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Test Grow, Purple Concorde and Speedy Gonzales.


Update day 38

So it´s been a week since the last update, things are really starting to happen now. Im feeding all of the girls full dose of Hensi Bloom now with every feeding and there are no signs of nute burn, they seem to take nutes very well. Next time I feed ill start them on half dose of Hensi Phosphor Plus as well to give them that little extra boost.

The Speedy Gonzales are still a fair bit ahead of the Purple Mazars. The SG´s have started forming nice, very dens buds with a good amount of resin for being this early in flowering. The smell is very Diesel with skunky undertones, very enjoyable and pretty strong... have high hopes for smell and potency on these, fingers crossed.
You can also see 2 different phenos, one that is a bit stretchier and has lots more hairs. Has more of a good sativa look and Im liking that!! Always good with some variety.

The Purples are a bit behind, but seems to have speeded up the last couple of days so im hoping they start to put on weight now. There is still a little bit of color in the new growth and some of the calixes are starting to take on color. Its not much right now but you can see that there will be a color change further ahead, hopefully soon!

If you have any questions are comments please dont be shy.

Here are the pics.

Group pic. To the left, Purple Mazars, in the middle Speedys in small pots and to the right Speedys in large pots.

Purple Mazar

Speedy G, Sativa leaning pheno

Speedy G Indica pheno

And finaly a close up on one of the Indica Speedy Gs

Hope you like it. Stay safe.


very impressive, will be keeping an eye on your results.

Thank you mate, glad you like what your seeing. I have high hopes for this one. My goal is to get more then a gram/watt of excellent bud and by the looks of it that wont be a problem at all. If I can do it from seed in 75 days, thats just amazing in my opinion.


Update day 43

This id just a quick picture update, nothing much but im in a hurry. All of the plants are doing really well. The Speedy´s are fattening nicely and the smell is getting more and more pungent. The Purples are starting to take on color, all of the calyxes on the fat leafed Indica one are starting to turn purple, the last week it went in to a grow spurt and is now by far the tallest/biggest of all 7 girls. Its a bit behind the others in flower but looks like the yeild on that one could be very good. Its smell reminds me about over ripe strawberrys, very pleasant.

Hera are a couple of pics, will do a proper update soon. Have a good weekend all.

Purple Mazar

Purple Mazar close up.

Speedy Gonzales

Speedy Gonzales #2


I have a thought here that I hope someone can shed some light on. My last Auto grows the ripening has been slow, the plants has taken for ever to go from cloudy to amber. My light schedule has been 19/5. Im now thinking of switching the lights to 16/8 for the last 3 weeks to speed things up. Is there anyone who has done something similar and noticed a difference? Do you guys think that they will ripen quicker by doing this? Think it might be worth a try.

Will update tmrw with pictures and some info on the progress. All thoughts about my grow are very welcome. Cya around.


The snowryders i have under 12/12 seem to have ripened sooner than last run under 20/4, for what it's worth.


Cheers Bighill. Im going to switch mine over tmrw to 17/7 to see what happens. Will take some pictures as well, the Purple Mazar is getting more and more color and The Speedy G`s are fattening up nicely! One of the SG pehnoes looks like a really quick finisher, think it could easily be cut at 60 days... I like my bud with lots of amber trics though, so will let it go on til they are at least 50%amber..

Ill be back tmrw with pics. Stay safe.


Update day 46.

Heres a small update with some changes made to nutes and Light schedule. Changed the lighting to 17/7 to see if this makes to ripening a bit quicker then Ive experienced with my past auto grows that has all been 20/4 for the whole cycle. I also upped the nutes a wee bit, I´m now on full dose of Hensi Bloom and half dose of Hensi Phosphor Plus. All of the plants seen to take the nutes very well, no nute burn what so ever except on one of the plants in the small pots. That one got a feed of only water today to see if it perks up again. It still looks fine but no need to over feed.

Ive been a little bit lazy the last days, should have feed them yesterday but no time for it so today they were a bit to dry and looking a bit sad, but nothing to worry about, they will recover in no time.

Didnt take any close up photos as the girls didnt come out of the cabinet but here is one of the gils in the cab. Will update Friday with some nice pictures for you all, until then, take care and feel free to comment or ask any questions you might have.

All me ladies under the electric sum in the stealth cab.

Cya around //S
Damn, those are starting to look real nice. The more flavors, colors and different buzzes we can get out of the automatics the better.



Damn, those are starting to look real nice. The more flavors, colors and different buzzes we can get out of the automatics the better.


Thank you Jake! I totally agree with you about the more the better thing! Hopefully these two strains will bring something new and different to the table. Stay tuned for an update friday. They are putting on lots of weight by the day and that Purple Mazar is really starting to look amazing!!


Day 51 picture update.

Everything is looking good, the girls seem to like the full dose of nutes. One of the purple Mazars is starting to get alot of color and she is by far the biggest of all plants, Probably 2 weeks behind the others but she will be worth the wait i recon. All the Speedys are packing on weith and it looks like one will be done in about a week around day 62. The grow cab is sooooo crowded so it will be good with a couple of fast finisher to make more room for the others.

Well here are the pics.

