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life and times of 32 coco slabs/top 44



Ok cool m8, I didn't realise you were leaving the place soon. I hope all goes well for you on this one. All the best




Yeah British_Bulldog, i got to make room after this batch. was able to straighten the ducting a bit by pressing the open window right back.
i'm planning to build a 210 by 110 cm flowering box next, just as a stop gap till i get a new room and also to grow out special longer flowering strains in future. it will have a veg space also in a box of 110 by 100cm.

anyway here we go with some pics:

Day 22 of 12/12












as you can see the cs gas from the mite nerve gas caused some leaf edge damage. it did say to keep the spray 1 meter away from the plants, but that's a bit hard in such a small space.

you can also see that the seedlings have totally overtaken the top44, i could have topped them and they would have still been taller then the top 44.

it's also quite interesting to not how much slower the seedlings are switching to flowering under these circumstances, i.e. they had such a short veg phase.

peace and good growings


Active member
Gm when you used pots and hand watered did you use ro water or run off?

Great work you've got going on. Want to start a coco grow but need to know if I need to add cal mag to the canna line up with canna coco and ro water?


i have not used ro water for many many years, tap water here is fine at ec 0.25 and ph 8.0

with those trees i hand watered in my last thread, i mostly dumped the run off, but i didn't water them till run off every watering. when hand watering you automatically end up treating the coco more like earth then hydro.

if you want to use ro or feel you need to due to bad water quality, then you will either have to use a mixture of ro and some tap or add something with the needed trace elements. as the canna coco a+b is made for use with tap water. personally i never use cal mag.


I see the damage your talking about looks a lil like slight PK burn, but the buds seem to be doing their thang never the less. One of the cs x sd looks to be flowering quicker than the others. The one in the last pic...

What brand of tent are you going for?


Active member
Thanks G,

I just bought a tent and the canna line up and wanted to know if I get the filter or not. The
just didn't know because the bottle of the a+b say's use tap and the it talks about ec being around 0.2. I just moved and have not test tested the water yet.

What confused me was its says tap and ec of 0.2. that means the tap water is clean. Mine probably is not.




~Shhh~ said:
I see the damage your talking about looks a lil like slight PK burn, but the buds seem to be doing their thang never the less. One of the cs x sd looks to be flowering quicker than the others. The one in the last pic...

What brand of tent are you going for?

Greetz ~Shhh~ i believe that burn came from the nerve gas spray i used against the mites. it showed up right after that treatment. i did add pk 13/14 to my tank, but i was pretty sure that was after the spray. still as i'm pushing these top44 quite a bit i guess it could be nute burn that cause the burnt tips on some top44. mind you that damage on the slower sedling in the middle is the gas touching it for sure.

i will not buy a tent, i plant to make a cabinet 210 by 110 with 2x600 for flowering and a 1 by 1 box for mums and cloning. got it all planned in my head, just have to decide how to do it, either saw all the wood here or try and order the wood pre cut for less noise disturbance. i figure for the price of a good quality tent i can make myself an awesome sturdy cabinet that will be lockable and not show it's purpose from outside. will do a thread when i actually get around to building it.

Hydropimp said:
Thanks G,

I just bought a tent and the canna line up and wanted to know if I get the filter or not. The
just didn't know because the bottle of the a+b say's use tap and the it talks about ec being around 0.2. I just moved and have not test tested the water yet.

What confused me was its says tap and ec of 0.2. that means the tap water is clean. Mine probably is not.

first step is to test the tap water with an ec meter, if the tap water measures bellow 0.3 you are safe to use the tap water as it is with canna coco A+B. the main reason we have had to use ro water was when the tap was at ec 0.4 and that was because the drip lines kept getting blocked due to the high chalk level in the water.

ok time for some new pics, things are going ok so far, not particularly special but fine...

day 30 of 12/12






isn't it incredible how much the seedlings have grown in the first 4 weeks of 12/12. i knew they would over take the t44, but this is ridiculous :)





these tall ladies are very energetic, it's incredible they seem to have quadrupled in size since going 12/12





the fastest flowering of the seedlings, shes hidden away a bit...

suns coming up...


Looking spot on as usual bro, I didn't mean to question whether it was nute burn/ gas burn... Just that a couple leaves look that way...

Wow those seed plant girls are Amazonian! I guess that is what is referred to as hybrid vigor :D:D lol! Your canopies are always very even gm, do u select your clones from a larger pool than you actually require?


Brother gaius, always nice to see your grows, hehe - you're goin for yard of the month, aren't you??? :D Those plants in the next to the last picture look like they've got some skunk blood in em... I have to bend tops on a regular basis to keep the plants outa the lights and it looks like you're about to have the same problem, hehe... I love em when they get big, lololol.....

Evidently you were able to find a pheno of the SD IBL that didn't hermi on you... I wasn't so lucky - my SD IBL grow partially seeded the rest of the room when I grew it out a couple of years ago. I've still got 40 beans but am afraid to go at it again... matter of fact, I shelved all my rez dog beans due to that... I've got some Omega D and Alpha D beans I can't bring myself to try cause I don't wanna fuggup another grow...

