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Wanna Ask The Old Farts A Question?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
hello.. I've got a question

I might have a hermie.. It's @ the 4th week of veg ... and there are everywhere female preflowers.. i just have 2 things that look suspicious on the main steam lower node ..

Would I see the male preflowers everywhere else, at the other branches and the top??

Those 2 are the only pre flowers that look a bit weird.. I am not sure.. My camera's macro don't want to work either.. so can't get useful pics...

I'm almost sure it's a hermie.. Not sure if I should judge by those two little things.. And there is no sing of any kind of them anywhere else and the plant is big..


It's hard to say for sure if it's a hermie or not without a picture. Usually you don't see hermies in veg as most of them are brought on by some sort of interruption of the dark period in flower. Not that it can't happen in veg, just that it's less likely. For it to happen in veg you would need some other form of stress like the temps being too high, having a ph imbalance that caused nute lock out that required flushing, etc. If you've had something happen that stressed the plant in veg then it could possibly be a hermie but with it just being in that one spot I'm doubtful it's that. I would think that there would be more spread around the plant.

For right now I wouldn't do anything until you become more sure of what you're seeing. See if you can borrow a camera to get a pic if your camera is having problems.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Hi HempKat,

I agree I probably should have tried harder to get more of the leaves out, but I was afraid of nipping off the buds.. Oh well, I think all in all I'll be happy with the results. I still have girl #3 to harvest. I'm shooting for more of a body high with her, so I think I'll let her go another week or so. I'll try to get a bit more leaf off of her when I manicure. You are right, I didn't really like smoking in the 70's cuz of the harshness, but even my quick dry is fairly smooth (or maybe I'm just tougher) in the bong and vaping so hopefully my final product will be even better than my samples.

I make some canna butter with the trim and plan on baking "Grace's Lemon Cookies" in the next couple of days. I'm excited to try that! Maybe, next grow I'll have read up on making hash :).

Thanks for all your help and support....


A word of caution on the canna butter. Canna butter is hard to determine a good dosage. Especially if made from fan leaves and what not because it's hard to guage how potent the butter is. Another thing too is that the effects of canna butter can take a long time to hit 1 to 2 hours depending on one's metabolism. What often happens is someone will make a batch of cookies, or brownies or something like that. They'll then eat a few and when a half hour or so goes by and they don't even feel a hint of a buzz they'll eat more. Then when it finally does hit it's too much and too overwhelming because they ate more then needed. There's no danger of overdosing, people have tried consuming ungodly amounts of weed and not once has there been a case of a true overdose. People might think they're over dosing but they're just panicing because the high is more then they expected.

Another thing to be careful of is this, marijuana smoked typically wears off after 2 hours or so. Marijuana eaten on the other hand can keep you high for 4 or more hours (again depending on metabolism). So if you do plan on enjoying some canna butter make sure you do it at a time when you got many hours before anything might come up that you don't want to be high while it's happening.

My first real experience with marijuana I learned the hard way on both the issues I talked about. I made a batch of brownies. I had about an ounce worth of a mixture of several street bought weed, columbian, jamacian, mexican, Thai and then 3 ounces of just dried leaves from some outdoor home grown plants. I ended up grinding it all up real fine and mixed it in the brownie mix. This gave me a batch of brownies with a quarter pound of weed in it. I made the batch around noon and had to be at work about 4 pm (I was a cashier at a fast food restaurant). Anyway I ate two brownies and at 12:30 to 12:45 I still wasn't feeling it, so I ate two more. Another 1/2 hour went by and I still wasn't feeling it so I decided to smoke a joint. The joint got me buzzed and gave me the munchies. I was also watching tv and the brownies were sitting near by cooling. As the munchies hit I absent mindedly ate 2 more brownies not thinking about what that might do. At this point it was about 2pm and the brownies were starting to hit. Well to speed up the story by the time I got to work the brownies were really kicking in and I was so wasted the keys on the register were moving around. Fortunately I had a cool boss and so I was able to tell him straight up what happened and he let me keep my job and go home on the condition I bring him a few brownies the next day.

So just be careful and give yourself plenty of time after eating any before you decide you need more. When if you do give yourself just eat a little more rather then a full portion. That way you're only adding a little more and you'll be less likely to find that you ended up taking too much.


Active member
Howdy HK!

Back again with a quick question. Growing some Satori's under some T5's in some MSMix. Temp is around 77-81 F. Humidity 20-35%.

Plants are looking good overall but I'm just curious about the leaves on this plant. All the young growth is really "ridgey" Don't know how else to describe it. Is it from heat stress? Humidity? Or am I just being too paranoid?

