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New Big Bud Forumula featuring Buddy


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
So, I went to the hydro store today to shoot some shit with the guys and realized that Big Bud had a new label and new formula 0-1-3 from 0-2-4.

Also, Hornby is off the cover and a bud with glasses and lips is on the cover. His name is Buddy. Lol.

They better not fuck with it. I love Big Bud.

Sorry, formula.


Well-known member
they already did. there is no more mg in it either, though the label still seems to mention 7%. Does this surprise you? I believe it used to be 0-1-4 too...


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
Haha. Hey asshole. Long time no talk.



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Well-known member
HAHA its the vag man! I don't trust fancy labels, and I rarely judge a book by its cover. However, that shitty label is all your paying for. it's more expensive than the bottle or its contents...


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
Yo Yo,
Whats been keeping you busy?

Oh and apparently they are taking Overdrive off the shelves.


Well-known member
2 girlfriends, a new spot by the beach with a 2 room 18x20' garage...
workin hard for the $$$... what can I say? life could def be worse. (knocking on joint)
you end up with that bud factor X???? was it all it was cracked up to be and more? or did you not notice a difference?
Weird. I've been using Big Bud for the past 2 years, and the recipe has been 0-2-4. And to be honest, I've never seen that bottle of Big Bud (the one with hornby on it)

I'm positive that your hydro store is selling you OLD grow nutes. I've heard a lot of shady companies do this- Buy expired nutes for super cheap discounted prices. May I ask the last time you bought a bottle of the "Hornby" kind of Big bud?
I'm positive that your hydro store is selling you OLD grow nutes. I've heard a lot of shady companies do this- Buy expired nutes for super cheap discounted prices. May I ask the last time you bought a bottle of the "Hornby" kind of Big bud?

That is the most ridiculous thing I have read today. Yea, hydro stores buy expired shit. LOL. First of all, you think AN or any other major nute company would consider selling an expired product? Or a hydro store would want to buy them?!

The manufacturer won't do that because then people will think the product sucks and won't buy it.

The hydro stores don't want shitty product cuz then they get a bad rep, loses customers....and then close the doors.

Just face the facts....sometimes companies change the "formula" and sometimes they change the packaging.
That is the most ridiculous thing I have read today. Yea, hydro stores buy expired shit. LOL. First of all, you think AN or any other major nute company would consider selling an expired product? Or a hydro store would want to buy them?!

The manufacturer won't do that because then people will think the product sucks and won't buy it.

The hydro stores don't want shitty product cuz then they get a bad rep, loses customers....and then close the doors.

Just face the facts....sometimes companies change the "formula" and sometimes they change the packaging.

I'm sorry that you're in such denial, but you're wrong.


Well-known member
probably to go with their PPM/PH perfect line. it's why they came out with rhino skin. a silicate that doesn't up PH. I imagine overdrive drops PH. I have been working in the industry for 10 years. Owned a store, and I never heard of anyone selling expired batch dates for a discount. If they did, I would of surely bought some. Name a product with an expiration date on it....
GH FloraNova has expiration dates.
They are coded on the bottles but they have to be referenced by contacting GH.
That is how we did it when I worked there and they still do it.
FloraNova shelf life is about 1 year.
Most nutrients have a limited shelf life if they contain carbs or humic/fulvic.


Well-known member
humic / fulvic goes bad? its been on the planet since before us...

I got a bottle of FNG that precipitated in a month of opening. huge phosphorous rock banging around in the bottle. A Batch code has a date, but I don't believe they have an actual expiration date. is FN even mfg/bottled by GH?

grow nerd

I would never buy a bottle based on some big dude's chubby face. I know AN is all about fancy labels so what the fuck where they thinking this time around?? LOL