Can't tell you how cool it is to see you back and blowing it outa the park, my friend...


Looking spot on as usual bro, I didn't mean to question whether it was nute burn/ gas burn... Just that a couple leaves look that way...

Wow those seed plant girls are Amazonian! I guess that is what is referred to as hybrid vigor :D:D lol! Your canopies are always very even gm, do u select your clones from a larger pool than you actually require?

thanks man, but to be honest i don't think they are spot on this time round :) not sure, but it seems the coco coir is finally on it's last legs. we will see how things go they have another 26 days to go after all.

yes those home made seeds are crazy vigorous, i'm tempted to grow some out in my new cab when i make it, the plan is to build it with the maximum head room, so i can let those kinda hybrids grow.

over the years i have become quite good at placing the clones so they end up making an even canopy. i normally try and order or make extra clones, but last round i was very short, that's why i even added seedlings, so i used every clone that had any roots through the rw cube.

mojo420 said:
Brother gaius, always nice to see your grows, hehe - you're goin for yard of the month, aren't you??? Those plants in the next to the last picture look like they've got some skunk blood in em... I have to bend tops on a regular basis to keep the plants outa the lights and it looks like you're about to have the same problem, hehe... I love em when they get big, lololol.....

Evidently you were able to find a pheno of the SD IBL that didn't hermi on you... I wasn't so lucky - my SD IBL grow partially seeded the rest of the room when I grew it out a couple of years ago. I've still got 40 beans but am afraid to go at it again... matter of fact, I shelved all my rez dog beans due to that... I've got some Omega D and Alpha D beans I can't bring myself to try cause I don't wanna fuggup another grow...

Can't tell you how cool it is to see you back and blowing it outa the park, my friend...

cool just like old times, welcome to my thread mojo. yeah those seedlings i made from sdxcj are incredibly stretchy and hazy, 4th week of 12/12 and they are barely getting started lol, gonna be fun trying to let them ripen fully.

yes indeed in the end i got 1 real female from the first 6 seeds i planted, i'd have to check the thread to be sure. but i know i didn't plant the whole pack at once, but i was able to tell the males and 1 hermi early in flowering. the sdv3 were perfect ratios. i have a feeling that if you use A+B canna coco for seedlings they give worse male to female ratios then if you use veg fert for seedlings till they are a few weeks old, i might be imagining it though, not sure lol. i did get great ratios with the seeds i made from sd and cj, 3 males and 5 females plus 1 unknown drowned plant.

anyway i'd love to hear all about your current grow system/setup, sounds like you are making full use of seedling vigor.



Soon as I can post pics and PM, I'll be happy to show you what I'm doing. Nothing special - but I have found a groove in coco that I'm unwilling to climb out of, hehe... I've tried SOGs and the like but have determined that tree grows, with the right strains, will out produce my SOGs and I don't have to use a bunch of coco to get em done - it also keeps plant numbers down - :D

Interesting that you've found you get better male/fem ratios without using A and B. Don't really know the dynamics of why that would matter but I'm not gonna dispute it - I think I'll stick with what I'm doing though - at least till you're sure, lolol.... :D

Take care, man...


yes specially in the rw cube stage i think it makes a difference. as far as i can tell it's the extra N in the veg fert that is key at seedling stage. the thread i read this in talked about the seedlings adjusting to environment. ie not much N means not enough resources to grow lots of females.

i know this particular subject is always hotly disputed by the side that says a seed is male or female or a hermi basta, that it can't be changed. the other side says that through certain environmental influences you can make more seedlings into females.

not sure which side is right, i know theoretically the first option is the correct one. the thing is over the years i have seen quite a few big seed growers reach the conclusion that you can have an influence. also thinking back to my few seed grows it does tend to support the later theory. the times i started seeds with canna substrate vega i had 60 to 75% females. when i used A+B i got less good ratios like 17% female.

anyway, i didn't know you can't upload pics yet, i knew you can't pm. hope the pics upload soon then.


Nice thread Gaius. You don't mention Rhizotonic in seedling root development and in later veg. Do you feel that this product is worth the cost. There seem to be many on these forums that are crazy over the H&G Roots Excellerator.( quite an expensive product in the States.) Do you have any opinion on these products?

Happy that you are back- I read avidly your first drip tutorial some time ago and still have a few slabs that I have yet to use. I am glad I found this thread and will keep my seat in the back row, bro.



by the way Gaius, what would be the harm in rebalancing the Canna B+A , to up the nitrogen during the early veg. or perhaps a light dose of high n fish fert etc. as a supplement? in hopes of obtaining a more favorable female to male ratio.
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well what a bummer due to the ash cloud in europe i can't make the 420 cup as planned, already rebooked twice and all got canceled as the local air space has been closed down. am totally gutted, hadn't been for 2 years and after my adventures last year i really needed that 420 in amsterdam experience again. at least i can rebook another flight by end of may or get a refund and the advance on my place to stay can be reused inside 6 months so now i have to go at some point lol. man how depressing, maybe i'll make a batch of bho with my second run bubble hash to make some really nice bubble oil to take my mind off al the fun i'm missing at the cup. :laughing:

oh well might as well do some pic updates....sigh :)