Pictures should say it all:





Hey HempKat... just a follow up smoke report on that Purple I had asked about. My friend tried a sample, it's really not cured yet, it should have a couple more weeks in the jars. I've been bringing the RH down slowly. But what's nice is even now, it smokes 'pretty smooth', and it was described as 'soothing'. That was one quality she was looking for. Her two biggest symptoms have been anxiety and the lack of appetite from the chemo.
Long story short, the two strains I've run are helping quite a bit, and it was just dumb luck with those two. I'm trying a few others over time, maybe another will be even better who knows. In the mean time the extra bud goes to pay for the electricity so it's not costing money to do this. And as I mentioned, its enjoyable. Thanks for running this thread. :good:



I love your story... You have a real way with words and had me cracking up! Thank you I was wondering about how strong the canna cookies will be. I think I used pretty good trim :), so before enjoy them I'll make sure there isn't anyplace I need to be or thing I need to do....

I have had canna cookies twice before. One of the times was on the way home from a girls weekend. My friends daughter had baked some for her and she gave me one before leaving for the airport to fly home.

When we got to the airport I couldn't find my drivers license. OMG, the TSA make me stand on this little 3X3 mat for about 20 minutes, wouldn't let me talk to anyone, wouldn't let me move off of it to through my water bottle away, was so rude and kept giving me really intense looks. Talk about paranoia! After I got by security, I hit the bar and gulped down a bloody mary! After that it was a great flight with my friend.. We laughed the whole way home....

Thanks for all you do...


The history leading up to this post can be found here.

The questions I need answers to are below:

  • Should I pull the bagseed plants and focus on the Hashberry and WW x BB?
  • Should I leave them?
  • Am I overthinking this?

In a nutshell, this is my first grow. I began with some bagseed and Hashberry seeds. I almost killed everything and then proceeded to successfully bring them back. In the meantime, while those were growing, I sprouted 3 White Widow x Big Bud seeds, 2 of which survived (all plant death thus far is grower error).

Plants were grown under a 250w MH lamp. All plants were transplanted into 1.5gal Air-Pots. Nine plants fit inside the cab. Last week, plants were switched to 12/12 under a 250w HPS bulb.

After one week of growth under 12/12, I was very surprised after seeing the results the other night. I temporarily lost my camera, so I only have photos from today to report.

Basically, the plants really exploded this week. Again.

I have them growing with an automated drip system, which allows the plants to "maintain" until I return on Friday. Each weekend allows me time to re-tie the plants (LST) and soak them in tap water in the tub. Once the soil is moist and the plants are rehydrated, I follow with watering using a stronger nute solution.

I am making a slow transition to GH FloraNova Bloom, and taking it easy on the nutes. I hit them hard early on and learned that the plants will "tell" me when they need to be fed. In addition, during the week, I am still using a light nute solution to maintain the plants during my travels.

Yesterday, I re-tied them, soaked them and re-installed my drip emitters. Couldn't wait to open up the cab today and I see that they are literally exploding in there.

As mentioned before, I have 9, 1.5 gallon pots in my cab and my room is running out of space! Let's pull it out and see what exactly we're looking at, here...Be careful now, these plants are REAL bushy.

If I remember correctly, I am growing the following:
4 - Hashberry (sex to be determined)
2 - White Widow x Big Bud (feminized)
3 - Bagseed (sex to be determined)

I thought I would be able to determine sex by now, but I'm not sure. All plants appear to be females. Could I be so lucky? I wasn't expecting it, if that was the case. However, this is all I can see of bud sites so far...

Not the best picture, I know...but until the flowers develop further, I won't be able to be positive of the sex.

My plan after germinating all plants was as follows:
Grow 9 plants out
Test different LST methods, see what plants were capable of handling
Determine sex of plants, pull males
Utilize remaining space for leftover female plants
Grow to harvest!

Now, I'm running out of room and concerned that the lack of space may negatively impact my plants.

  • Should I pull the bagseed plants and focus on the Hashberry and WW x BB?
  • Should I leave them?
  • Am I overthinking this?




I love your story... You have a real way with words and had me cracking up! Thank you I was wondering about how strong the canna cookies will be. I think I used pretty good trim :), so before enjoy them I'll make sure there isn't anyplace I need to be or thing I need to do....

I have had canna cookies twice before. One of the times was on the way home from a girls weekend. My friends daughter had baked some for her and she gave me one before leaving for the airport to fly home.

