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Organizing this forum into subforums...


Active member
I'd like to organize this forum into subforums so ppl can find what they're looking for a bit easier.

What subforums would you like?

We could do ones like:
Lighting Systems
Electrical Systems
Air Conditioning/Ventilation Systems
Closet Systems

I'm sure you can come up with more good ideas. :)


Grow Clean.... Go Fast!
Well I think there still needs to be an area for the growroom design part, like actual layouts. That was what I first needed help with when I got here. The actual part list starting developing shortly after.


New member
It could be helpful. I spent a lot of time searching this forum looking for different ideas and a lot of the key words are in a lot different threads making it harder to find what I am looking for.

grow nerd

I think splitting up into or adding sub-forums would only add to the confusion. A lot of "sub-topics" overlap and in many cases would be difficult to place. I've probably spent as much time on the GR&E forum than just about all others combined, and I don't think there's so much activity that it's difficult to find what you're looking for w/o dividing.

Agreed with a previous poster that "tags" (like TCC) and a better search menu pop-up (again, like TCC) would be beneficial.


Active member
  • lighting
  • ventilation/heating/cooling
  • electrical & wiring
  • odor control
  • drainage
  • hydroponics
  • aeroponics
  • DWC
  • Ebb & Flow
  • NFT
  • shelving/storage
  • cabinet grows/enclosed spaces
  • closet growing
  • keep the link-o-rama & library of links stickied!
  • water treatment
  • water cooling
  • insulation/vapor barrier
  • stadium/vertical building & design
  • attic building & design
  • CO2 injection
  • building a cloner
  • remote controlling a grow/automated systems




Active member
A lot of the medical and legal forums have been split into sub-forums, or new forums/sub-forums added and it's a PITA. The mods keep moving good threads to obscure state forums and as soon as they do the thread dies.

Too many sub-forums is a bad idea! It fractures the community feeling and discourages discourse.



Overkill is under-rated.
I'm not a fan of subforums, as it tends to cut traffic to all of them.

That said, I do wish we had a forum for say, <1KW grows and another for bigger ones. I've got nothing against tent/closet/cab growers, but I think there are so many of them they should have their own forum.

I think a number of threads that get posted in here belong in other forums (and vice versa) but I guess moving threads is largely avoided.


I wouldn't want to see to many subforums, but it would be nice to have it split out with cabinets vs actual rooms.

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