Hey crtoker, nice of you to join us. the reason rhizotonic didn't get it's usual mention is that i didn't decide to post this grow up till i was already on day 1 of 12/12 so i didn't talk about the preparation of the rw cubes with rhizo at full dose. that's the only time i give a full dose when soaking the rw cubes ready to plant the clones in them. i don't know the h&g root excellerator. i find the rhizotonic does the job.

interesting thing about canna coco a+b is that it already has quite a bit of N considering it's a flowering nute mainly. but yes for the rw cube stage and the early veg phase i just used some canna terra vega nutrients and that worked fine, specially with my short veg phase on the actual coco.

resizing pics, will post up later or tomorrow, the home made crosses are flipping out if i had another 3 foot of ceiling i bet the tops would be something else, as it is the actual tops of most of the seedlings don't get the light they should. i actually had to top the one right under the light, else it would have grown right into the light.

peace out for now :wave: :joint:


also wanted to add that so far the pm has stayed away, the mites are not completely defeated, but it looks like they will be held in check long enough that i get a clean harvest. i think i will do a mayor fan leaf plucking to get the humidity down and some light into the canopy. i don't normally do this, but i figure you have to try things more then once to really know the effect or consequences. just wanted to give a heads up to bio control fenicure, it seems to have fully cleared up the pm.

my ec is at 1.8 and ph at 6.0, rh is from 45% to 75% and temps ate a steady 20° to 25° added some pk 13 /14 again a few days back, only about 2/3 of the rec dose.


Damn where have I been?!?!? Lookin good dude, could you help a lost bro out and explain what top 44 is composed of? Peace ;)


I was wrong about not being able to post pics, lol.... I just assumed and shouldn't have. I don't germ seeds in rockwool - I only use rockwool to clone in. My ratio is pretty close to 1:1 maybe a few more males - My first feed for seedlings has 0.5mL/gal cal-mag and 0.5mL/gal of Canna's A and B. Using canna coir, I have to pH my initial feeds to 6.4 or so to keep the pH from diving outa range on me - at least for the first 2-3 weeks after each time they're put into new coir...

I heard the other day from a buddy who's hydro shop guy told him that canna's buffering their stuff to 5.5 - have you ever heard anything like that??? If it's true, that explains why I buy pH up about 5 times more regularly than I do the pH down... :D If they're buffering to 5.5, I wish like hell they'd stop... having said that, I've rarely run into a hydro shop guy that knows anything really well - most of em look and talk like they're temps from rent-a-wino or some shit - :D


Hi again Caligreen

as far as i understand it, the top 44 is a selected victory clone. but to be honest i'm not 100% sure, i got to know her just as a local clone that was around years ago and has shown up again recently. a lot of folks love her taste as it's the old fashioned skunky taste she has, once properly dried and cured. she doesn't compare to things like the cheese or SD or Casey Jones or my old WW etc. her main advantage is her 7 week flowering time for those comerc growers that are in a hurry. i intend to give her 8 weeks to finish well.

greetz mojo

i can well imagine that canna does buffer to 5.5 as the euro market is mainly using tap water with a ph of 8 and higher. this means we don't even use ph up, just ph down. but in the end it shouldn't matter too much as 5.5 is still ok although it is a bit on the low side for my own taste. i'm guessing your ro water is ph 6.00 right?
i admire people who successfully pop seeds in coco coir :) i guess that's about the only time you can over water, so i always do lol. rw cubes are a nice help for clones and popping seeds in my garden, much as i hate the idea of using that synthetic crap.



day 36 of 12/12 Top 44 update:

day 36 of 12/12 Top 44 update:

top 44 bud


topped home made seedling from sdxcj, this one seems the most advanced





home made seeds again, crazy stretchy sat phenos, or just seedlings vigor in coco? or both, lol.


the second fastest pheno



size comparison








greetz mojo

i can well imagine that canna does buffer to 5.5 as the euro market is mainly using tap water with a ph of 8 and higher. this means we don't even use ph up, just ph down. but in the end it shouldn't matter too much as 5.5 is still ok although it is a bit on the low side for my own taste. i'm guessing your ro water is ph 6.00 right?
i admire people who successfully pop seeds in coco coir :) i guess that's about the only time you can over water, so i always do lol. rw cubes are a nice help for clones and popping seeds in my garden, much as i hate the idea of using that synthetic crap.


I haven't used my cruddy tap water in so long, I couldn't tell you what the pH of it is. The RO water I use has a pH of 7 but we both know that doesn't matter because it's so easily changed by the smallest amount of pH up or down.

I hear ya on the overwatering seedlings thing - yeah, it's easy to do. I fill the 4" pots and water them. I have a kitchen match stick measured off at 1/4" and use it to press the seed down into the coco till I get to that 1/4" mark, scoot a few coco particles over the small hole and then I hit it again with a few drops more of water. They don't get more water again for about 5 days or so - then I fill the pot with straight water again and the next time I have to do that, the plants are normally needing some food. :D later...