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CalBear4Life's Grow Diary (Flood/Drain: OG Kush and ChemDawg D)

Those babies look over watered?

What makes you think that? The thick leaves near the flowers? I think most of those are from high temps due to being too close to the lights, but I could be wrong...I am switching into a space with much more room on Wednesday, which will give these ladies MUCH more space. Does it look like it is due to overwatering, not heat?

Thanks in advance for the help...cheers!!!


I'm pretty sure that's an old pic, filthy. But your spot on.

What are your canopy temps CalBear? In picture 0443 it looks like
you have some heat stress on a few of those leaves. Other than
that looking good. I flush for 7-10 days in hydroton/rockwool. Some
of those fan leaves are huge. Nice work.:dance013:


Posted at same time. I think he's referring to the old pic with your tube in it.
I'm pretty sure that's an old pic, filthy. But your spot on.

What are your canopy temps CalBear? In picture 0443 it looks like
you have some heat stress on a few of those leaves. Other than
that looking good. I flush for 7-10 days in hydroton/rockwool. Some
of those fan leaves are huge. Nice work.:dance013:

Thanks Bro...the canopy runs at about 67 when the lights first turn on to about 72 degrees during the hottest periods. Some of the pictures I took were the ones that had grown right into the light while I was on vacation. The glass under the reflector gets pretty hot so I'm pretty sure it burned the ones that did touch it. Picture 443 was the first to and the worst of those to grow into the light. I trimmed off a bit of the burned vegetation, but I wanted to document everything.

Thanks guys...CHEERS!!!
GOD DAMNED ROOMMATE is not moving til next week...I am fucking stressing about the space. I need to move these things because of light-proofing issues as well as height requirements. Fuck I am pissed, I told this bitch that I was moving this shit in there after she was gone and now she is lagging without concern. Is it a bad thing if these ladies are super intertwined from me tying them down?
Well I'm still not happy, but it seems like these ladies are putting on weight now instead of stretching as much so I think I will be ok until I can move them next week. Fingers are crossed tho!!! :good:
So, my brother had a conversation with a buddy of my dad's who is running about 4 houses right now in SoCal. According to the guy, he is getting about 3lbs. per light of dank enough weed to demand top dollar. My brother knows his stuff about good herb, and gave the kush the guy was growing two-thumbs up. Said it was much better than most of the bud that the clubs are offering down there. I am excited because this guy is going to begin teaching my bro everything he knows, and providing an investment in my father's garage that we will eventually pay him back for. I am moving back to SoCal in about 8 weeks and I am going to join in the festivities. Luckily for us, he does not want to be a partner only an investor. So pretty soon things are going to get A LOT bigger for me. CANNOT WAIT!!!

My plants are doing great, but I can't wait to change the space....only 6 days more and these babies will be moving into their own room.

Cheers Fellows!!! Keep it up, it works if you work it!!! (sorry, just a quote from AA that I think works better here haha)
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Update Flowering Day 34
69 degrees 50-65% rh
1500 ppm 5.6ph

Good morning! I come with pictures and updates. The ladies are looking so amazing...still stuffed for space, but not for much longer. I am starting to get some serious interwoven colas because of the tying and such.

I added unsulfured blackstrap molasses last week but man that stuff gets gunky in the rez...think I'll just add a little per day when I top off.

It seems like some of the ladies are growing a little different than the others dependent on their placement on the table.
This back plant just looks gorgeous to me. It has not been tied down or messed with

Here is a hogde podge of nugs

And the whole thing
Oh yeah one more thing. I am stil having some problems with leaves curling and dying. I believe it has to do with the ph problems I had while my roommate was looking over them and the humidity problems I was having. Either that or it is that I am overwatering or giving them too much nutes. Here are some pictures. They are all in the lower part of the canopy, and none of the canopy leaves are showing any stress.
I have fixed my humidity and ph problems, but now I think I need to mess with the feed strength and schedule. Any ideas?
No its like the first 3 or so nodes...obviously a big problem. On a different thread most have said that I probably have potassium lockout due to nitrogen and phosphorus. I am going to flush and switch to the Lucas formula for the remainder of flower. The thing I don't know is how I should actually flush? Do I need to do anything to my medium? How many days? What strength nutes and how to bring back up to full strength?