When we got to the airport I couldn't find my drivers license. OMG, the TSA make me stand on this little 3X3 mat for about 20 minutes, wouldn't let me talk to anyone, wouldn't let me move off of it to through my water bottle away, was so rude and kept giving me really intense looks. Talk about paranoia! After I got by security, I hit the bar and gulped down a bloody mary! After that it was a great flight with my friend.. We laughed the whole way home....

Thanks for all you do...

Use the cannabutter in place of oil in a brownie mix, never fails to please.
It's hard to say for sure if it's a hermie or not without a picture. Usually you don't see hermies in veg as most of them are brought on by some sort of interruption of the dark period in flower. Not that it can't happen in veg, just that it's less likely. For it to happen in veg you would need some other form of stress like the temps being too high, having a ph imbalance that caused nute lock out that required flushing, etc. If you've had something happen that stressed the plant in veg then it could possibly be a hermie but with it just being in that one spot I'm doubtful it's that. I would think that there would be more spread around the plant.

For right now I wouldn't do anything until you become more sure of what you're seeing. See if you can borrow a camera to get a pic if your camera is having problems.

thanks thanks a lot!

anyway I have been waiting now a bit and they look really female.. so I was probably just paranoid (I hope) Also grew ak48 before and never got a hermie.

the plants grew really OK (see pic)

I have another question

I think something is not good with my lsting .. the stem is so bent I'm sure this is bad for the roots?

(see pic)




and here is the pic of the current 'lst scrog' (2 plants) around week 4 of veg. I am getting way overcrowded..



the 2nd one is the more indica pheno and is one the left in pic 1.. probably will need to make it higher than the whitey sativa pheno

time 2 flower??? (I just wanted the lstet stems to get as big as possible)

theyre bit droppy have 2 water .. now it's day 4 without water .. also I've overferted a bit and now feeding plain water


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Howdy HK!

Back again with a quick question. Growing some Satori's under some T5's in some MSMix. Temp is around 77-81 F. Humidity 20-35%.

Plants are looking good overall but I'm just curious about the leaves on this plant. All the young growth is really "ridgey" Don't know how else to describe it. Is it from heat stress? Humidity? Or am I just being too paranoid?

Pictures should say it all:




My guess is that it's the humidity being too low. Everything else you described sounds okay, the only thing off was that the humidity should be more around 50% with lights on. The edges of some of the leaves look the way I've seen other plants in low humidity (dry) environments get. The "Ridginess" I've seen on plants in cool temps which cooler environments tend to have low humidity, so it could be related to low humidity? Then again maybe it's just a strain related thing?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Hey HempKat... just a follow up smoke report on that Purple I had asked about. My friend tried a sample, it's really not cured yet, it should have a couple more weeks in the jars. I've been bringing the RH down slowly. But what's nice is even now, it smokes 'pretty smooth', and it was described as 'soothing'. That was one quality she was looking for. Her two biggest symptoms have been anxiety and the lack of appetite from the chemo.
Long story short, the two strains I've run are helping quite a bit, and it was just dumb luck with those two. I'm trying a few others over time, maybe another will be even better who knows. In the mean time the extra bud goes to pay for the electricity so it's not costing money to do this. And as I mentioned, its enjoyable. Thanks for running this thread. :good:

No problem and thank you for helping out someone in need. To be honest I'm not real up on the medical aspects because I'm not a medical user but I think most any strain will help people like your friend to some degree, so don't be too surprised you found something that satisfies your friend, right out of the gate. I think it's probably along the lines that most strains will do the trick but some will do better then others. Probably the more important aspect is to try and make it as enjoyable for your friend as possible. Focusing on things like smell, taste, smoothness, which is kind of what you've done so far. You'll probably want to establish a variety of strains that work for her. It's easy to build up a tolerance if you smoke the same strain day in and day out but if you can mix it up by having 3 or 4 strains to pick from you can help keep that tolerance down some.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
The history leading up to this post can be found here.

The questions I need answers to are below:

  • Should I pull the bagseed plants and focus on the Hashberry and WW x BB?
  • Should I leave them?
  • Am I overthinking this?

In a nutshell, this is my first grow. I began with some bagseed and Hashberry seeds. I almost killed everything and then proceeded to successfully bring them back. In the meantime, while those were growing, I sprouted 3 White Widow x Big Bud seeds, 2 of which survived (all plant death thus far is grower error).

Plants were grown under a 250w MH lamp. All plants were transplanted into 1.5gal Air-Pots. Nine plants fit inside the cab. Last week, plants were switched to 12/12 under a 250w HPS bulb.

