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possible 10k loss here


i have decided to move on and forget the whole thing
i am curious to find a product for future foliar use
there are garlic based,pepper based,some with soap some without.
which is best?

You should consider lady bugs next time if your situation allows it.

They do all the work and the mites will never get a big enough population established to do any damage.


New member
my neem oil foliar did not seem to affect the critters at all
thats why i wanted to try something new
even though it was neem based i chose azamax

my initial emotional shock over the damage prompted this thread
i have to say the i am a little surprised with myself and my reactions

i have a whole list of lessons i have learned from this ordeal

i have always considered myself pro-active when it comes to biological warfare
using soil microbes to kill fly eggs and periodic neem sprays i have always kept the upper hand when it comes to critters

but these so-called borg took this round

kind of embarassed about how upset i got actually
my rule always used to be "train her like the bitch she is" but i went a little soft, havent i, lol

grow nerd

oh by the way 10k is street slang for 100 percent


New member
i have some bacillus subtilis in a product i have
will definitely try it out

grow nerd is a funny little boy, the hamburger scene is my fav


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
i have decided to move on and forget the whole thing
i am curious to find a product for future foliar use
there are garlic based,pepper based,some with soap some without.
which is best?

floramite sc (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dl...fdae884&itemid=200453582845&ff4=263602_263622)
spray once and the mites and all their eggs will all be dead.
only apply it in veg as its a systemic approach... but it'll eradicate any mite problem easy as pie.
if you wnat to kill mites dead anyways... if you want to fuck with them for a little while there are many other alternatives (eg total release foggers, dips & dunks, etc)

lady bugs/predatory bugs
ime wont do shit as a means of eradication... they are more of an organic preventative measure. they look cute though.


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Yeah, one more person here on the No Pest Stripes team... If you HAVE to resort to something like this then it is the way to go... Kills all mites and hatchlings down the road..


looks to see it you have any gnats in the air they could be root aphids....
definite root issues

Agree with this, the larvae of fungus gnat make the plant wilt even when properly watered. I use Gnat off (Gnatrol) to control them.

grow nerd

Just curious. How do you say 10% in street slang? "1k"?

How about 1%? Just "100"? Maybe "1c"?



Active member
I wish someone could answer my question. :dunno:
I'm doubting silent majority is an actual expert on street slang ... Soooooooo start your own F'ing thread for street slang dictionary type answers (preferably in the Tokers Den where it has a chance at not getting slammed or deleted) and leave the infirmary to 10K plant losses, spidermites and real world sick plant problems.