I am happy to see that Arizona is making a stand and arresting these illegal leeches.
This country should never be allowed to become an Hispanic country just because these people can't practice birth control.


Autos are for pussies!
That's really simple to answer.
The people who came to settle this country in the 1700s, 1800s, and early 1900s were coming to a new world. An unknown quantity. A country still in the process of being built. They came from dozens of different places and spoke dozens of languages, but they came together in the "melting pot". They united, they learned English. They fought in 2 world wars. Millions of them died. The result of those wars was that the United States now became the number one country in the world. From nothing, to number one, thanks to the sacrifices made by those immigrants.
The current crop of invaders, mostly Hispanic, are not here to build the country or fight for us. They are coming to a country that is already built, already number one. They are coming to have their anchor babies, to sap our social services, to take advantage of our health system. Note: none of them had any part in building this country, and yet, they want us to speak their language and provide them with freebies that don't exist in their countries. Try immigrating to Mexico as an American, and see what happens. Do you think you will get social services, or people speaking English for you? Ha, they will laugh at you.
These people ruined their countries by breeding irresponsibly without regard to the consequences, so now they need to get out by the tens of millions to ruin our country, or rather to turn it into their country, which is the same thing. We live in an overpopulated world of refugees. There are billions too many people. Letting them swarm our borders means the end of our country, just as has happened throughout history to all empires. If enough foreigners are allowed to pour over the border, it becomes their country. In my opinion, our President is a traitor for not protecting our borders. This is the greatest crime committed against the American people in history. Our country was founded on English law and the English language. The invaders have no respect for that. They want this to be their country, an Hispanic country. They want to bring their squalor to us. They could care less about our customs/language/laws/history.
They are leeches, who should be stopped by all means. Harry Reed is trying to legitimize 20 million illegal immigrants. Why?
More votes for them!
No concern whatsoever for those who live here or for their way of life, or for the sacrifices they made.
I say this failure to protect our borders is the greatest crime ever perpetrated against America.
I am happy to see that Arizona is making a stand and arresting these illegal leeches.
This country should never be allowed to become an Hispanic country just because these people can't practice birth control.

Really? Anchor babies? Leeches? You're one of those racist fucks I would like to bash. With all this name calling might as well call me a spic!

Last time I checked the US had illegals fighting for OUR freedom in Iraq. Google it yourself. And actually all the damn SW states WERE Mexico. Native Americans own this land. Not some dumb fucks who happened to bump into a piece of land and slaughter innocent Indians and call it their own.

Take your anti-government, racist ass to another country if you don't like it. And if you're mad right now, you're gonna off yourself when you see the hispanic/latino community become the majority.



Active member
Really? Anchor babies? Leeches? You're one of those racist fucks I would like to bash. With all this name calling might as well call me a spic!

Last time I checked the US had illegals fighting for OUR freedom in Iraq.

There may be illegals fighting in iraq, but fighting in Iraq has nothing to do with any ones freedom.


Active member
Do ya's like representation?How bout money for your school district,road work,everything is dependant on the census,think about it!Every single dollar a state gets,county gets,and all our government representation is dependant on the census.Its 8 fucking questions that are so non invasive to be funny,cant believe anyone would object!Yes,there helping you make informed decisions,when ya realize just how important the census is and what it does!


Take your anti-government, racist ass to another country if you don't like it. And if you're mad right now, you're gonna off yourself when you see the hispanic/latino community become the majority.


Or just move to Arizona if you love that attitude so much.
Or maybe Texas, so you can help them posture all about seceding.

Cause that shit aint what America is about...


Its funny how often these "immigration" talks are really thinly veiled racism. People see what they want to see. At the end of the day people are going to do what they have to to get by. Mexicans want food and shelter just as much as your an anglo-saxon. If you take away people's livelyhood in their own country, they will go to where they can get by. Do you really think that a Mexican would rather come here and be called a "wet back and a spick" by ignorant red necks like some of the posters here?