After one week of growth under 12/12, I was very surprised after seeing the results the other night. I temporarily lost my camera, so I only have photos from today to report.

Basically, the plants really exploded this week. Again.

I have them growing with an automated drip system, which allows the plants to "maintain" until I return on Friday. Each weekend allows me time to re-tie the plants (LST) and soak them in tap water in the tub. Once the soil is moist and the plants are rehydrated, I follow with watering using a stronger nute solution.

I am making a slow transition to GH FloraNova Bloom, and taking it easy on the nutes. I hit them hard early on and learned that the plants will "tell" me when they need to be fed. In addition, during the week, I am still using a light nute solution to maintain the plants during my travels.

Yesterday, I re-tied them, soaked them and re-installed my drip emitters. Couldn't wait to open up the cab today and I see that they are literally exploding in there.

As mentioned before, I have 9, 1.5 gallon pots in my cab and my room is running out of space! Let's pull it out and see what exactly we're looking at, here...Be careful now, these plants are REAL bushy.

If I remember correctly, I am growing the following:
4 - Hashberry (sex to be determined)
2 - White Widow x Big Bud (feminized)
3 - Bagseed (sex to be determined)

I thought I would be able to determine sex by now, but I'm not sure. All plants appear to be females. Could I be so lucky? I wasn't expecting it, if that was the case. However, this is all I can see of bud sites so far...

Not the best picture, I know...but until the flowers develop further, I won't be able to be positive of the sex.

My plan after germinating all plants was as follows:
Grow 9 plants out
Test different LST methods, see what plants were capable of handling
Determine sex of plants, pull males
Utilize remaining space for leftover female plants
Grow to harvest!

Now, I'm running out of room and concerned that the lack of space may negatively impact my plants.

  • Should I pull the bagseed plants and focus on the Hashberry and WW x BB?
  • Should I leave them?
  • Am I overthinking this?


I wouldn't say you're over thinking it but you are over doing it a bit. What I mean by that is that 9 plants in a small space under a 250W is pushing it. It would be okay only if doing a Sea Of Green style grow using clones.

Another thing is that it sounds like, as mear as I can tell, that the plants are only a couple of weeks old? If so you shouldn't be needing to feed them anything yet. Also if they are that young and in flowering, they're going to take longer to show thier sex so I wouldn't make any assumptions yet on the gender of any of them. That's why it's good to let plants mature in veg because they will flower quicker once they go into 12/12. I know the style in micro growing is to flower early to keep things small but a trade off one must accept with that is it will take longer to sex. Really it's better if you can work from clones. Clones are mature the moment they root (provided the mother was mature) and you know what sex they are so no worrying about males.

I would say don't get rid of anything until you know the sex if you can. I would say rather then just automatically throwing away the bagseed because it's bagseed, you should remove ones that appear to be doing less well then the others, regardless of what it is. Hopefully though you'll get some males to throw out and that will give you the room you need.

The explosion of growth is normal, the first 3 to 4 weeks of flowering is known as the stretch phase, during the stretch phase one can see and inch or two of growth every day. So if you only see them once a week it's no surprise the growth seems dramatic. That will pretty much end after the stretch phase is over. You're biggest problem is you're so crowded in there that some of the plants are going to suffer and be crowded out. You're talking about LSTing them but I don't see where you got the room to train them to in there.

I think ultimately you need to wait if you can until you know what you're working with for sure.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
thanks thanks a lot!

anyway I have been waiting now a bit and they look really female.. so I was probably just paranoid (I hope) Also grew ak48 before and never got a hermie.

the plants grew really OK (see pic)

I have another question

I think something is not good with my lsting .. the stem is so bent I'm sure this is bad for the roots?

(see pic)




and here is the pic of the current 'lst scrog' (2 plants) around week 4 of veg. I am getting way overcrowded..



the 2nd one is the more indica pheno and is one the left in pic 1.. probably will need to make it higher than the whitey sativa pheno

time 2 flower??? (I just wanted the lstet stems to get as big as possible)

theyre bit droppy have 2 water .. now it's day 4 without water .. also I've overferted a bit and now feeding plain water

I don't see anything in those pics that seem bad for the roots. If you take the time to do it carefully you can train plants into amazing shapes. The only thing you should worry about with training is if you actually break the stalk or branch you're training.

Yeah the ScrOG is looking pretty full. I agree, time to flower.
thanks again, I was a bit worried.
Ok this is the last thing I need to know (sorry hempkat , hope I'm not annoying, I'm noticing you're the only one replying these days here)

this is the way the taller one is bent.
I was thinking of removing the screen for the time of stretch , then putting it back again (I do it by myself so it's easy to make a new one)
Also because I'm sure the indica one will be shorter than the sativa 1. So I'd put the screen after end of stretch and rising the indica then.


