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Hallo guys, I'm an Italian grower and I can confirm that Spinosad is very reliable againt thrips... Here in Europe the Bayer company sell a product named "success" tyhat contain Spinosad..

http://crop.bayercropscience.it/home.cfm?lang=it&section=34&idazione=I&type=X&id=11538 (i think it is not available overseas)

Used 3 times against thrips in 3 different grow cycles.. Always 100% success (as its named ;-)), in this product the components remain in the plants max for 30 Days... Used one time also during flowering, not on the flowers, with no affect to thye taste..
For the spiderites I found Spinosad not so effective as SMC (Spidermite control)... cause it will not eliminate eggs..

But.... SMC contain 94% Canola Oil , and it is not legal in Europe for alimentar use, but in the U.S. and Canada is larged used especially in Mcdonald's.. I guess for spidermites should be just fine...:biggrin:


Grow like nobody is watching
Hallo guys, I'm an Italian grower and I can confirm that Spinosad is very reliable againt thrips... Here in Europe the Bayer company sell a product named "success" tyhat contain Spinosad..

http://crop.bayercropscience.it/home.cfm?lang=it&section=34&idazione=I&type=X&id=11538 (i think it is not available overseas)

Graham (or anybody), at what rate do you mix the Success product? There is no mention on the label of Thrips. The spinosad strength is 10g/L. There are two dosage rates on the label for other pests - 20ml/litre or 5ml/litre. Any clues? :dunno: Thanks.
Graham (or anybody), at what rate do you mix the Success product? There is no mention on the label of Thrips. The spinosad strength is 10g/L. There are two dosage rates on the label for other pests - 20ml/litre or 5ml/litre. Any clues? :dunno: Thanks.

Hallo Scrubninja, I used to make this dosage with Bayer Success:

max 4-5ml/Lt.

I advice to use it always at the max dose first time. Thrips will be gone in 24h.. ;-)
If you have a strong infestation, use first time 4-5ml/Lt and the second time (one week after the first) at 2-3 ml/Lt..
Bye and Have a safe grow..
By the way I would like to precise that here in Europe or more detailed, in Italy, the worst thing to have in a grow room are spidermites... Those bastrds really are almost undestructable.. I would like 1000's times more to have an infestation of thrips rather than spidermites.... Or better.... I would like not to have a singol bastard in any of my grows :D but not always is possible.
But the last time that I applied spinosad to eliminate some thrips I called up some friends, put some chairs in front of my grow, I applied spinosad and all together watched the creepy show and their agony... :groupwave:


Help plz

Help plz

I'm at war with thrip's also , Neem oil and systemic insecticide , i used a sulpher candle when the growroom was empty and culled my favorite strain . Would love to watch them ALL die .
Does any one know where i can get spinosad product's in the United Kingdom or Ireland , please thank's .
Went through Amazon but they wont ship to me .
Thank's everyone this sound's like a wonderfull product .
I wanna give this gear a go .


Thank's graham , i have an italian english translator downloaded and will give that a go ~
However i have not got high hopes with new knowledge
"The soil assoc has not approved spinosad in the UK which is something putting UK organic growers at big dissadvantage. It is approved for organic use in many EU countries and the rest of the world. So fact: organic produce sold in the UK is treated with this insecticide. Looking at other “organic” insecticides – Derris is very toxic but is approved and used. Under commerncial conditions it kills many insects, including beneficial ones. Also BT is one of THE most toxic insecticides to natural butterflies yet it is applied to control moth pests. Back to spinosad – maybe what is wrong is your information. I suggest you search the scientific literature, EFSA website for information. Spinosad is natural – it is fermented by a bacterium from starch and sugars – can you think of other natural fermentation products…I know one – even applies to wine…alcohol – that IS toxic and a chronic human carcinogen. But it is only dangerous when over used and taken in large amounts – if you don’t drink wine (apart from being very sad) or only have a few glasses a week the dose is such that it will not be of toxicological concern. That’s also the case with natural insecticides. Get the dose, timing and use correct and you can apply them without causing undue risk to bees or aquatic life e.g. don’t applied at the middle of the day
when the crop is flowering (low risk to bees) don’t use in vines near water (low risk to aquatic life). "
Thank's everyone :thank you: i live in hope :blowbubbles:


Recovering Seed Whore
ICMag Donor
Got Monterey Garden Spray because of this thread and it has saved my veg tent from being decimated. Thanks!!!


New member
Great tip, going out to pick up some Monterey Garden & Lawn right now. Had a thripe issue that just wont quit!

Neem Oil hasn't fixed the problem even after 4 weeks of application!


Active member
ICMag Donor
I have used the Monterey spinosad for a few years now. It is a great product.

Is is so benign. You can use it right up to harvest, and a quick rinse of the plant with plain water before chop neutralizes it. Unlike Neem at the end, you cannot detect Spinosad.
For the borg, one needs to reapply at 7 days and again at 14 days, as spinosad is ineffective against eggs.


I picked some up a month ago, because I had a very very minor thrip/gnat infestation in my clone closet.

ONE application, and after a week, I didn't see ANYTHING, it seems to have eliminated the occasional gnat too.

I bought the 32oz size from my hydro shop @ $15.95, but this stuff is CONCENTRATED, just a tablespoon in a quart of water makes a full strength product.

that quart of monterey garden spray will last a lifetime


Active member
ICMag Donor
I don't much care for hydro shops...but I did inquire about it at one locally so I could obtain it easily. They hadn't actually heard of spinosad, but were very curious when I gave them a description of the product.

Two years later I was in there looking for coco and low and behold Monterey Spinosad! Guy said some dewd tipped him to the stuff a while back...sells really well...lol...