I don't think that there is any getting around that American is changing. When a nation looks to the past rather than the future for guidance you know that you are looking at a declining civilization. Look at Greece and China and then tell me who is thinking more of "the good old days"

Also places like Iran haven't always been so back assward. Check out the movie "Persepolis". We could go that route if we aren't carefull. My only point is that there have been too many instances of countries, tribes, cities, and towns having to reinvent themselves to count. However we have a choice as a nation. That is to take stock of where we are and to reinvent America or to blame whoever, do nothing, and continue down our current path. America was made great by the people in it. It was never inherently great. America has always had people from non european stock. We have also always treated these people fairly poorly. Mexicans are here, Africans, Arabs, Asians, and Pacific Islanders are here too. They aren't going anywhere. Get over it.


Remember that prior to the Roman occupation of England, the Agles and the Saxons were seperate people. New Zeland used to be a collection of warring cannabalistic tribes. Vedic scriptures were introduced from a Aryian people coming from the area of modern day Iran. Now Anglo-Saxon is seen as being a singular idea, New Zeland is a pretty peacefull place, and these once alien teachings are part of Indian culture. All it takes is time. Isolationism is so last century.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
When I went to school overseas, I was the dumb American because I was pretty much the only mono-lingual student at the international school. Much of the basically educated world is at least bi-lingual. Read cultured and educated on world affairs. Americans learn their geography through wars. What a tragedy of a great philosophical experiment. Maybe it's not over. We shall see.

People are just people. This is not your country anyway. It belongs to a racist Anglo-Saxon elite. This country is a f'ing hate machine.


Active member
Really? Anchor babies? Leeches? You're one of those racist fucks I would like to bash. With all this name calling might as well call me a spic!

Last time I checked the US had illegals fighting for OUR freedom in Iraq.

Take your anti-government, racist ass to another country if you don't like it.


Typical response of the feeble minded. If I disagree with you, I must be a racist.
Too funny how people who don't have a valid point or rebuttal resort to the race card. Unfortunately, your mind is too small to see the big picture, and you are allright with allowing our country to be over run by third world trash. In my eyes, you are a traitor.
And, by the way, the military doesn't accept illegals, but I wouldn't expect you to be aware of the facts. You don't even have the brain power to make a cogent argument.
Remember, these people are coming here because they ruined their countries.


Really? Anchor babies? Leeches? You're one of those racist fucks I would like to bash. With all this name calling might as well call me a spic!

Last time I checked the US had illegals fighting for OUR freedom in Iraq. Google it yourself. And actually all the damn SW states WERE Mexico. Native Americans own this land. Not some dumb fucks who happened to bump into a piece of land and slaughter innocent Indians and call it their own.

Take your anti-government, racist ass to another country if you don't like it. And if you're mad right now, you're gonna off yourself when you see the hispanic/latino community become the majority.

The funny thing about this is that this guy thinks this should be persuasive for Americans.

Gee, you're going to take over our country and turn it into Mexico, we're a bunch of thieves, our forefathers were thieves and murderers, we're racists, he wants to assault, maybe murder us, etc.

Gee, what's not to like Pedro? Come on over!

Screw loose much?


Its funny how often these "immigration" talks are really thinly veiled racism.
It's funny how often cries of "racism!" are really thinly veiled attempts at coercion. As in, every time.

What do you do when someone says, "oh well, fuck it, call it what you will"?


When I went to school overseas, I was the dumb American because I was pretty much the only mono-lingual student at the international school. Much of the basically educated world is at least bi-lingual. Read cultured and educated on world affairs. Americans learn their geography through wars. What a tragedy of a great philosophical experiment. Maybe it's not over. We shall see.
The guy's a dedicated anti-American ideologue, but we should take his advice on how to run America.

People are just people. This is not your country anyway. It belongs to a racist Anglo-Saxon elite. This country is a f'ing hate machine.
Note the psychotic qualities of this argument:

America's a seething hate machine of white racism and imperialism.