I've watered them big , the right one hasn't recovered very good yet from overfert, but much better.
They've exploded again and it's time 2 flower. After stretch I will also put the branches more wide thru the screen (there is still width space).


They're now day 30.

I am seeing alternate nodes on the branches, but not on the main stems (weird?) , so I really want alternate nodes before I flower but they're getting too big.

Alternate nodes on branches don't matter?
Not yet on the main stem.


No problem and thank you for helping out someone in need. To be honest I'm not real up on the medical aspects because I'm not a medical user but I think most any strain will help people like your friend to some degree, so don't be too surprised you found something that satisfies your friend, right out of the gate. I think it's probably along the lines that most strains will do the trick but some will do better then others.

That's kind of my take on it too. I mean, when she said 'soothing' my first thought was... isn't that what most good weed does? Not to be a smart ass, I'm just sayin.
So yeah, I wasn't way surprised to find something that helps early on. I just felt good about being at least partly successful in the endevour relatively soon.
And thank you too for the time you put in helping out people here.


Was in the middle of a forest for few days with not much to do so I read first 40 pages of this thread or so on a mobile phone! Learned a lot so just wanted to pop in to say thanks to HempKat and all contributors. Don't have any questions but I'll be sure to drop in when something comes up.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
thanks again, I was a bit worried.
Ok this is the last thing I need to know (sorry hempkat , hope I'm not annoying, I'm noticing you're the only one replying these days here)

this is the way the taller one is bent.
I was thinking of removing the screen for the time of stretch , then putting it back again (I do it by myself so it's easy to make a new one)
Also because I'm sure the indica one will be shorter than the sativa 1. So I'd put the screen after end of stretch and rising the indica then.


I've watered them big , the right one hasn't recovered very good yet from overfert, but much better.
They've exploded again and it's time 2 flower. After stretch I will also put the branches more wide thru the screen (there is still width space).


They're now day 30.

I am seeing alternate nodes on the branches, but not on the main stems (weird?) , so I really want alternate nodes before I flower but they're getting too big.

Alternate nodes on branches don't matter?
Not yet on the main stem.

I'm not really sure on the alternating nodes on branches vs the main stalk, I don't recall ever having that situation but then again I mainly check the stalk. You don't have to wait for alternating nodes if the plants are getting too big. It's just advisable with plants from seeds if you don't want to wait a long time for the flowers to start showing once you go to 12/12.

Really ScrOGs should be done with clones because usually by the time they show sex they're pretty well woven into the screen and if one were to turn out male it would be a pain to remove. If you establish sex on a plant and then clone it, the clones will be considered mature the moment they root and so you don't have to wait for alternating nodes, you don't have to worry about sex and you can switch to 12/12 when you feel the plants are at the right size rather then having to wait for something else.

Now I've never actually done a ScrOG so I could be wrong but it is my understanding that you veg until about 2/3rds of the screen is full, then switch to 12/12 and during the stretch phase you continue to train the plants into the screen to fill the remaining third. You can remove the screen for stretch if you want but I'm thinking that might mess up the ScrOG.

No worries on asking multiple questions. There are some others here that chime in when they feel they have something to add or when there is a question I'm not familiar with.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Was in the middle of a forest for few days with not much to do so I read first 40 pages of this thread or so on a mobile phone! Learned a lot so just wanted to pop in to say thanks to HempKat and all contributors. Don't have any questions but I'll be sure to drop in when something comes up.

You're quite welcome. :)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
That's kind of my take on it too. I mean, when she said 'soothing' my first thought was... isn't that what most good weed does? Not to be a smart ass, I'm just sayin.
So yeah, I wasn't way surprised to find something that helps early on. I just felt good about being at least partly successful in the endevour relatively soon.
And thank you too for the time you put in helping out people here.

You're quite welcome also :)

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Mr HempKat

Do you think it's appropriate for a 51 y/o divorced single male, no kids, employed to devote so much time to the cultivation of this plant?

Mind you my job is propagating plants of a legal kind.

I guess I'm just a simple gardener.
Hello HempKat,

I just got a microscope as I am gonna chop in a week or 2. Not used a scope before to tell me when to chop, could you give me any advise or point me in the right direction. Ideally i wanna look at some pics so i can compare with mine.
Any help is appricated, your doing a great job on here thanks.

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