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Gringo Guerilla Grower in the heart of S. America

hello to all growers. This year of growing for me will be small in size but should be interesting. My love for Cannabis is very passionate and spiritual. I look forward to sharing many interesting stories and photos. (once i figure out how to download my pics) Spring is here!!!
Before I get started I would like to point out a few things. I'm gonna add my opinions and experiances about this little and mostly unknown country, thru the eyes of a gringo giving up everything I have known and loved. To start a new life where I believe people appericate living alittle more. Plz forgive me for any misspellings or dislixus typings. English and computers were my worst subjects. And i know nada in spanish. (for now!)

Also any herb i harvest Will go to make hash oil for my Abuela (grandmother). Who has been strickin with cancer. I have strong beliefs that this plant can cure her. "God just give me the time i need to grow this flower to anoint her with the the oils she needs.
Moppel. besides cages what would you recomend for the rabbits and rats. Money is none existent and I will be growing using Organic methods. Never had problems with rats. my worst enemys ever were slugs and then deer.


Active member
Best of luck to you and your grows.
I look forward to seeing photos and hearing what you have to tell.
My father was born in Caracas, Venezuela.


Lookin forward to the show!! :D

You are in for a whole new world of critters, I bet ;) Lol, you may be missing the deer and slugs before too long :D

Nah, I'm sure you got it under control :D

Yo, I'll help you out with the pics. What 'button' do you click on to post ("Quick Reply", or "Post Reply")? What internet browser are you using (firefox, explorer, chrome, etc...)? Where are your pictures stored (cam, memory card, flash drive, computer, etc...)?

It's a pain in the ass the first ~30 times to get the pics:
1. ...off of the cam and onto the computer
2. ...size adjusted to upload to the internet
3. ...uploaded to an album
4. ...linked into your thread (posts).

Once ya do it a few times, the process becomes easy like anything else :D
Thanks barletta. The help is dif. needed. I hit quick reply. foxfire. from camera tocomputer to CD. You think you can send me one of those pics you took of my nugs from this year. something to look at until I start up.
I have noticed a whole bunch of fat snails here. I believe they will be my biggest problem. I am gonna see if I can find some copper wire laying around the streets to keep them at bay.
Thanks alot!


Ok, you need to create a new folder in the computer. Is it your puter? Shared? Whatever, if you are the only one on the computer, on the desktop (just the back ground pic for the computer screen) right click (middle finger) one time. This should bring up a menu (arrainge icons; refresh, paste, new, properties, etc...). You want to hover the mouse pointer over 'New", and a side menu will pop up saying 'folder' in it somewhere. Click on 'folder'. Right click --> New --> 'Folder'. You only have to do this one time.

Now plug in your cam OR insert your CD. Do not allow any programs to start automatically. If programs start up, just keep closing them out until nothing is happening. Once you have the device (cam/card/cd) with the pics on it connected to the puter, click the START button in the lower left part of the screen. START --> My Computer. Open the 'my computer' window. In 'my computer', you will see all of the drives connected to the computer. Double click on the one that has the pics you are trying to get to the puter (hard drive/desktop/new folder whatever you wanna call it). If the pics are on a CD, then select the proper CD drive. If they are on a cam/memory card, most likely the device will be listed by name, or say 'removable storage'. Find where the pics are and double click to open the drive/device.

The pics will most likely be in a 'folder' once you open the 'device'. This means you will have to double click in my computer to open the 'device', and then double click again to open the 'subfolder'. You will need to have 2 windows open at this point. The 'New folder' that you created, and the folder that shows you the pictures. Right click in the containing folder, and select "View" --> "Thumbnails". Drag the pictures/files you want from the 'device/picture containing folder' to the new folder. You just made an exact copy of the picture on the hard drive that you can now re-size and upload.

Once you have all of the pictures that you want moved from your cam/cd on to the hard drive, close the window for the device. Just have the 'new folder' open. Lol, my hands hurt, I'ma burn and link in some of your pics. I have more poorly worded instruction later :D

I have the ~4 pix of JF, and a bunch of stuff from summer 07.
My head hurts! Can you see the smoke pouring out of my ears? This is gonna be hard i can see. Plus the computer im on is in spanish. I do know I was givin a file. I think. Its even harder asking for help when u have to play serades to comunicate.

You have pics summer 08', really? Sure throw them up there.


Coming soon to a hemisphere near you :) Sr. Bueno's JF.




Nah, 07 - durban, cannaloupish, cough, ecconf (finished in your back yard), and indoor - mmg, cough, sweet haze.

I got pix of MY 08, lol. Lotsa Shit and Spice. ;)


It's not hard to do the pics. Just go step by step and remember the goal of each step:
1. Take the pic
2. Get the pic onto the pc
3. Edit the picture size
4. Upload the pic to the website
5. Link the pic into your thread.
I do remember those strains now. What ever happend to that East Coast Confidial anyways?
Sure wish i had some of that strawberry (good mood) cough right about now. I still havent found anything other than Uruguayan brick weed. yuck!
Last edited:


The EC Conf, LemonMuthafukka (ogk x g13/hz), and cannaloupish cuts all got pulled on the Dec 07 teardown. You had the cannaloupish, but not the other 2 cuts. Pee had a cut of the mmg, but I didn't want it. I'm most pissed about losing the lemon muthafukka and the squat ogk x g13/hz male that was starting to drop pollen. I also had 4 Pakalolo and 3 SSH seedlings ~3wks old that I ditched. Oh well, on to bigger and better :D



Early Durban OD

DP S.Cough OD



(also ec conf)

Ok Dawg, I'm done hijacking your thread :D


Grower for Life
cages might do the job. i had 4 feet high fences last summer (also in south America) , but those basterds climbed over the fences
Barletta. I can not believe you still have these pics. You are the man! I tired to smell the screen but i couldnt get a scent. All jokes for real, my mouth is watering. Oh how I miss the summer of 07'. Thanks for bringing me back.
The Strawberry Cough outdoor looks nothing like she does indoors.
The only seeds i still have of those pics is Sweet Haze.
Oh yeah I know you dont care to much for Strawberry Cough but I have her X w/sour diesel.
Moppel thanks for the thought but cages cost money espeically in Uruguay. And like i said money is non exsistant this year. There has got to be another way to keep the rats out. I know pee should work for the rabbits.


Those pics are absolutely amazing! I'll keep trying, hoping to get a result like that. Pee might work for rats too (they eat the plants!?) Peppermint oil, used kitty litter (smells like predators) and those toilet cakes are also supposed to repel them.