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Is any1 else slamming their plants with high ppm?

The question is not the EC/ppm conversion. The question is why Mistress's EC meter measures so high...something is clearly wrong.
Her sig says it best:
all posts by *mistress* are....the product of *mistress* imagination, and used fictitiously.
+ broken meter.
Or maybe imaginary meter.

Carl Carlson

it has been fed 750 ppm flora nova bloom with 100 ppm calcium nitrate and 50 ppm magnesium. Ec 1.8 total.

as stated in his ppk thread, delta9 uses the hanna/usa x500 conversion.

EC is EC is EC​

i dare you to ask how much per gallon he mixed in


I use a Hanna meter...don't remember the number off the top of my head.

Thing is I use the EC setting which should be a universal reading regardless of what brand meter one uses. EC on a Hanna should match EC on any other brand of meter in the entire world...as has been said in this thread EC=EC=EC period.

The confusion comes in when people start talking ppm. PPM is EC times some number that a group of people agree on. Like the metric system vs whatever the US system is...e.g. make two marks on a piece of paper and the actual distance between them is the same regardless of whether one is measuring in mm or inches (EC is the equivalent of that absolute distance). But, depending on which system one uses one will use a different number to describe that absolute distance. One might describe the distance as 1 or 25.4 depending on the arbitrary scale one chooses. Without saying inches or mm the person one is talking to may have no freakin clue how far apart the marks are (ppm is that way).

Bottom line if I tell you my Hanna meter measures an EC of 2 you should be able to take the same soln I used and get an EC of 2 on your meter also...unless one of our meters is out of calibration.

How heavy one feeds depends on light intensity, how much CO2 is being supplemented and to a lessor extent ones genetics. Even then it is going to fall within a certain range. Feeding double what other people feed is an invitation to problems. Probably why most of us look at someone's real grow that is documented with pics until we find one we like...then we try and copy it, then we tweak away til we totally fuck up then head back to what works...and amazingly enough what works in those amazing grows we see tends to work pretty good for us to...the truth is always reproducible...whether or not it will set you free...well, that is open for debate.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
I use a Eutech EC meter to monitor nutrient levels.

I have also checked this with a friends Hanna meter and the reading was identical.


all i'm saying, is that theories are one thing and practice is often another thing altogether.

it's also worth noting threads tend to be alive, the starter posts his question or what ever and the others post their opinions, knowledge or anything else that happens to come to mind, so yes while the thread starter wanted to discuss pushing plants to the max, this subject automatically involves, people talking about the benefits and consequences of said pushing.

i never entered into your argument about tea spoons of a particular fert verses ec, ppm or what ever else. but i do know that when it comes to deciding nute strength, i'll listen to an actual grower any day over a theoretical grower who makes his/her points so complicated and strangely worded that you have to read the post 3 times to make head or tail of it.

nute bottle labels are mostly a waste of nutes, i haven't found 1 that doesn't recommend more then is ideal in most circumstances. sure there are strains and situations that can take those full doses and prosper, like i said in my first post, but those tend to be the exception rather then the rule. you can indeed give more ferts when you have more light and air, or when you add co2. the thing is that most of the elite clones people use and pass around tend to fall in the middle to lower nute use scale and in those situations pushing them with too much ferts (full dose) will actually cause them to yield lower then had they been kept at a lower ec. you will lose less yield by using slightly less then needed then if you use slightly more then needed.


which is about 1 tsp of gh ferts. far from pushing the plant.

forexample, by wk 7, 4x4x4' plant require ~300-400+ppm, just potassium.

during the same period, member GrowGreen normally ran 1300-2000 ppm, using fnb, on sog tables... those threads were well documented & many viewed them... most kbs gardeners went well over 1400-2000 ppm, as well.

original threads & the profiles that came from them based on minimum requirements of the plant, not the max that plants can take.


if og & cw had never been taken off map, maybe pics more inviting...
may post 1-2 pic & remove it some tyme;)... constituents dont prefer that though, as it was not fun back when og/cw went down...

tree gardening for several moons:D.
if/when mod gaiusmarius see such, maybe alter perspective. maybe... if not, oh well... not @ icmag to make friend, convince, etc...

huh? my perspective on what in particular? your not here to make friends? oh

neg rep, bashing, trolling, etc ok w/ *mistress*:D
5' tall+wide trees enough to keep company.
& if showed them, would only make neg rep/troller - troll more!

what has this to do with me? i read the word troll a lot in your posts, but it seems to me we are all having a discussion, some of us might have different opinions, but that alone doesn't make some one a troll. there is a function that lets people rate the value of your comments, it happens to be hooked to the rep system, but it's easy to tell the difference. not that i bother neg reping anyone, i just tell them when i disagree. but just so you know the auto generated karma message is from rating the post on it's potential use to that person, it's not a personal judgment.
w/ fully rooted cut (6-10") they get 1400ppm... ec increasing to 2500ppm by wk 7...