I'm sorry guys, but I need some serious help. Cheers mates!!!
When you flush use 2-3 times the amount of water that your container can hold. Give it about the amount the container can hold, wait 10-15 minutes then use the rest of the water to do a final rinse after the initial amount works to dissolve your nutes. I like to use about 1/2 strength nutes a couple days after the flush then go back to normal feeding for the next feed. Good luck!
When you flush use 2-3 times the amount of water that your container can hold. Give it about the amount the container can hold, wait 10-15 minutes then use the rest of the water to do a final rinse after the initial amount works to dissolve your nutes. I like to use about 1/2 strength nutes a couple days after the flush then go back to normal feeding for the next feed. Good luck!

So is this kind of what you mean? I'm trying to break it down to steps because I'm confused sorry:

1. Fill my res with just plain water and ph.
2. Flood the tray and give it a few minutes to dissolve the nutrients that have built-up
3. Drain the tray back into the rez and dispose of the solution
4. Repeat 1-3 if necessary
5. Fill the res plain water
6. Use half strength nutes for first few days
7. Drain res again and boost back up to full nutes

Does this look right? or overkill?

Cheers guys!!!
So I tried to move the setup yesterday, BIG mistake. Since some of these ladies have not got enough light they are extremely flimsy so as soon as I took the tray out of the tent, they lost all stability and collapsed . So I put it back into the tent and tried to prop most of them up, but a lot of them have severely broken stems. I feel like such an idiot for even messing with it, but what can I do now? I somewhat leaned most of the ladies into each other to provide extra support. So now I am flushing and I almost murdered my ladies...hopefully they come back!!! Any ideas to provide added stability? FML
I use bamboo stakes that I tie my plants to when they get too heavy to support their weight. You can configure them like a teepee around the plants or do a single stake along side the main stem and tie the stem to that using plant twist ties but make sure not to make them too tight or you can injure or kill your plants. You can also use tomato cages, it's up to you.

I have broken the main stem of plants in 4 places and had them finish just fine. You can support the main stem by making a splint (use toothpicks or a small piece of bamboo on each side of the break and use plant tape to secure it). After a week or 2 you can remove the tape (you will see a knuckle when the injury took place then healed) and it should be able to support itself. I've had plants 1/2 way into flower turn out fine after this, just keep in mind that flowering times will be lengthened because the plant has to heal itself....

I know it's stressful to injure plants but fear not, they are resilient and can be brought back to health.
Update Flowering Day 41
850 ppm 5.6 ph
72 Degrees

So I am in over my head! After moving those ladies they had a domino effect and were pretty much just laying on top each other. I actually lost a couple of the smaller ladies, but it may have been due to the nute problems rather than the ladies losing their stability. I tied up the main branches that I could to a piece of wire hung right below the light and angled the light so that it beats more directly on the canopy. They are looking pretty rough, but I think the worst is over. I flushed the ladies for almost 3 days, and now switched back to 5m/9b per gallon and I have my fingers crossed that things will straighten out. I will post pics in the album soon.

Flowering Update Day 46

Hello Everyone! Thanks to all of your advice the girls are looking good again, but I think I should change my name to the puppetmaster with all of the tying up I've had to do. The ladies seem to have spent then last week healing after the devastation that I wrought on them by moving my tray and the nute problems I was having. Now going with the Lucas formula and the ladies are looking great. Going to switch the rez back to full-strength nutes tomorrow...thanks to JimBrowsky for the extra help!

Other than that...I think the worst is behind me. Live and learn! Post any comments for me that you think will help...thanks guys. Now onto some pictures.