But this guy wants to invite every non-white in the world across the border? Who does something like that? What kind of psychopath is he?

"Hey, this here's Bob. Bob hates women mom, he's a raving misogynist. So I'm going to lock you in a room with him."

"Hey, this here's Sue. Sue hates dogs. She's a really dangerous lunatic. So I'm going to lock your toy poodle in a room with her."

You get the idea. Liberals are misanthropes.

If you do the math of liberalism, there's no avoiding the fact that whites are inherently dangerous for non-whites to be around, the fact that liberals are obsessed with shoving whites and non-whites into close proximity, and therefore the fact that liberals are unhinged misanthropes.

And obviously, they're racists. You know, they love pointing the finger at "Anglo-Saxons" for everything. But if you point the finger at anyone else, you're a "racist." E.g., the "elite" of this country is "Anglo-Saxon"; Liberal-approved racism. 40% of the Forbes 400 are Jewish; Liberal-forbidden racism.
but back to the topic, I threw out my census along with my election ballot. I knew Obama would win, because our whole country is a bunch mindless drones that just watch the news and feels how it tells you to. I think the best two decisions in my life were to stop watching t.v. and stop smoking cigarettes. I know this sounds conspiracy-ish, but in the healthcare plan, it states that "many" of the people on the plan will be required to be implanted with a verichip RFID chip. It doesn't specify who, but if you go to verichip's website, they just announced a new blood sugar meter chip for diabetics. My idea is that the USA planned to fatten us off McDonals and dumb us with the media and then give 70 percent of the people on the new healthcare plan a chip who have diabetes because their too poor and uneducated to get better food.



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor




That's really simple to answer.
The people who came to settle this country in the 1700s, 1800s, and early 1900s were coming to a new world. An unknown quantity. A country still in the process of being built. They came from dozens of different places and spoke dozens of languages, but they came together in the "melting pot". They united, they learned English. They fought in 2 world wars. Millions of them died. The result of those wars was that the United States now became the number one country in the world. From nothing, to number one, thanks to the sacrifices made by those immigrants.
The current crop of invaders, mostly Hispanic, are not here to build the country or fight for us. They are coming to a country that is already built, already number one. They are coming to have their anchor babies, to sap our social services, to take advantage of our health system. Note: none of them had any part in building this country, and yet, they want us to speak their language and provide them with freebies that don't exist in their countries. Try immigrating to Mexico as an American, and see what happens. Do you think you will get social services, or people speaking English for you? Ha, they will laugh at you.
These people ruined their countries by breeding irresponsibly without regard to the consequences, so now they need to get out by the tens of millions to ruin our country, or rather to turn it into their country, which is the same thing. We live in an overpopulated world of refugees. There are billions too many people. Letting them swarm our borders means the end of our country, just as has happened throughout history to all empires. If enough foreigners are allowed to pour over the border, it becomes their country. In my opinion, our President is a traitor for not protecting our borders. This is the greatest crime committed against the American people in history. Our country was founded on English law and the English language. The invaders have no respect for that. They want this to be their country, an Hispanic country. They want to bring their squalor to us. They could care less about our customs/language/laws/history.
They are leeches, who should be stopped by all means. Harry Reed is trying to legitimize 20 million illegal immigrants. Why?
More votes for them!
No concern whatsoever for those who live here or for their way of life, or for the sacrifices they made.
I say this failure to protect our borders is the greatest crime ever perpetrated against America.
I am happy to see that Arizona is making a stand and arresting these illegal leeches.
This country should never be allowed to become an Hispanic country just because these people can't practice birth control.

I agree with your sentiment about our forefathers and building this place from the dirt, but the comment about the new immigrants not coming here and fighting for our country is dead wrong. There are thousands of hispanics that were not natural born citizens who are fighting in our military. This hatred is misplaced and the energy put into it could be better used on a real issue. Most of your statement stinks of ignorance.

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