it is fact that root ec increase as plant get bigger.
by tyme "theoretical" plants are 3x3x3, they ready flower... & are probably larger than most of the plant that gardeners on icmag finish @... by tyme they get 4x4x4, they like 1/2-3/4 gal/day & like over 2.0 ec...

i'm not sure what that all means, but i'm glad if what ever you do is making you and your theoretical plants/trees happy :)
if 15ml fnb dont work for your plants, dont feed that!

now that is some sound advise

as for pics... vanity not that compelling. *mistress* plants healthy, very large & elite...

dont need to ask q's, or wonder about this/that hurting plant. already ran 1400ppm, since last cent of kbs/aero/dwc, w/ even more concentrated supern@tur@al nutes... so well buffered gh, no issues. ph down to 5.0-5.5, end.

if constituents permit 1-2 pic (of imaginary garden) maybe will post - then remove. not for *mistress*, nor for trolls, detractor - but to give back to icmag.

either/or... if they dont permit flick, it due to:

look i really don't mind if some one has pics or not, i can normally tell when a grower is talking from actual experience, it comes across very clearly in their posts most of the time.

not all systems are the same, just cause something works in one setup doesn't mean it will work in another. plants in coco, hydro and earth systems all have very different max nute tolerance, as well as the different strains and the difference between old elite clone lines, recloned for many years and newly popped seedlings or clones there from. that's why it's necessary to be specific, which requires complete sentences. in fact the whole discussion would be a lot more enjoyable for all if you mistress would use said complete sentences.

so do your trees, i mean theoretical trees, grow in coco? hand watered? from seed, or old clone line? in or out door? co2? it would be interesting to know what perspective you are coming from.

peace and good growings


its all very well saying the info is there and you will post how you like, BUT you have to understand that it is not nice trying to read and make sense of your posts as they are. i find it a bit rude to say the least, that you are not prepared to make the effort to make your posts easily literate to everyone else. i mean you are trying to share your knowledge here right? so why make everyone who is interested in what you have to say, translate your jumble of words in to meaningful sentences. anyway, now i really have gone off topic, so i'll leave it at that. btw you posted your troll neg rep rant right under a quote of my previous post, hence the misunderstanding.

so how about some pics thread starter, so we can see how your plants are digging their hot nutrient solution to help us get back on topic :)

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
its all very well saying the info is there and you will post how you like, BUT you have to understand that it is not nice trying to read and make sense of your posts as they are. i find it a bit rude to say the least, that you are not prepared to make the effort to make your posts easily literate to everyone else. i mean you are trying to share your knowledge here right? so why make everyone who is interested in what you have to say, translate your jumble of words in to meaningful sentences. anyway, now i really have gone off topic, so i'll leave it at that. btw you posted your troll neg rep rant right under a quote of my previous post, hence the misunderstanding.

so how about some pics thread starter, so we can see how your plants are digging their hot nutrient solution to help us get back on topic :)

I'm not the author of this thread but here are my pics of EC starting at 1.5 EC on clones, 600W HPS, ebb/flow 3x3 table.

Clones go straight on to 12/12 at 1.5 EC.









1.9 EC


I increase EC .1 each week.


cool, they seem to be digging it, so you will end up at about ec2.2? that's still not too high, although it's plenty for most strains, but because you started early at that high ec of 1.5 your plants adapted to high ec levels, also worth noting that hydroton can take higher ec levels then coco generally speaking.

were your clones or mums starting to flower? how come you have the single bladed leaves?


Q- Is any1 else slamming their plants with high ppm?
Why? I've seen alot of grows in RW (the real world) and i'd say that the most common cause of problems/fuck ups/low yields/bum ops is over ferting-thats in all mediums. Especially for beginners.

But i'm not closed minded on the issue-if someone is feeding such high nute levels to their plants and getting results-in coir-and i can see the results-i'd give it a whirl-on one or two experimental plants

k+++ to Gaius for being so emminently reasonable



I grow 4x4 bushes in one location and 50 or so plants on 4x8 tables in another. In both cases I run a max EC of about 2.2 to 2.4. Naturally the bushes drink more water/nutes per plant but the EC does not need to be increased for the bushes. Maybe this has something to do with the fact that water/nute use seems to be pretty even when you measure it per light instead of on per plant basis.

Another way of saying it is that yes my bushes use more nitrogen than my small plants...but they get it by drinking more soln, not by me upping the EC. When you recirculate you can see the consequences very quickly of raising the EC...your plants will drink water but a lot of the salts will go back into the res resulting in ever increasing EC...not a good deal at all.

I am in the process of sealing the bush room along with increasing the light density...that may necessitate a little higher EC but I doubt by much at all...maybe another .2.

Never had a plant that would be happy at an EC of 3 or higher and cannot imagine the taste if I did manage to push that hard.

Maybe it works fine for someone else but the thought of it makes me cringe.