Group shot

Purple Mazar bud

Purple Mazar form above

Speedy Gonzales Indica delight

Speedy Gonzales #2

Enjoy and let me know what you think.
Have a good week end my friends.


Very nice work! That Mazar is a gorgeous girl. I admire your future smoke :tiphat:

Thank you, cant wait for her to finish! The Speedy G´s are not to bad either.... the smell is just to die for, if you like diesel strains this one is the thing to go for,. Grown the diesel ryder before but the Speedy G´s are more pungent, deeper, sweeter smell, hard to put the finger on what it is but it is something i really like! Not super big yeilders but that is probably because i crammed my room full of them... 7 plants under a 90w LED is pushing it.. Still super happy with the results. Some will finish real quick and I wont have a problem of breaking the 1g/watt. For me its magic to get 100gs of excellent bud under 90W in 10 weeks...
Thank you, cant wait for her to finish! The Speedy G´s are not to bad either.... the smell is just to die for, if you like diesel strains this one is the thing to go for,. Grown the diesel ryder before but the Speedy G´s are more pungent, deeper, sweeter smell, hard to put the finger on what it is but it is something i really like! Not super big yeilders but that is probably because i crammed my room full of them... 7 plants under a 90w LED is pushing it.. Still super happy with the results. Some will finish real quick and I wont have a problem of breaking the 1g/watt. For me its magic to get 100gs of excellent bud under 90W in 10 weeks...

they look great....but I have the feeling that you are over doing it a little on the nutes.....especially if you are using led's....sorry...not trying to be a negative person but just giving my 2 cents...led's require a lot less nutes because the light is so much less intense then the hid's..........more water....less nutes with led's.........:ying: :wave:
Update day 31

All is looking good im my opinion. Took all of them out to day and gave them a good feeding. They have been on 1/2 dose of the Hensi Bloom the last two feedings and has responded nicely, no nute burn and good growth. To day i upped the dosage to 3/4 of the recommende dose, hopefully they are ready for it!

Some of the SG´s are looking really good and i have hopes of some actually finishing in 65 days, all of my previous Auto grows has been 75 days from start to finish but these might just cut it.

The Purple Mazars are a bit after. Two totaly different phenos as you will see in the photos, one stocky and one lanky, the lanky one looks to be a bit faster but Im liking the looks of the Stocky one. Might be what im looking for to help with insomnia. Fingers crossed. Please comment and give input if there is anything you might think could be done differently to get a better end result.
Here are the photos from day 31.
The five Speedy lady´s

Speedy nug starting to form...

another Speedy

The two proud Purple Mazars. The lanky one on the right has been tied down lots.

The stocky Mazar is showing a little bit of Purple in the new growth, has been since the start...

Enjoy and let me know what you think!

it looks like you have been over feeding them for some time....like I said.....LED's require WAY less nutes......you can really tell by the super dark green "undercurled" leaves...this is classic over nute fertilizing when growing with LED's........hope this helps....


Interesting thought Phillow, thank you for commenting. Im always keen to learn more and make the next grow better then the last.

Stitch thought i had to much N in the mix so I kind of heard it before, but then the under curling stopped when i repoted with more perlite and i thought it was done with, that the curling was due to not enough oxygen for the roots. I didnt think it was over nuting as they really took of after repoting and there are no burned tips from the nutes. Would be interesting to hear some more info from other LED growers who are in to autos. Know here are a couple in here using LEDs, have you experienced the same thing? That is using less nutes when growing with LEDs.

I dont use less nutes in each watering but one thing I do is water less, so in that meaning the plats get less nutes all together. Any one with some more insight/experience to matter?



WOW amazing!
great job man!!!!

Thank you rasta, its appreciated!

Also, is there anyone how has any thought regarding my nute schedule?? Will be feeding the girls to night so any input is very very welcome!

Was thinking of giving all of the girls just water as they have been on a good amount of nutes for a while now. Ive had comments on over feeding so thought this might help, even though i dont really see any signs of nute burn, just that deep green color and a bit of downward drooping of the leaves on the big Mazar.

Well Ive seen some autos turn out really nice with out any nutes so cant really see them getting hurt by just giving water tonight.
What do you guys think??


About your nute schedule. I like to keep my girls a little bit hungry. Seems to flush easyer (some advice i got from h3ad). I've got a cutting of cat piss kush that will take just about anything i feed it but it will sloooowwww dooowwn in growth to where it's almost stops if i over do it on N.

If it was me i'd alternate waterings "nutes then plain water" I sort of agree, you need to feed them less but at the same time i don't see any stress or toxic N shock from too much nutes. Just a bunch of super green plants.

Just thiking out loud.


Cheers Big Hill, I just watered all of the plants and all they got was plain water, think that will do it for them.

The big purple Mazar is a beuty for sure, took her out of the cab to water and noticed that alot of the leaves are getting a dark dark purple tone starting at the edges, its still not much but it looks like they will take on color further ahead. All the calyxes are now purple and the smell is some of the fruitiest ive ever had in a plant, strawberry goodness.

The fastest of the Speedy Gonzales is also turning purple, and the smell is as diesel as can be.

Here are a couple of pics, one on the Mazar and one of the fast Speedy Gonzales.
Will update again with more photos later this week.
Have a good week everybody.

