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Spring 2010 Light Dep, 10ft x 40ft Greenhouse w/ Hindu Skunk & XXX


Hey all, thought I'd start a journal of our medical grow here to support the greenhouse forum and get some input from the good people of icmag. Glad to be here, icmag has been a huge resource for me and hopefully I can start giving back to the community now. :tiphat:

24 each of Hindu Skunk and XXX will be flowered. Thoughts on these strains? We're doing an early light dep, shooting for end of June harvest on the Hindu Skunk and second week of July for the XXX. Looking for 12lbs with all of them LST'd.

Vegging indoor (for another 2-3 weeks, they were put into soil 2.5 weeks ago) under a 400w MH in a small mylar box I built. I'm about a week into LST with them. Hopefully the .8 gallon containers I have on the way will be enough until they're in the 5's outside.

Roots Organics soil in the 4.5" pots right now, I'm going to run about 30% Perlite 70% Roots Organics for the 5 gallon pots they'll finish in.
Keeping it simple on the nutrients this cycle since this is the biggest I've gone so far. GH Maxigro and GH Maxibloom along with some Maxicrop, no other additives planned currently.

Greenhouse is 2 carports end to end. To make it a little easier to cover and not so obvious from a distance, we're building a PVC bottom frame to shorten it instead of cutting the poles. It'll sit on top of a "foundation" of 2x9" lumber that we also put together. This will make stapling the cover to the frames much easier and cleaner. Inside will be a PVC drip system and the floor will be covered with white poly to keep humidity and heat down as much as possible.

I've been holding off on starting the journal until I got some good updates built up, so here ya go:


Every veg room has to start somewhere right?


45 Hindu Skunk and 25 XXX, we were babysitting some and a couple others will be mothers.


The front panel pops off for tending.


Bit of transplant shock/burn on the left there (I think). This is the XXX.


First LST.


Foundation and top frame assembled.



If you like building stuff and don't have a good set of quick clamps, go get some now! These things are amazing.


Legs for the frame.


They'll sit right at the edge of the foundation for a nice, clean attachment of the greenhouse cover.

Thanks for watching, I'll be updating this regularly and certainly appreciate questions/comments/suggestions!



Taking a front seat for the show, Looking good so far, loving the DIY greenhouse looking superb, Looks like your ready to go :lurk:


Active member
nice... can't wait to see the greenhouse come together

babies look nice and happy

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
I'm not much of a DIY kinda guy, and I'm always amazed at what people can build, so this should be fun to watch. Pulling up a chair.

GreatLakes THC :joint:

mister c

oh....and hindu skunk is a GOOD GIRL FOR SURE. Good yield. Pulling an lb an 1/2 per 1k pretty easy. Im sure it can pull 2, just havnt done it yet. That is all indoor. And still pretty potent with a "that dank from when i was growing up" taste.

What kind of tarp are you using? One of those breathable ones?


Wow man thats looks dreamy..

Your lucky so live it up bro and keep those plants lookin as green as they do..

Did you ever think about putting some kind of bar into the ground under each bar so that you could give the thing some side walls raising your ceiling a bit, giving yo a bit of overhead space. Could help with heat maybe you could use tables and so on.

Just an idea. I like the style of your house just thought sidewalls could help a bit.

What covering are you going with?


mister c

Good to hear on the Hindu Skunk. :D No experience with it here, new strain for us. We're going with some clear 6mil plastic, Casa De Pot variety, maybe.

Any experience with regular plastic sheeting vs greenhouse poly? We're trying to keep costs down on this first run so I'm not sure the greenhouse poly is worth it at 2-3x the cost plus the shipping hassle.


The PVC in the pictures are the "legs" to the greenhouse, the top was built from 2 carports and is just resting on the foundation at the moment. The peak will be about 6.5' with the bottom frame attached. We decided to build a PVC bottom frame to shorten the carports (they're 11' at the peak normally) to make pulling the blackout over and off every night a bit easier. One option is to cut the poles but we wanted to keep the option of raising it if we needed to.

Thanks for watching ya'll, expect some more pics on the update tomorrow. Keep smokin'


mister c

What's your indoor setup? I want to be all indoor within a year and 1.5lbs per k sounds mighty tasty.


i can tell real work is getting done... no job complete without a PBR. looks great


Buy a good quality greenhouse cover. Regular plastics are not engineered for light diffusion or wavelength or strength or anything. If you take it right down when its done it will last many years. If not you can get 3-4 or 5 year covers. There is a shitload of science behind plants grown under plastics. Good luck.


I forgot. High quality greenhouse plastics hold dew on them, whereas regular poly it just lets go and rains all over your shit. All the transpiration and the cool night temps will cause a lot of dew to form and it will fall. Enough. Sorry, I know the stuff is expensive.



It's blasphemous to build shit without PBR on hand!


Thanks, that's exactly what I was wondering. Funny enough, a good quality anti-condensation cover cut to our exact size requirements is only about $50 more than regular poly that we'd have to tape together.

Got all the girls transplanted into .8 gallon pots today, they'll be in those another 2 weeks until they go outside. Pictures coming shortly.

Now if this weather would just cooperate...


Active member
This isn't a commercial kit. I'm in the same/similar boat myself. Getting ready to try some small scale outdoor here, and scale it up medically for next season (similar to what you're doing), to learn the ropes.

How much did you spend on your greenhouse construction? Is it over $1,000 USD.


We already had the carports, and the lumber was on the property when we got here. You can skip the lumber for the foundation (I've never seen someone do it this way, it's an experiment since we didn't have to buy the wood) and check around for carports on craigslist, then chop the poles it comes with to lower it a bit.

The cover is the expensive part, it's about $175 so really not too bad. Our total cost is about $1000 for everything we needed to buy: soil, pots, trays, entire drip system, etc.


I'd say it's about time for an update eh?

Greenhouse is nearly done. Got the cover on, just need to finish up the end caps. The ends will be plastic, and for now we'll leave the top triangle open for ventilation and possibly chicken wire the bottom foot or two (don't want small animals getting in). Thoughts? A door will go on one side.

Drip system is nearly done as well, had a little issue with the water pressure in our system blowing off the hose attachment adapter so I need to find something a little more robust.

We'll be putting the girls out this week as it's getting super crowded in the veg box.


Extra light fixture we built with stuff around the house to free up some space in the main box.


Main veg box, getting crowded.


Another shot of the main box.


Half the cover attached on the left, still working on the right side. You can see the drip system pretty clearly, almost all PVC with 2-port manifolds each feeding 2 pots. Each half of the greenhouse can be independently controlled.


LongCat is quite interested in what's going on 'round here.


Main manifold for the 2 zones on the drip system. 3/4" main coming in from the right, emergency cut off valve for the whole system, hose connection, then out to the electronic valves and pressure regulators. Drops down to 1/2" PVC for the runs out to the pots.


View from the right, we'll be moving that shed back a few feet and completing the fence around the perimeter.


Both sides stapled down, you can see how we rolled it up at the bottom and stapled along the floor. Pretty easy if you have the spare lumber sitting around.

More coming soon, thanks for watching!

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