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sweet tooth and white widow clones


Hi everyone, I am a prop 215 patient and i purchased some sweettooth clones from harbor side and a white widow clone from Blue Sky, the widow looks super super healthy, i think all 3 clones have grown at least 3 inches since last thursday when i put them under 4 floursent lights that's going 24/7.

HOWEVER, i think the sweet tooth looks sick, the fan leave is light green/yellowish, not cool... anyone have any suggestions? their under soil, mixed with perlite and vermouth, watered with distilled water from safeway and once every other day for the sweet tooth and same as the widow, however i might water them again today because of the heat.

the first 3 pic is the sweet tooth, as you can see, the leaves looks yellow. i think might have over watered them.

the widow looks green, and happy.


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Maybe you should try feeding them some Nitrogen in the Veggetative stage. It works for my sweet tooth, it prevent early yellow leaves when im flowering.
Good luck


Enjoying the ride
ICMag Donor
.......their under soil, mixed with perlite and vermouth, .................

you meant vermiculite, right?
The sweet tooths look a little hungry for N. Watering every other day might be a bit much for the young clones.
Good luck bro. I would give my right nut for a genuine Sweet Tooth clone.


im with every one else its defently nitrogen deficentcy the lower leafs turning pale as the clones have took roots and started there growth into nice young plants. start out giving them a lil ferts if the mix calles for a table spoon per gallon use half you dont want to burn them up. ease them into a rich soil they can apreciate and enjoy. use the ferts as derected. i would just about bet its ferts water water ferts water water ferts and on and on.just easy does it but do it. there very hungery as all the nitrogen is moving up the plant to support new growth. take care.
I`d put money on root bound and perhaps nitrogen def.

You should move to larger sized pots with some new vegatative oriented soil bro.

I`m sure you`ll do fine with those babies.


i put two drops of plant food that contains 7% nitrogen mixed with some water and feed it to my babies, however i think the dirt needs to dry up a little so im not going to water it for probably 3 - 4 days


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Repot that sweet tooth asap they need alot of root space and magnesium as well and give it a balanced nute solution at about 400 ppm or so preferably GH 3 part at a 1/1/1 mix ratio. It's pretty normal to have yellowing dead leaves on the bottom of clones but it's not a big deal as long as the top shoot grows in healthy. I have made clones that basically ended up just being a stick with no leaves but as long as you have a green tip it will grow into a big strong healthy plant. Did they say what Sweet Tooth it was? #3 or #4 or the new one 1.1 that has a different blueberry dad?


If there in soil put some bat guano on the top and leave the nutes out for a week or so. Ull see growth overnight with some guano and you won't od them. When they get a little bigger ease those nutes right back in.

Zen Master

check your pH as well. if your pH is out of whack, adding any nutrients could do nothing, or make things worse, a balanced pH could solve everything if your soil mix is hot enough as it is. I can't imagine those plants needing much nutrients.


thx guys, im gonna get me a ph tester to see what my ph is at.
i thought i might have burned them, so i flushed it semi today with a crap load of distilled water so it comes out of the bottom, no more water for them for at least 4 days


Don't freak out. They just need food. I see you're gonna stop watering for a while that is good. When the pots feel really light in comparison to right after you watered them, that is when to water, don't bother testing with your finger or any of that stuff.

The bat guano advice is solid, or if you don't feel comfortable with guanos just get some maxibloom. I use 1 tsp per gallon of water. That is LUCAS formula so, it is basically idiot proof.

Your plants look pretty good, and losing a few leaves isn't the end of the world. Just give them some food next watering. Love your strain choices by the way, white widow reminds me of being a kid, and sweet tooth reminds me of college...oh the good ol' days.

Hope this helps.


pic 1 white widow
the rest sweet tooth
sorry for the shitty iphone quality.
a friend of my said i burned the plants by giving it too much food, what i did was put two drops of plant food into water and mixed it with about half liter of water and feed it to the plants but not all of it. so i gaved it a shit load of water last night to give it a mini flush to the plants, whole lotta water, but not too much came out so i guess the dirt was dry on the big pots. the little one, don't really look too good......

