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Biscuit Box

glad to hear your enjoying your harvest. I seem to have the problem of the more i grow the more i smoke, so i hear ya about it going fast. Any pics of what ya got goiing currently? Your grows are always fun to watch. Im a few weeks away from my first harvest in my tent with the 400 watt. cant wait. hope things are good. stay safe, and stay high my friend. :joint:


weed fiend
Hey rich, glad to hear the tent grow is working out. Here's 4 Merlin's Magic, 21 days in flower. I'm trying to keep them tied down but it's a battle with so many tops.




~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
WOW Brother Disco look at them girls go, do you know if any of them are showing AG expressions, I'm not exactly sure what to look for, but they look awesome. DG will know what to look for.

Peace an Respects


weed fiend
b00m, I've never grown either strain but thanks for the kinds words. You're right, DG might have to take a look and let me know.


Active member
Hey Ludes dude just swinging through :) Looks like those merlins are going to test the limits of your cabs capacity, they're getting big quick!
I know what you mean about popcorny shit hurting the harvest.. last night I went back into the tent and clipped what was left of my C99's.. normally for a small clone it's done in 7 weeks but these mini trees took 10 weeks.. took the tops at 8 and finished the bottoms last night. Looks like I got another couple zips of bottoms stuff.. it actually hardened up pretty good :) As long as it gets us high in the end!


weed fiend
Thanks or the info, Che. I'll let the lower stuff go longer if need be. I let these girls get away from me just like the Zombie Virus last year.

EDIT: I got the pH problem fixed. They don't look hungry anymore. I'll get a few more pics when the batteries are fresh.
looking forward to those pics DB! Im already starting to overgrow my tent, but the first girl comes out sunday, so im excited for that. cant wait to see what the merlins magic does in the next few weeks. stay safe and stay high!


love machine
ICMag Donor
:wave: DB

Not sure how i missed this thread :spanky:
but im here now :D, so i'll watch ya from back here
You got some nice green thumbs my friend, all the ladies are lush and healthy !!!;)



weed fiend
Hello rich and red. Thanks for dropping by. I'm glad to hear you're filling the tent up, rich. Enjoy the smoke.

Day 35 flower and we're getting some buds!




A hour or two of light will hopefully get those leaves flush.

Thanks for checking me out, guys!:)


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
:woohoo: You have buds! No wonder it took so long. Didn't realize you're running a pretty heavy sat strain. What is it again? Well done Bro! Consider cleaning up the under growth?


weed fiend
THanks for dropping by, boom, labtec and red. :D

:woohoo: You have buds! No wonder it took so long. Didn't realize you're running a pretty heavy sat strain. What is it again? Well done Bro! Consider cleaning up the under growth?

What up, V? It's Merlin's Magic, (Acapulco Gold x C99). I cut everything that didn't reach the light. I'm trying pistol whipping and most of the lower stuff is fan leaves only. The fact they're still growing after nearly six weeks isn't that hard to deal with. But the trained colas are now shooting additional lateral growth and that's a major pain for a small cab.

johnny butt

It may be a pain, but you sure are rocking it DB! Maybe a light supercrop is in order...

Pistol whip those bitches and keep up the great work :dance013:



Active member
Disco, those plants look great but I'm thinking they're gonna over grow that cab within a few more days!! I hope can you can whip them into shape my friend. I'm always watching and reading with interest..


weed fiend
I know what you mean Che. This can't go on forever, lol. Just last night I had to fish one of the cola tips from behind the bat wing. Used to be cute but getting old quick.